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Holz's Army Training!

One of ET's most likable characters has returned, Quakecon champion Holz has rejoined idle all be it just for two weeks! Holz left the world of ET back in September to venture into the Estonian army, following in the footsteps of Galahad and Gazeta. You might still have to wait a year or two until Night goes into the army, but by then holz will back full time for the Estonian ET side!

You still float my boat!

Excited? You bet I am! Right now there is something in the air, last night saw 1088 people turn out for the return of mystic and along with it they turned out to see the topsy turvey fashion that competitive ET (except idle) is taking.

All eyes on Poland

This weekend ET's focus heads to Poland as some of ET's finest do battle for 2,500 Euros. All eyes are on German speaking zeroPoint for the victory, but in truth the competition is a long way from conclusive.

Its been a horrific week in Poland following a mining accident, its effects have spread across the country with sporting events called off and even rumours of sponsors pulling from PGA, but the gaming must go on with international eyes on Poznan this weekend, and ET once again.

Yawspeed change in config

As everyone knows now CB and now also ''Europe'' changed yawspeed from 140 to 0. But why is that?

* Increase fight against some automated scripts New
cl_yawspeed EQ 0

What does it do? Yawspeed determines the speed of the turn-movement. A 200 yawspeed player will turn slightly faster with arrows then a 180 yawspeed player. 0 Yawspeed reduced the turning speed to zero a.k. players can't move with arrows.

All games like cod/cod2/quake allow yawspeed between 0-200, but ET just changed it.

Who rules the roost?

Listening to my Oasis albums this morning and reminiscing over the glory days of Whats the Story..?, I tripped across the question of the power struggle. Back in the early 1990's it was Oasis vs Blur, Blackburn Rovers vs Man Utd, and things today are just as feisty. Clanbase, undoubtedly the dominant force in ET over the past years are suddenly facing stiff competition from the ESL and their prizemoney competitions.

The ET Dilemma

A lot has been writen in the past two weeks about why or why CoD 2 might or might not become the next big shot in esports. Carmac referred to Enemy Territory as the game that has tried to become big and has failed.

Pull the Trigger!

Speedlink Trigger talks to Crossfire about how where and why the CoD scene has been in such a state of flux competitively, despite one of the most active competitive scenes.

Getting Serious at Wonderbase

This weekend is the first major test of the new Serious Gaming lineup, they travel to Gothenburg for Wonderbase and now the world awaits.

They sit on the edge of being the first team to mount a challenge to the hedgemony that has dominated Call of Duty for years, this new best of the rest team have driven a wedge between Dignitas and Speedlink, one which very few could dating all the way back to Eurocup 10.

Where are you going?

'The times they are a-changing'. Bob Dylan wrote this in 1963, and today that is no less true. Some have argued that ET is at a turning point. At crossroads (and now dont picture you Britney Spears, but picture Homer Simpsons on an airplane reading The Economist ).But is this the case? And if so, where are we going? More importantly, where are you going?

Xfire's Evolution

While the transition you will have seen from xfire 2 to xfire 3 was a swift one in terms of being one site one day and another the next, behind the scenes and as aluded to in a previous column, the site has gone through some pretty drastic changes of skin in the past few months. With the new site not live back in September, I was purposefully guarded and skimmed a lot of details in my [url=http://www.crossfire.
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