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Simplistic maps – a blessing or a curse?

Looking at current map pools you often recognize braundorf and adlernest as part of them. But what makes them so popular for competitive gaming? There is an easy answer: they are fast and you don’t have to develop individual tactics. That’s why 2-weeks-clans are able to learn these maps as fast as they die again. In addition, these maps are often played by mixed teams, cause they are that easy to play.

Poetry In Motion

It is the very complexities of our genre that hinder its acceptance into the eSports world, but it is the very complexities of our genre that make the game so hard to resist its lure.

New ET 2on2 Ladder - and now?

When you read through the esl forums, the first requests on a 2on2 Ladder started 2 years ago. As we have found an active adminteam to manage all the stuff and rules, we are now going to get everything ready to present the first ESL 2on2 Ladder for Enemy Territory.

The Config
As long as we have not published any 2on2 config, the Xfire.be & ESL 3on3 config will be used in every match.

The Ladder

EuroCup Final - idle vs ND

It's been but a month since the last EuroCup semi final, that somewhat anti-climatic penultimate encounter between Northern Darkness and riZe Gaming. But what a month it's been. The shock announcement of Quakecon, Crossfire LAN and what some claim the brink of a Third World War in the Middle East. As Renee Alstead [almost] famously sang, "What A Difference A Month Makes."

JakaZc is back from his jollies, it's time to crack on with the Enemy Territory action.

Let me accuse you of cheating

This afternoon the cheating accusations sunk to a new low, when a long term clan mate woke up to read Yawn.be and decided that was proof enough to turn on his for former team mate.

Portugese League frolicking

Ok. So they beat us in the football. But you know what? It doesn't matter, and i'll tell you why. 2 nights ago I witnessed one of the most memorable games of ET in my entire life. Forget Eurocup finals. Say goodbye to quakecon. I'm talking major league style here, in a game which had absolutely everything - you name it, it had it.

So then, the match in question:

Interview With CB Adacore

Interview done by stewie on Radio iTG show Luger Frag. Download it here

Typed on the fly so allow for inaccuracies.


Who are you & what do you do at CB?

I’m Adacore, I’m 21 I live in England and I’m currently working as the EuroCup supervisor for ET.

You now represent the entire ET CB staff…


Do you still think what CB does is worth it?

The ClanBase European Ladder is broke…

…and always has been.

We’ve gone from putting up with to indifference. The ClanBase European Ladder is broke and nobody cares.

The CB admins don’t – if they did we’d see them being proactive in fixing it.
The community doesn’t – if we did we’d be hounding the CB admins to fix it.

Trial expires

Ever since raza coded the most recent software for the site, Crossfire has been running a tournament for the top clans in ET, and over that period, we've gathered some interesting observations - things that only come via experience.

It's always nice to share what goes on behind the scenes with you, the public, who only get to see the end product 99% of the time. Let's give you the story so far:

Confronting Clanbase

Interview has taken place
Now that FlyingDJ has left iTG, I am to take over Lugerfrag. And for the next episode I am contacting Adacore to talk about the recent critiques on Clanbase. This interview will not be live, as Adacore is leaving for a holiday to Croatia for 2 weeks on Friday. The interview will take place tommorow. Therefore I am asking you, if you have something to say to Clanbase, do it now, or forever hold your silence.
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