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Lets change the game!

Before you start writing your first comment, don`t get the topic wrong! I will not talk about any changes in the system, mappool or the rules, I have just wrote up some things which would just help, but we need people who start with them, like it happend in the summer 2005, when the quakecon announced their games, the toFOUR cup was running and when we had the most ClanBase OpenCup signups and activity overall.

Part One: If u become pro!

Game On: Special Edition

Game On Special Edition



In continuum to my previous work in the highly abstract world of hitcodes, I've set up a server to experiment out the effects of such an idealised game. It is my hope that this column will help to explain and debate on the following list of changes:

-Screen Shake

Quakecon does it again!

Prior to Quakecon I made many posts about how wonderful Quakecon is, how unique it is and how important it is in the gaming calender.


The word bootcamp is spouted around like its going outta fashion. "Team X has been bootcamping with somebody good for a week now, they will be great now", why will they be good? What magical occurance happens at these bootcamps?

Crossfire live from Quakecon!

So Quakecon is now underway in earnest! It is Day 1 and whilst there are no matches being played today, there has still been plenty of action!

Qcon 2006: The prologue

Quakecon 2006...

Some months ago, nobody thought Quakecon would have another edition. Finding a good location to settle a big amount of gamers was the problem because housing into the previous Qcon location was far from possible.

Crossfire heads to Quakecon!

This weekend sees Quakecon playing host to ET for the second time, but second time around things are different!

This column will tackle issues with the Crossfire Quakecon team, and the future of Crossfire and why the coming months are exciting times to be in this community.

Quakecon is coming...

Christmas comes but once a year and whilst Santa is working hard for December, its time to go to the North Pole of Texas...DALLAS!
Theres something special about Quakecon that for Wolfenstein players, rivals that of Christmas, whether its the salt in the burgers or the heat out side, Quakecon never fails to bring out the best in our beloved genre.

Its a matter of trust!

This has had me concerned for quite some time, but does seem to be a worrying trend occurring. I don't know if this has been present in the community since its origin, I do unfortunately believe it probably has and will continue.
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