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CB ladders - Nostalgia or Reality?

Since the introduction of KOTH, which stands for King Of The Hill appearently, there have been 2(?) matches to rate the top of ET. The founders of this well advertised system are claiming this is the number one feature the community needs in order to measure the top clans. *end of sarcastic spoiler*

'Top' rated clans

America - Land of hope and glory?

America is huge. From size of landmass to girth of stomach, the most powerful nation on the planet exercises control of pretty much everything she sees fit. Moving from McFries to computer chips, all the big players in the game have all traditionally come from the states. Yet somehow, when it comes to ET, America just hasn't got it worked out.

Rivatuner and the case of the hypocrits

Rivatuner or "REEVATOONA" as it is known in the depths of London, made famous by being used by RazZ and now its the flavour of the month, so once again, let me play devils advocate.

Missing charisma?

If I'd asked Nellie before writing this, he would have said I was simply living in the past, however as this Eurocup season continues one must ask who cares?

Quakecon 2006 - Time for a new model?

March 22nd 2005, Quakecon ten is announced. Celebrating a decade of peace, love and rockets. The oldschool lan gears up for its testimonial year and celebration of all things ID Software, but could this be the last we see of Quakecon in the format its become known and loved for?


As I already been posting in the other 'changing' threads, I would like to tell you guys my point (straight to the point righty).


I think the pronedelay is a bad solution for the guys who always prone in a 1on1. People that used it to hide in the game or just to take cover now have to suffer because people that couldn't win a normal 1o1 had to prone.

I don't even understand why it has been disabled, because proners are so easy to kill, its just part of the game.

ET Objectivism

I just couldn't resist.

There are two kinds of people; those who fear changes and those who accept that changes are needed as long as we quest for an ideal. In our case, we should define our ideal game by means of a simple and elegant description.
QuoteTo create a competitive context where higher skilled players will always win over lesser skilled players or tend to a draw for equally skilled opponents.

Lets make ET watchable

Since the current gameplay of manny clans is based on weapons, which are not balanced for the current clans, its about thinking, what we can make different for the upcoming cups.

ET is unskilled? No matter. To make the game more balanced again and to stop using medics to be more protected than anyone else, removing the helmetprotection again will make it more skilled.

Who isnt hacking?

A debate I keep myself usually quite far away from has plagued my mind recently whilst reading xfire. A couple of days go by and a new allegation is thrown at someone for cheating. Is cheating really as bad as the xfire journal section suggests?

Hacking, whos business is it anyway?

Hackers come and hackers go. And for once I think I might just play devils advocate for a group of people for whom I have no time for (except for the time required to write this column).

I'd like to use the example of RazZ as this is the most recent, however I'm not assigning guilt, nor pointing a finger in his direction, as I am completely out of the loop on this scenario.
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