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ET needs attention

Would you think it was cool if Enemy Territory was played at ESWC, WCG, CPL or WEG? Would you think it would be nice to watch Four Kings vs. Schroet Komandos in ET? If you answered yes to these questions, you might want to read this column.

ETTv Overkill?

As a rule more coverage is good, but there’s always a limit. ET simply doesn’t have a large enough scene to keep everyone interested as things stand.

I’d use this term to express the current state of ETTv, it’s oversaturated. There’s simply too much of it devaluing the games being shown. Once ETTv were regarded as the pinnacle of Enemy Territory, the highlight of that weeks matches.

PB md5 / ETPro version solutions

*UPDATE* If you update the CB config and servers ETPro you should be able to play no problem!

Ok well I've experienced a similar problem to many other people theres a few ways this could be problematic for you so here are a few issues and possible solutions:

The easiest way to get playing may be deleting the corresponding etpro archive and downloading the pk3 from the server again, this depends on the server setup, but it should work if your game is setup 'nicely'.

The future of RTCW map conversions?

Everyone here will no doubt have sampled a RTCW map at some point in the past, be it through in Wolf itself, or by playing one of the many map conversions to ET. Such were the popularity of maps such as mp_base and mp_beach, that the ET versions were also played in competition, in some cases extensively. While these maps continue to be played in competitions as recent as the 2005 CB Wolf Opencup, the question remains: how much longer are their lives in ET?

#Talk.ET Exclusive - mesqjeh Interview

#Talk.ET - Home of the Talk ET 6v6 Cup - Starting Soon - Sponsored By FPS Clanservers - www.FPS.net - www.TalkET.com

I caught up with Rewind.ET's mesqjeh for an Exclusive Interview for #Talk.ET.

MesQ1's Introduction:

Map Shots & Qtracker

Brief info: Qtracker is a nice program much like that excuse called ASE, with the difference that qtracker actually works well..blah blah. It's one of those things which people aren't too willing to try as they've got the bog-standard approach working fine, but once they've tried it there 'ain't no goin back :O>.


m_pitch, and a planned countermeasure

Dear xfire readers,

EC - Who Would You Invite?

A week! This Sunday ClanBase will finally invite the teams to the twelfth inaugural Eurocup, the fourth for Enemy Territory. Eurocup is the most prestigious tournament in Europe - regardless of the game it’s held in high esteem and the highlight of any players career. This being only the second Enemy Territory Eurocup offering a purse - a total of $15000

Xfire and other games

As recently brought up gB3 in his journal HERE xfire will have to move on at some point to the next game, as it did from RTCW to ET, that was a seemless transition that was rather logical, however the next step is not as much so.

How to challenge for the Gamersdatabase ET cup

About 5 days ago I emailed all the clans wich are in the GD ET cup. I emailed all the admins but as it appears not a lot have read or checked their email so I've decided to make a column and put the gist of the email here again. First of apologies for any lack of information from our side. Due to me being sick for a couple of weeks unblind had to do a lot on his own.

Secondly, all the wars must be played with the Global 6v6 Config and not the GD one.
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