Oldschool Superstars

image: osmini

Presenting the Oldschool Superstars the movie, made by myself - staring numerous oldschool and known players in the community such as Mystic, mAus, butchji.
Primary Mirror

Beta-Gaming FTP by IceQ

1st stream @own3d.tv

2nd stream vimeo by duude

United Kingdommztik
Czech Republicmarv

This project took me around 3 months after I was sent a lot of demos on IRC and crossfire, from my forum post. Thank you to everyone who sent me demos or messaged me about the fragmovie itself. It was fun to make and I hope you enjoy watching.

Special thanks goeas to beAsty and his great ftp! (bestmail.ws)

image: dfzxdfsdf
downloading :)
senji isn't estonian
stream link!

senji is from germany h3h3h3
should be good
inb4 worse than omg maus omg

i sincerely hope it'll be better
Yesterday i bet maus becouse he dont think
hehe :-)
stream or gtfo
why not use some mediafire shit or sth?
maus and butchji oldschool, nah
mystic yes!
butchji not oldskool ?
Weird to be considered oldschool. For me oldschool is someone like Juhan. :>
imo you are even if you was not that know when you played with ur old pc and didnt shoot headsmots yet.. ;P
yea i agree, but i think its impossible to make a movie with players like Juhan, and other from gs dsky etc because they are not active anymore :(
dsky never had great aimers anyway, their success was based on teamwork
Member For: 1 year, 5 months and 5 days
Member For: 2 years, 6 months and 0 days
Member For: 6 years, 1 month and 1 day

oh fuck nvm

he is still a random anyway
i don't need to be known to point out you are nobody
oh god -.-
I didn't understand why you called him a random !
because he is.. ? :D put it this way, I've been browsing crossfire and gamestv regularly for years now and the only thing I've ever seen from him is comments about how old his cf acc is and how killerboy will never bust him (even though nobody in the community thinks he is a cheater, killerboy specifically). I guess he's played a couple times in the last 2 years @ oc premier or something but is that really stop him from being random? does it really? :D 0x NC, 0x EC, but he thinks having an old account means something. grats to him for playing OC for 6 years anyway 8]
hmm well, I fully respect your opinion ! but I think he's a nice guy despite what he's been doing/saying on crossfire ^^ (I didn't witness such behaviour though)
every 5th comment by him is replying to someone about cf acc age :) can't comment about him on comms/ingame because I never focus on what people type during matches.
fair enough :-)
im making a movie that has a lot of those old dsky/gs/broken guys
Vizir is master toss! Squall just told me that today
did u enjoed ur frag yhis time?:)
i think he was considered a kid back in 06 :p
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

Comment cleanup, new mirror added.
thanks for delete

+ lol about MAINNEWS
oldschool, really?

also, who's montage
stream or gtfo
i just know 6 people :-D
hi drv4c oldskool allstar
when stream?
danone )D
Hum... Any other mirror? Megaupload says : "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
you are like a machine producing movies :D Hope it is better than the previous one!

its worse :P
really? :| expected the last one to be better.. somehow you make me remember 400hz...producing a movie every month, but ofc you are alot better than him..but still i feel like you have the potencial to be a good moviemaker, although you don't waste enough time!

Either way it's better than nothing :)
stream or gtfo (rlly just 10% who watches will actually download )
Quote by samAelBelgium mAus

Near 50% than your 10%.
lol, just cuz ur a maus fanboy (even ur name shows that) doesnt mean every1 elese will waste time downloading a random movie, stream is important .
1- I'm not a fanboy, really...
2- When I started playing, I didn't know "mAus", I just checked a random nick... coincidence !
3- u mad, 'cause I'm right ?
1. "Ok" "Maws" ":D"
2. i dont care, ur name sounds like it and u did a fanboy comment, ergo ur a fanboy.
3. no, and ur not right , sry : / few ppl will watch it if there is no stream. but ey gl download i dont care.
dude it's just 500MB, downloading for a minute or 2 really that bad?? :/
YES, i got colombian innternet, sorry ur argument is invalid.
ur previous comment just completely proves ur a fanboy -- stop denying it.
and this one proves you are a retard
dont bother denying it
shouldnt you still be sucking on mothers tits?

he played back in 2005 n 2006 so?
stfu moron
idd. miss the players like Austria rapture, Hungary fobje Poland nurs Poland gotti :<
and silver special alea bob :pppppppppppp

and saintt!
united5 fanboy :D?
SpeciaL is a noob!

.fa.ABK > *
denied sir!

on the SpeciaL part. rachael was the true noob :DDDDDDD
how can you deny this.

.fa. > u5

i denied the special is a noob part :< he was pretty goot!
fatal attraction was better tho! :>

radea? :p
U5 isn't oldschool.
okay 2005-6 pretty newschool idd
ye he played in stazi when u didnt even know whats et i believe :D?
he did, but he wasn't a superstar back then, that's why he shouldn't be in this movie
you trolled them :P
Need GZA, Raziel, mAx, Ganon, Shewie, pumu, Tsu, EmoreJ, L3thal (the french ex-captain), ...
gaz3ta is ownage :D

One of the best fops this game has ever seen.
rofl I was looking for the "like" button :D
lol, he invented the spamming which fops do nowadays with u96d :D
you dont say
nothing special with pumu, h3hh3h3h3 pwned :p
ye but oldschool :(
I'm sure he has some nice frag somewhere hidden :D
<3 marvje!!!
MU link down? :o
no, just try again
true, working now! =D
stream or gtfo

He was a cheater and flamer. He never ever deserves to be there
80kB/s w8 for stream or other mirror ;(
what the fuck is Italydanone doing in the video?!?!?
especially the irish flag he got there :DDD
best be good, considering artstar lost a lot of frags to you ;)
I doubt it, theres much ettv matches
get it on own3d.tv
stream iz waiting for approve
no potter no oldschool !
mam nadzieje ze tym razem sie porzadnie postarales..

sciagam, ale biada tobie jezeli okaze sie ze odawliles chale ;d
Estonia elps ?!
none french
Dowload Limite exceeded OH YEAH

And delete maus lol, he's oldskool but no oldskool hero. Newskool hero :|
hard to find demos of raziel imo
just get his fragmovies 0_o
what the hell is he going to do with his fragmovies?

gezeta :D
idk just owning :D
some nice quotes in your profile
:( what's wrong with them
Shame on Italy Danone who doesn't deserve to be in the same list with such real oldschoolers.
your best movie so far :)
I don't even want to imagine how bad the other ones are then...
direct link and i can set up a mirror.

drop me a pm
no diablos no win :DDD
frags werent that good tbh :/ dissapointed
I think those are the most beautiful oasis settings I've seen so far. Now I want to play ET again. :&
Another one already?! :o
yea but all fragmovies are a waste. i dont really get this guy hes so fcking stupid.
cool.. downloadin!
intense esports on it?
way better then last movie
EstoniaHolz ?!?!?!
2004/5 is oldschool maybe 06 at a push
I think most of these frags are from that time though I could be wrong, mine was made in 2005 if I recall correctly.
Terrible movie, I don't like flaming people most of the time. But that movie was so fucking bad I feel I have to... Just delete it from everything

EDiT: Forgot to mention that I'm not sure about the Estonia Senji ;)
i guess im not downloading then.
+1, was struggling to watch it
Not only the frags are boring and old but your movie making skills are also out of date :Pppp
old frags in and oldskool players movie? CANT BE
PFFF just flame this moviemaker already !! new old frags in a older than old new movie !!!
did i mention............ OLD ! & BORINGGGGGGG & OLD ohhh and boringggggggggggg
you're just jealous cause you're not in it and you think of yourself you're mister awesome oldschool skiller :)

conclusion : shitface :) get flashed on backlot
sup3r has my config
in my trashbin :)
you mean the frags are old as in oldschool or old because you've already seen them?
Old as i was the 6th guy cut out of the scenes that finished them all off :S

When looking at the list of names i was expecting better frags but i guess the bad movie editing made them look boring, after seeing this movie im sure, AL1 is the best Etplayer of all times.
I played since the game is out and don't remember you or know you at all.
How's that possible, we should hug to get to know eachother better :S
I was thinking something more sexual, but thats fine :D
i so agreeeeee
front page
Was ok, but that flashing thingy that happend late in the movie @grush was really annoying :P
Atleast mystic managed to get the knife kill there on Oasis!
I see what you did there
Are these death animations some mandatory shit in some software or why are people using that crap in their movies? :p

Using the song from eSrael's movie kinda ruined it for me btw :(
uvmoviemod it is

image it is
there is 2 beta versions of image-et.ee (image-et is a recording tool with dof, motionblur and some other stuff for ET).

the latest beta have this animations which as you can see they are clearly bugged. they won't be fixed, the coder doesn't have time for now to work at image-et.
For all the haters, they can use the other version. The only difference it's mainly the animations and "own frags" style..
Baffling to me why anyone would use the latest beta then. Looks horrible :P
If I was making a movie I wouldn't sacrifice the death animations for the sake of the frag text or motion blur or anything like that tbh.
really? It doesn't really bother me anymore...it starts looking normal for me, plus i think moviemakers are not using it properly.. there is alot of stylish cameras that could be done to atleast enjoy the good of it xD
boring frags
some random(ness) in there,
good movie tough!
nice movie :)
WTB Niedzowiedz, nrs, Polarka and the likes.
imo nice effort,but some effects just bleed my eyes and the brightness is simply ugly...

but in the end a nice movie :)

good luck with the next one
Need stream!
no Speedy Bozar?!?!?!? :D

btw next time stream it before making news!!!
megaupload pls?
Hoped for Linuxer0 ^^
I actually agree with this, I like his movie too :D
add on youtube because I was still downloading 4 days ;(
miss myself ":D"
torrent plz or gtfo
Too similar to the euro community movie you made, some nice frags in there but overall not that exciting. You can tell it is a rushed effort and the flow of the movie is not very well considered.
Netherlands Kris

my idol :P
No FinlandTiigeri :(

Nice movie tho
i always wonder why i never see some of the kills i've seen maus do on ettv when i was sat there gaping at the screen in astonishment in any of the movies he stars in (same goes for mystic)
senji is not estonian :DDDDDDDDDD
I enjoyed this, people on crossfire are just semi-retarded and flame everything.

Though there could have been more sync, especially with the infected mushroom song ( Love the album where you got the song from, try sa'eed, it's even better ). And a tiny note, my frag has already been used in Interlude by Fredd, but bleh ;)
who the fuck are you
Someone who achieved 10x as much as you mizebro.
what u achieved

And Iron likes me, therefore whatever you flame shall be futile!
yeah yeah enough with the mystery talk
no Estonia Night!!!!?? WTF IS THIS
good movie:) download:d
nice thx u
didnt like this movie
Nice loads better than "This is ET"
enjoyed the movie style
nice performance by CS4F1
who have premium account for me plz ?
Like it,cheers mate :)
thnx fdor stunning frag:)
Add 2 streams @ post.
putting a cheater in the movie, when he prolly was cheating during those frags. N1

And he isnt oldschool nor he was even good. Semi decent med player.
For the next movie :P
Try to edit the frags with the music maybe take some other music, I personally hate this music but everyone has his own taste

But that movie was ok
next movie will be diffrent :P
was boring :S ... was really hoping it would be good
I wouldnt include mAus in an oldschool superstar movie tbh :P

look at teams like u96d/parodia, roistot, old dignitas, one4one , junk52 , rewind, gunslingers etc....
I only hated the screen shakes and that you took the starting music from some other well known movie, cant remember atm but im sure :D
Nice movie samAel.

Srry that i dont have any demo's from StaZi^ and others but nice movie

i love kevin :-)
basically frags + music without any sync/effects (ok there is that cancereye screenshake). Try to put some work into your movies coz you are wasting superb frag material.
main news..

e: senji with a estonian flag, what a dumb polak
Already used music in mesq & lio.
fucking retard
rnade in 1:40ish looks like a sperm
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring
+ fucking 1
Yes i've seen it a few times, i think i have it on my harddrive @ home. I just love the epic fail with the cov ops on supply, at least if its on that movie ^^
It's in there yeah :D I didn't know there was some kind of distance thingy involved when blowing a satchel :D

now that is streamed i can say tbh i find it boring.
good efford tho.
I hoped to see more oasis frags :/
sorry to say this, but it sucked :( You shouldn't rush with these movies because you ruin many awesome frags. The fact that you did this for 3 months doesn't seem to be enough.
+ nice frags
+ nice idea
+ good players

- some rape actions
- too many players with short actions
- danone :XD
can someone link me to gza´s fragmovie(s) havent seen it for a while and i cba looking for it
Lun4t1C pm'd me that i should watch this vid because its awesome..
he made you loose 8 mins of your life !
I didn't watched it yet.. :)
lol, hi Jehuty <3
Hi mate! <3

I'm bored... wanne play a nice fps again.
Well, I've been pubbing ET a lot the last year, but kinda stopped with that, no idea why:P

Now there's nothing left:(

ET 5on5 isn't really my thing either :(
just play it!
Most Boring Fragmovie 2011
Finnish bitch
Shut the fuck up nigger.
I fucking hate you! Heard you quit because you're to useless. Exitium still pwnin tho!
thefinest > exitium any day. period
W/e man I don't play this shit game anymore with the shit nerds and this SHIT pds
You seem upset.
CS4F1!!!Fuck yeah!!!
song name of the outro
Great I wanna play 6on6 noW :E
that was one hell of a boring movie, expected more tbh...
First of all the music is absolutely out of date you need to change your music style.
Quality isnt so bad but still.. As I can see, you can improve your moviemaking skills, as you have much time for movies (as I can see lol) you can improve a lot.

Would love to see this movie made by agon, fredd or max.

regards, setUp from Portugal.
everytime I open crossfire I see my name :D
Stop trying to produce a fuck-tonne of movies... You are just taking decent frags and wasting them on what is effectively a good quality demo+mp3.. It's just boring now, get some frags, sit down and spend a good couple of months on a movie instead of rushing them all..
unwatchable... again..
seeing ramiN/secoNd in a movie really makes me miss the old times :(
seriously stop making movies, your shit at it. almost got eye cancer
did not like
For those flaming this movie so badly, try to explain to me why it is so bad (decent arguments, not just random flame), because I don't know ANYTHING about moviemaking and to me this didn't look so bad.

The frags were average, but everyone was aiming average back then :), the sound wasnt completely in sync (for me at least) and some special effects were bad, but I wouldnt say the movie is shit, I'd still give it a 6/10 while you are all destroying it.

But again, I don't know anything about moviemaking.
there r some nice comments too :P

dont care bout some little haters n kiddos like kiewan knas etc :D
but everyone was aiming average back then?
Compared to now, everyone was aiming average back then

now there are random medskilled polaks that aim better than some of the highskillers back then
when was back then? 2003?

Ofcourse there are exceptions
i think pretty much everyone are still aiming average
but now there are random medskilled euros that aim above average and are consired to be highskilled because of that
I think its the other way around

there are random polaks that aim like gods but are braindead so still medskilled :)
yes, accept it, ur shit

not nice : (
Just playin hombre
torspo was pretty good :P
Im just joking Luke :p
Quotehe sound wasnt completely in sync (for me at least)

Jesus christ, dude. If you really didn't notice that this movie is completely out of sync I don't see the point of explaining you why this movie is so bad.
I think you can't read
Oh god...:D
he said he didnt had any knowledge about moviemaking

so yeh, ur comment is stupid
Needs some France freek
again making a lot of advertising for a bad movie, next time we should inform BBC about ensam's new fraps movie..
stop watching after saw senji got a estonian flag !
still missing few players in that list.
Old frags, already used music, senjis flag, annoying screenshakes, boring music and editing.

This movie just doesn't have the flow.
want hd mkv ....
I really like this movie, reminds me of some cod4 movies. Good job!
hm.. i liked to see some old(er) frags and i liked the music + sync ( even when its not perfect)

but.. the death animations are just wierd and the use of the shoutcasts was kinda useless

also would be nice to have more of the old superstars ( like the first 2-3 ecs) + frags from that time
the sync of sound and video easy to handle with vlc :)
quite enjoyed it
but your best movie was templar
great song from Matrix, Navras is the chosen one :)
Could be better if it had moar spam frags in it
gotta agree
next time do the wannabe superstars movie

you have more players there :)
nice movie :p
the problem with oldschools is that they played in times of low+. Most of those "back on time superheroes" (except for the classic known ones) that continued playing nowadays are med players, retired or known for what they did in 2005 against total newbies in a new game.

They played on a time when the game wasn't completely exploited, where you could still do some tricks or choose some positions and surprise.

Thats why I see no sense to this movies, the best player from 2004/5/ couldn't compete with the best player nowadays, they are miles away. Still find funny this term "oldschool".
QuoteThats why I see no sense to this movies,[...]

still I see no sense for writing those comments
Congratulations, you discovered the "issue" with every single sport in the history of mankind.
I didn't know ET was a sport ... except if you sweat like a fatpig when you play it
I have not claimed that et is a sport, which it isnt. Further, you did not address the issue I brought up so I assume that you agree with me. Thus nullifying whatever point you tried to make in your initial post.
Did he initially talk once about sport ? no, then my point is legit and you know it, but the way you replied to me just proved me what I wanted to know. Anyway, nothing would surprise me from someone whose former nickname was "godchild"=)
Your point is legit? Yes of course it is; which I also addressed if you read what I wrote again. My point however is that it was a pointless thing to mention as I in no way said the opposite.
and speaking like the average Renaissance burgess won't make you look any smarter

we are on crossfire, not in class
This is the language I'm accustomed to use (I'm not 16 anymore). I'm not claiming superiority by it. This is however irrelevant to what we were discussing. Since you didn't address it this time around either I take it you understand my explanation?
Yes I did understand your explanation, but you know, what happens to be irrelevant for one, can be relevant to another, has it ever occured to you ?.

And yes I know you're not 16 anymore (thanks god)

again, we're on a gaming website, and I wouldn't be the only thinking you've been speaking to me in patronizing tones :c, then excuse me if I'm wrong ...

besides, the "language" you're used to is the kind of language I'd hear and use in any serious companies, but is this still relevant here haha ?
Yes but as you brought it up in a reply to one of my posts I can only assume it is aimed towards me. And you can never get enough practice in using proper language; makes it easier to do the transition when needed.
Wow, you really failed at putting together a nice "Old School" line up rofl.

Not even gona bother watching it considering you're a shit movie maker.
Horrendous screenshakes but good for me to discover some too-oldschool-for-me players
Hahahha, upload it to comedy central!!
oldschool would be the movie if the players would prone instead of crouch ;)
Quite bad movie.

Obviously ET and it's players must have evolved like hell, if everyone thinks that these are low/med aimers and frags. These guys here are the legends (most of them) and you people are just random nobodies with shitty attitude.
too many pointless frags i.e. after 3-4 kills the player dies followed by an enemy medic just revives all the killed enemies.
Radagast... wut ;{}
Still wondering who that guy was! ;-D
lol I though it was you for some time
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