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The final battle!

image: etcupbannerly2

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the last #ET-Cup Final ever(?).

It will be a clash between two equally skilled teams, two teams who have never met before - at least not with this lineup composition.Both teams have got Eurocup experience - one some more so then the other. One team was formed more than a year ago and the other just some months ago. One team was recently in the headlines for not going to CDC 4 and the other for reaching 5th in the recent Eurocup!

Every single visitor with an IQ above the average and good scene knowledge, should know about who I am talking about. Yeah, your guess is right; We got the strong polish powerhouse Poland Authentic-Gaming who will fight against the nearly all croatian side Croatia Cortana.

#ET-Cup says "Goodbye"

image: img_dfca2c662230d8bf3f7f16cbc1a99717

My dream came true... In early September 2005, I worked hard and resolutely for something that was maybe not achievable.

The goal?l An ET-Cup with 16 of Europe's finest teams and I was well on the way to get them all.
To make things short; It was a good piece of craftsmanship but the cup was great and it was Germany 141 who immortalised themselves to the ET-Cup history books and became the first winners of this prestigeious event.

You know what happened within the last 2 or so years - the 1 man band grew to a crew of up to 9 people. We have done 30 Cups and I hope everyone, spectator-or playerwise, enjoyed at least one of those events.

Now the time has come to an end and unfortunately, I have to announce that it is time to say Goodbye...

But we dont wanna go quietly, far from it! We wanna say Goodbye with a big bang!

Thus we would appreciate it if you and your team are ready for one last shot at the title and become the final team to be crowned with the ET-Cup trophy.

Due to the fact that the EuroCup as well as the OpenCup are @ the Playoff stage, I hope you are all able to reserve one/two days a week for a Cupmatch!

× 6v6 Mode
× 8 Groups of 4 teams
× 1-2 Matches per week
× Start: Monday, 26th November 2007
× End: 15th January 2008
× Mappool:
- Sw_Goldrush_te
- Supply Depot 2
- Braundorf_b4
- Radar
- Bremen_b2

To Sign Up, all you need to do is head over to the ET-Cup Signup Page, register a few details and idle in #ET-Cup

We would also like to know what you would like the 6th map to be. It's your choice! Please give us your opinions either on a comment or /q SPU9

Thank's for all the support - thanks to HeLLkn1ght for the banner, and good luck in the competition!!

ET-Cup Homepage

#30 ET-Cup - Standings

During my short-dated holidays in Portugal Portugal last week the 30th ET-Cup was under way. The Cup went smooth - except for some Groups all first and second Matches were played in time. Hence we got some very exciting fights to be played within the next 4 days.

But before I continue with posting the games I ll write you a short summery from the ET-Cup proceeding.

[img|left]http://www.et-cup.net/images/banner/groupalpha.jpg[/img] Okey lets start with Group Alpha: With 4 matches to go and no clear number one on the grid paper this is definitely one of those groups which can go either way. Surely most of the Community members will see Europe SRP as the unbeatable Nr. 1 in this group - but nobody knows how good the
Europe HardMethod-gaming side can play against those known names since they haven`t played a single match. Besides Belgium finest and Norway tacky can both take the first place by beating their opponents.

image: groupbeta Group Beta offers us a different situation. Germany Highbot is on top after winning against Europe n1ce and Poland overdose-Gaming it seems that none of their opponents is fit to hold a candle to them. Personally I am a bit disappointed about the United Kingdom Aim on Head performance since I am a big fan of this "old" team.
But they have a last chance to finish this Cup with a happy end - so AOH! show us what you are made of and beat the odds by winning against the strong German Highbot side.

[img|left]http://www.et-cup.net/images/banner/groupcharlie.jpg[/img] Lo and behold! Netherlands Kreaturen is on bottom of
Group Charlie. Against all presumptions they lost their first game versus a strong Europe team massacre side.
But no worry - I think they will find their right team play and we will see a all new primal instinct in the top battle
Netherlands Kreaturen vs. Netherlands OVERLOAd on Monday. If OVERLOAd will win this match they ll likely take the 1st spot and the other 2-3 teams will tremble for the lucky 2nd spot to ensure themselves a place among the last 8 teams in the playoffs.

image: groupdelta Last but not least the standings in Group Delta:
Europe Dignitas is obviously the best team in this group. Unfortunately Portugal K1ck eSports Club had to forfeit 2 of their 3 matches thus the winner of Europe Team <[o]> and
Europe dark & beyond will take the 2nd place. Only Sunday can tell us who is the better team ;)

Okay thats for now - (all other games are in the schedule list on the Cup page):

image: game3191 Belgium fine57 vs. Europe HardMethodGaming
Date: Sunday, 2nd September
Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: Bremen_b2, Radar
ETTv: GamesTv.org

[img|left]http://www.gamestv.org/buttons/game3196.png[/img] United Kingdom Aim on Head vs. Germany HighBot
Date: Sunday, 2nd September
Time: 20:45 CET
Maps: Bremen_b2, Radar
ETTv: GamesTv.org

image: game3195 Netherlands overload vs. Netherlands Kreaturen
Date: Monday, 3rd September
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: Supply Depot, Radar
ETTv: GamesTv.org

[img|left]http://www.gamestv.org/buttons/game3201.png[/img] Germany Geh Ab vs Europe team massacre
Date: Monday, 3rd September
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Supply Depot, Radar
ETTv: GamesTv.org

image: game3202 Poland Overdose-Gaming vs. Europe n1ce.it
Date: Monday, 3rd September
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Bremen_b2, Radar
ETTv: GamesTv.org

Once again I want you and your teams to check the full schedule on our cuppage - and if there are wrong matchdays/times I would appreciate it if you can pm me the right ones.
Thx in advance and good lucky & have fun to all participants and spectators

www.ET-Cup.net is sponsored by #h-4life - #own3d.at and supported by #j4fclan.et

ET-Cup Groups announced!

The 30th edition of the ET-Cup is about to start this sunday with it's first match, and therefor we have to announce the groups first! The cup consists of 16 teams who will all play atleast 3 group matches in the hope to pass trough to the playoffs.

¬ Group A :
Uruguay Superretardedplayers
Belgium #Finest
Norway tacky
Europe HardMethod-gaming

Superretardedplayers vs. HardMethod-gaming
tacky vs. #Finest

¬ Group B :
Europe n1ce.et
Germany Highbot
United Kingdom Aim on Head
Poland SkillZ

n1ce.et vs. Aim on Head
SkillZ vs. Highbot

#26 ET-Cup - 1/4 Playoffs!

image: bo_final

The first Playoffround is over and we're passing to the quarter finals !
Besides Europe dtekt (dropped out) all "top-teams" managed to go through the first match.

We will proceed as normal - The 1/4 are going to be played this week, from today 30 May until next week Monday 4 June - All matches have been forced on the Thursday at 21:00 CET.
If your team is not able to play the match on that day at that time, you have to contact your opponent to reschedule your match - after you've done that, give the new date and time to Germany SPU9 so the site will be up2date.

Additionally the teams are allowed to change up to 1 player of their ET-Cup Lineup by messaging SPU9 @ #ET-Cup till
tomorrow 20.00 CET - be fast, changes will only be considered if you message in time!

1/4 Playoffs:
Estonia team-violence vs. Germany oceans6
Italy eC4 vs. Estonia overload
Germany Northern Darkness vs. Spain a.To0n
Europe Spreading Death vs. Germany junk52

Now I wish all participants good luck and lots of fun

Website: www.ET-Cup.net
IRC: #ET-Cup
Playoffgrid: Tree

Base12 special Event!

image: etcup_base

Hopefully you have read the Column about Base12. With that in mind, I can now proudly present to you our next special event. Take out a pen and mark the 22th February with a big X in your Calender for we are proud to announce in cooperation with GamesTV.org, Radio iTG, Radio eXtreme, Gamersnation and Giga, a 3 team Base12 cup.

Start downloading base_b6 (new) the map and read about the Objective as you will need it to take part in this event. If you have done so and you and your team feels good with the map pm Germany SPU9 (#ET-Cup) and show your interest by saying your teamname, irc channel and lineup to be in with a chance of being crowed #21 ET-Cup winners!

We will chose six teams for the qualifiers (playing Base12 twice) and the three winners will go for the gold in the Showcup!

Even if you are not playing, you can still be in with a chance of winning a BNC for at least 2 months by sending an email
( spu9[at]ET- Cup.net ) with your predictions on how the top 3 will lineup up. There will be a minimum of 2 winners.

Map: Base12
Qualifiers: 6 Teams - Sunday 18th February 20.00 CET
Showcup: 3 Teams - Thrusday 22th February - start: around 19.00CET
Coverage: GamesTV.org
Shoutcasts: Netherlands Stewie, United Kingdom Mashed, United Kingdom Splodge and Poland Esse
You have untill Thursday 24.00 CET to enter.

Dont panic if you are not chosen for the qualifiers, you wont have learned the map for nothing. We are going to hold a 1 day event soon after with the map involved.

If you have any opinions on the map, contact either SPU9 or Skydeh. We want your opinions!

Additionally we are searching a new headsponser which will help us in our next big project in the future. Contact Germany SPU9 at #ET-Cup


Btw Base12_b6 and the new Frost_comp_b2 are running on this Public: Lucky-Bitches Maptest

#20 ET-Cup: Finals!

image: bo_final

Its been a frantic month in the ET scene with the EC and NC in progress but that wasnt the only competition available for competitors this first new year month. There was also the small matter of the #20 ET-Cup for people participating.

So after 3 grueling rounds, we are left with 2 to compete for the title of #20 ET-Cup Champion and enter the "Hall of Fame".

I cought again one member of each team for their predictions - here we go:

QuoteSheep: Rewind are a very well structured team, they have the right players to make a decent[img|left]http://www.et-cup.net/images/banner/141.jpg[/img] team. Hummel needs no introduction, he has been around for donkeys years and has lead his team well - it will be a tough game and we can't slip up, it will cost us dearly.
As far as my prediction goes - I am quietly confident that we can pull this off.
Rewind are a good side to come up against and it will be a very nice game to play and watch - let us hope we can.

Quotecriatura: one4one is a very strong opponent with a kind of god, named squall. I image: rewindplayed with him in dFIANCE and I like his aimstyle. one4one is for sure the favorite - but I hope we can get it.
If we are going to get it, it must be a hard and nice match.
But in my opinion, one4one is too strong for us atm. Besides, we are going to sort our line-up, cause fireBall isn't active anymore like the last months and we are going to reborn an old legend.

Read more...[/b]]
So how did Germany one4one and Germany Rewind get to where they are now, the final? All is revealed just by looking at the bottom of this post.

Here is the all important details for this exciting match!

Match: #20 ET-Cup Final
Date:Thursday, 25th January 2007
Maps:Braundorf_b4 and Supplydepot
Time: 21:00CET
ETTV: GamesTV - Match ID 2050
one4one: England Sheep - Belgium Kevin - Finland Squall - Finland Iron - Finland Lepari - Switzerland Vegi
Rewind: Russia humM3L - Poland z3RO - Finland JJameson - Germany criatura - Turkey fireBall - Germany haZer

The road to the finals was not easy for these two teams.
This is how they got there:

Germany one4one
Won by Default vs. United States of America Overrated
Won vs Estonia suXus
Won vs Finland Negative-Image

Germany Rewind
Won vs Italy A+R
Won vs Poland FearFactory
Won vs Croatia elite

And now lean back and enjoy!


--- thx Germany bo for the Banners! ---

#20 ET-Cup - Semifinals!

image: 20th_1

It's time to present you what is going on in the #20th '6on6' #ET-Cup.

We have now reached the semifinals with 4 skilled teams who will fight it out for a spot in the final.

There will be a duel between Germany
England Sheep
Belgium Kevin
Finland Squall
Finland Iron
Finland Lepari
Switzerland Vegi
and Finland
Finland chmpp
Finland kmble
Finland MulSu
Finland Sanda
Finland Spirea
Finland You?

Although Negative-Image is participating for their first time in this Cup they are looking forward to earn one of the 3 honorable first places in this competition but the silver medal holder of the 17th Edition one4one will do all against their aim!

I cought one member of each team for their predictions - here we go:

QuoteKevin: Negative Image has been around for a long time, I think that they aren't back to their full potential yet atm, but they still will be a very hard opponent. We're gonna have to play a really good game if we want to take home the victory.

Quotechmpp: Well I know it will be very hard for us. We are like a new clan, we dont have very much experience about tactics yet. On the other hand our Lineup is not yet confirmed to 141 game because lettu is playing EC game. We are recruiting one finnish backup so everyone interested contact please! And about the match: We are doing our best to win the game and I am confident - we have chances to do that, although 141 is a clan who played long together and they got a pretty nice Teamplay!

Now let us introduce you the second semifinal: Croatia
Finland Matias
Finland kentsu
Hungary cs4fi
Latvia dunno
Poland krein
Austria day
vs. Germany
Russia humM3L
Poland z3RO
Finland JJameson
Germany criatura
Turkey fireBall
Germany haZer

The "6-man-mix" Elite won the 11th ET-Cup - but since then we haven`t seen anything special. But this time around, they have shown potential by knocking out cZar and Beaver.et. Will they be ready for the final?

Their opponent, Rewind, played very well against A+R and Fear Factory but, was that good enough?

QuoteMatias: Rewind will be a very hard enemy, but after we won mesq's almighty cZar and Beaver, I think we could have some chances to win them also.

QuoteCriatura: The Monday Semi-Final against elite will be a strong match. Elite got a lot of experienced players and it will be hard to take this match. But at the moment, we got a lot of motivation after our good matches in EC and the 2 wins about A+R and FF. I hope we can take it with a 4:0.

The Semifinals will take place on Sunday and Monday evening. Check GamesTV.org for ETTv-IPs.


20th #ET-Cup - Let the action begin!

image: 20th_1

I would like to introduce the #20th '6on6' #ET-Cup. We have chosen 16 teams to compete in a 3 day event to battle it out and be crowned King of the prestigous 20th cup.

You will see some fresh blood in the cup like the revived Finland Negative-Image, the newly formed mix Europe Beaver and the nearly forgotten Europe Team-Pistols as well as some Eurocup teams namely Europe cdap - pi, Poland FearFactory, Belgium Teamdtk,
Germany one4one and Germany Rewind.

Apart from this, we can also present the first real competition's of the Finish powerhouse, Finland sFx.Sextet with the well known player Redcross and the only italian team Italy A+R trying to snatch a good result. This is also a chance for teams to get some silverware without teams like Estonia Idle.ee playing.

All teams and lineups are below.

Last but not least a short reminder: The admins will organise ETTV Matches - all other games have to be arranged by yourself. Times and Dates are forced - there's no chance to reschedule them!

For questions, lineupchanges and all other stuff qry an @ in #ET-Cup.
Additionally you have to report your scores after the match to SPU9, Skydeh or Frank.

The format will be a straight knockout.

The teams chosen are as follows:

2nd Matchweek started!

image: 6o6futurecup6xri

This week we witnessed the first matchweek of the #17 ET-Cup take place. There were some great battles taken place and you can see all the results if you pres 'Read More' further down the page.

There were no shocks to the results with most of the top teams taking wins. Lets hope there are some shocks in store this week.

Coming up this week we have a couple of games on ETTV (not decided) so keep a check out on GamesTV.org for all your information.

But to kick start this 2nd matchweek, we having 2 games on ETTV. They are:

Match: Germany Highbot vs Europe 2eaz
Date/Time: Today @ 21.00 CET
Maps: crevasse_b1 and sw_grush_te

image: game1343
Match: Spain aurea vs Poland uAznia
Date/Time: Today @ 21.00 CET
Maps: crevasse_b1 and Supply Depot 2

Just a quick note to teams. You have a freemap choice in the group games. We only had to set some maps in the cupscript because otherwise it wouldn`t work. Later, in the playoffs, we will force the maps with atleast 1x Crevasse_b1. Therefore it would be wise if you train/choose the map in the goupstage!

For more information on the cup visit our website.


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