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Library_b1 - Showmatch Team R0ss won: 4-0


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image: s_news

Europe Team R0SS

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Germany butchji

image: s_news

Finland Team Twidi

Finland Twidi
Finland Matias
Finland Iron
Finland Stuka
Finland Squall
Finland Vanhaomena

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Library_b1, Library_b1
League: image: etShowmatchimage: game31075
image: s_foot

Tonight we've got two top teams taking it up on a brand new map. Library will be the battlefield for twelve of the most skilled players the Enemy Territory community can afford at the moment and with several testgames already played I am more than sure it will become a hell of an event! We had a lot of good and constructive feedback in the past few days and with your help AustriaBlAcky was able to release a new beta version just one hour ago. This new version will be used for the upcoming showmatch so be sure to check the map objectives and don`t miss the download link.

Public Testserver: and; password library

Due to the nature of the 'showgame', we are very interested in peoples's reaction post-game, i.e, after you have watched the match on ETTV. Just join our #Library channel for discussions and feedback. Both teams will play the map atleast twice and in case of a decider you even will have another round on the new map. Ref of tonight will be Netherlands SimonKinsler!

A new map on the horizon?

image: etSome might have noticed the recent late night journals about searching players to test a new map called Library - if not then the narration of "cf nerd" doesnt fit you but that`s not the point of this newspost. I just want to introduce this new map to our beloved Enemy Territory community and to give an overview on the main objectives so that you won`t get lost by watching the upcoming showmatch.

Some basic facts before we start: As you already know the map is named Library and currently in beta testing. Austria BlAcky started to build his first brush round about the late August 2009 with his GtkRadiant and he established the whole map from scratch. As on nearly every other map the allies side is attacking and the axis force have to prevent them from doing their objectives. The spawntimes are easy to remember - 20 for allies and 30 for their opponent side. The maplayout is mainly made for 6v6 but the gameplay fits as well to a smaller format e.g. 5v5 or 3v3. All Supply- and Goldrush lovers will like the fact that this is another three stage map - so you can`t blame the map itself in case of a too fast defeat.

First CB EC Qualifier Matches

image: et1 The current- and the coming week will bring some brilliant and fast paced Enemy Territory Clanbase EC Qualifiers with the first matches to be played within the next 18 hours.
The Qualifier madness will kick-off with an exciting match between two Finnish top notch teams - Finland turbot vs. Finland RAAB, and as you can read on the bottom of this newspost there are already some rumors about a curse on turbot which will prevent them from getting into this seasons EuroCup! Head over to GamesTV.org and tune in right at 21.00 CET to see if Swanidius&co can proof them wrong!

The second match will start just half an hour later and by going through the lineups of
Czech Republic iR and Europe Team Limbo this clash seems atleast as good as the kick-off. By comparing their lineups I would say one can find the aimpower on the Limbo side and the teamplay on jalo`s, milhAus`s and Green_Clon`s shoulders. I guess you don`t have to be a mentalist to see both games will most likely go for an exciting three mapper... if not you can call me a fool but I am sure you will not regret your decision to follow one of those games because the top of the top will surely bring a decent performance on our ETTv screen.

Check the Read More section for detailed match information and community predictions!

Short ET Movie Review!

image: et There are currently no big ETTv matches on the horizon to write about so I decided to do a short overview about the newest Enemy Territory movie releases. We had seven new movies published since the start of August and I will take a closer look on four of them!

So let`s just start with " France StrAf the movie". According to the title on the movie page and the full length of less than 4 minutes this is an unfinished project. Nevertheless it is worth watching. The editing is nice, the frags are cool and the luger actions are superb. Go to the movie page and enjoy some fast paced Enemy Territory actions against known players from nowadays and from the past.

Another great movie got released by the one and only Switzerland DabSter. His newest movie is called "Mettle II" and with 420 MB it is not a light fare but trust me, you will not regret your download. The movie got enjoyable cams, amazing headshot parts, great and unusual spawnkill actions and really nice killing sprees against known players. check it out!

Next comes a short clip named "Player KillmaN" made by Chile KillmaN himself. Most of you will not know this Chilean guy

ET Pack 2011 released!

image: etpack2
The sign-ups for the upcoming Clanbase season is closed, the GamesTV.org feed here on the site is working again and Speedmix just won a random 1 day cup...but that`s not all. Today I will release a new Enemy Territory pack with the latest updates, maps and TZAC as setupfile included. So every new player just have to download one single file instead of multiple files and patches.

I am aware of the fact that there is an ultimate installer or swine`s et pack already available but well time went by, some maps got changed and I thought with the current situation such a fresh version is needed. Additionally this download includes some useful links to scripting pages, starter guides and other information which makes this pack more interesting for new users. Feel free to share the link to your new gaming buddies, use it in case you have lost all your files or if you are just in need of a clean Enemy Territory installation. I have tested the installer with several CF members and they all had no problems but if you got an error or found a bug just let me know via CF pm.

ESL Summer League Final!

image: 160071i The ESL 5v5 Summer League started with its first broadcasted game 3 months ago and since then the community were able to watch more than 120 intense Enemy Territory battles and tonight will bring us the grand final right on the screen with the crew of Netherlands Mouse Control fighting against the all-Polish side of Poland tMoe. Both teams have shown a great performance during the tournament and with beating clans like Bossid or RAAB they surely have deserved their final spot. According to the GamesTV.org schedule fanatic and co are more active but I am sure that the likes of Ati_ and joshua will get back in shape faster than the warmup timer counts.

Check the Read more section for the lineups and some community predictions and head over to GamesTV.org and save a slot for the last (?) exciting 5v5 battle this year!

#ET-Cup.com - Final standings!

image: custom

Our first 6v6 custom map ET-Cup is over. With 7 teams, more than 46 players and 4 matches live on GamesTV.org it was a really nice event. Not that big as expected but it was fun to admin, play and spec as far as I know. Both new maps showed some potential and according to the feedback I got from the players the final version of Pirate is more suited at the moment and to be honest I really enjoyed speccing the games due to some refreshing environments, nice positions and multi kills - especially the winning team - Poland b2k, had some great last minute "objective returned" moments during the whole cup. So I want to thank all the teams for their attendance and patience during the tournament and all the other people involved. In case you have missed the fast paced actions take a look on the GamesTV.org replays and let me know what you think about both maps!

Read More for the final standing and more information about upcoming events!

#ET-Cup.com is alive!

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We are back! Atleast one of the old #ET-Cup crew. With current columns and the question for new maps I regained my old ET-Cup admin motivation and who knows...we might do something bigger this time!

Some might remember me from one of our 36 tournaments hosted under the ET-Cup flag and with teams ranging from one4one to idle.ee, Helix, infrag or cdap-pi we surely had the top notch of that time fighting for a place on the prestigious hall of fame. This time the challenge will be a bit different but with introducing two new custom maps the underdogs will get a chance to shine with brilliant tactics and moves over the more known teams. This tournament will be played on Pirates final and Tounine_b2 and just on them!

New Public with both maps: - Thanks to YCN for their support!

EC, OC and YCN matches live on GamesTV!

image: etradarWith the first matchweek of the Clanbase Euro- and Opencup as well as the last YCN Spring Challenge games some big clashes are about to start tonight! First of all we will see a renewed Germany teamoxid lineup fighting against the self-appointed France Pharaons right at 21.00 CET on Bremen_b3 and sw_Goldrush_te for a first victory in their CB OC Premier League, Group D. The outcome will most likely decide which team is fighting for a playoff spot (the winner) and which for a unlucky 3rd place (the loser) because the guys from Czech Republic iR pracc hard to secure the first group place.

Just one hour later we can follow the biggest matchup in the YCN Spring Challenge - Group 1 with United Kingdom Dignitas playing against the all-German side of Germany Team Rockit. With a solid performance and a first place in the Team Decerto & Nation Voice Cup the odds are in favour of Dignitas but some of the rockit gamers have a motivating first 3v3 NationsCup win against Netherlands Team Netherlands #1 in their pocket so just time will tell if their tailwind is big enough to stop the awesome power of Dignitas.

YCN: WinFakt! vs. Wolf Crazy Killer!

image: et1Yesterday we were able to watch the cream of the crop on ETTv trying to get a good seed for the upcoming CB EC XIII or in some cases atleast a spot for one of the most anticipated online event this spring. Whether on Supply, Radar, Goldrush or Karsiah there were a lot of thrilling actions and by checking the recent journals you can see different points of view about fair play and how to act in a case of rule abuse. I will not take a position but I want to add that every single person should think about his actions and behavior - wouldn`t it be nice to have a good game with shake hands at the end?

So far, so good. Now let us come to the actual point of this news. Tonight is another big game starting right at 22.00 CET on Radar and Bremen. It is a clash between some of the real old school gamers and the newer generation for the first place in the YCN Spring Challenge group 3. The old schoolers I am talking about were playing separately in big teams such as Kreaturen, SoF, Team Delta, Impact or Idle.ee a few years ago and just some months passed since they have joint forces in Europe WinFakt!.
teKoa, Baggiez, dialer, wiaderko and perfo in one team means incredible power and a hell of experience.
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