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Bloody Sunday!

image: etAs every Sunday the GamesTV.org schedule is full of fast-paced Enemy Territory action and with 21 games to be played this evening I am more than sure that everybody will find his very own favorite game to watch. I will write a short summary about some of the more interesting games and you can find all necessary information plus some player predictions below this text. The first game I want to talk about is the clash between Germany Team Germany #1 and Estonia Team Estonia #1 in the lower bracket of the 3v3 NationsCup.

Exactly 1 month ago we had the same situation in the upper bracket whereat Raul, mant and freeze were able to beat the German side with 4:2 but tonight the boys around gr0ss can take revenge and eliminate their opponent out of the cup. Some hours later you can switch from 3v3 to an interesting 5v5 match between Europe The Queens and Czech Republic iR. After a superb performance against oxid the Queens are the team to bet on nevertheless you should have an eye on Loo and his crew - maybe they can surprise by taking home a win on Frostbite. Right at the same time but on another ETTv-Server we got Germany teamoxid vs. United States of America Justice League. pumu and his friends have to performe really well because by loosing there is nearly no chance to proceed to the YCN Spring Challange playoffs due to their recent loss against rage.

EC: Queens vs. Teamoxid

image: cbecxxiii_big1This Thursday will bring us another great evening with some fast-paced Enemy Territory Clanbase Eurocup action. First of all there is a great battle between Denmark NORDIC-eSport and Finland red as a beetroot right at 21.00 CET. The all-Polish side is very active and praccing hard to ensure an EuroCup participation but the likes of lettu, walle and maza will try to do their best to prevent them from winning. The second EC qualifier is between
Europe The Queens and Germany Teamoxid which will start half an hour later then the first mentioned one. By comparing the lineups we can see experienced as well as oldschool players on both sides whereat the Queens seem much stronger that their opposite and the Germans just can hope that "eujen" has not concentrated too much on his shoutcast career. With a win oxid would justified their top3 position in the recently released February ranking.Whether or not I am sure that the top of the top will bring a good performance on our ETTv screen.

EC: Rockit vs. Power Gaming

image: cbecxxiii_big1The Clanbase Eurocup Invites and Qualifications are online since a few days and the first matchweek is fully underway. Ireland Ultraviolet Gaming already played their qualification game against Finland turbot and won with a good 4:2. Other teams still have to show what they are made of and two of them will fight for an Eurocup spot tonight.

United Kingdom Power Gaming have to face the all-German lineup of Germany Team Rockit right at 22.00 CET. Both sides are known for their excellent teamplay, experience and aim but as in every other game just one can win the battle.

ET Topmatch Tonight!

image: bannervii

This Thursday will bring us another great evening with some fast-paced Enemy Territory ESL Major Series action. The well known Dignitas crew will face the self-appointed EC Winners right at 21.00 CET and you all can enjoy this intense battle live via GamesTV.org. According to the matchinformation both teams will battle it out on Radar and Bremen and with brilliant aimers like perfo, Anderson or olBaa I am sure that we will see a great show.

I argue that this clash will decide about the first two spots in Group D because it is very unlikely that both EC Winners and Dignitas will lose their next matches. Rumor has it that both teams are currently not performing at it`s best and with most players voting Impact as best team one can see a so called unbeatable Dignitas crew slowly sinking. Whether it is the loss of Night or the fact that their motivation is not at top - I am sure EC Winners don`t care about it and will make the Dignitas boys work hard for the win. Lean back and enjoy tonight`s topmatch!

Update: The game is rescheduled to 31.10.2010!

Eventful ET Sunday!

[img|left]http://images.clanbase.com/cup/eurocup/cbecxxii.png[/img][img|left]http://www.team-rockit.com/uploads/banners/s_border_short.jpg[/img]This Sunday will bring us a lot of promising Enemy Territory matches. The current Clanbase EuroCup is running and the ESL Major Series is fully underway and I am about to start a short writeup for the up-and-coming games. With the recent released October ranking some teams have to stand up for their position and some others can enhance their value by winning the fight with an exciting three mapper.

Feel free to ask - rockit.ET

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Today we can announce a new series of coverage regarding our current Team Rockit teams. Within the last months we got several questions on IRC about our teams, players and upcoming goals and we think it would be better to answer all questions once instead of replying to every single personal message.

Therefore you will be able to send us your personal question about the rockit.ET team and we will pick the best and enthralling queries and hand them directly to the players. In other words it will be a question-and-answer game with YOU as director. Feel free to ask if mAus is drinking some energy drinks to keep his performance on the top level or ask Winghaven about his favorite publicmap and weapon.

5v5 ET-Cup - Final standings!

image: picture-13Our first 5v5 invite only ET-Cup is over. With 20 teams, more than 120 players, 12 matches live on GamesTV.org and all in all 864 spectators is was a really nice event. First of all I want to thank all the teams for their attendance and patience during the tournament and all the other people involved. I enjoyed doing the admintasks and it somehow remind me of the old #ET-Cup times. It was the first time I was able to follow some 5v5 matches and I have to admit that the new mode is quite refreshing and nice to watch. Furthermore I would recommend watching the videos on demand atleast the e2 vs. BB and BB vs. nOu.Zowie match (even though nearly ever match broadcasted by GamesTV.org had it highlights) but the mentioned games were just awesome. Actually there were some amazing multikills (dyna kills included) and crazy actions. Read More for the final standing and more information about upcoming events!

rockit 5v5 ET-Cup - Semifinals!

image: picture-13The semifinals are about to come. After some very intense and exciting matches just four teams survived the straight knockout mode. The Cup started on yesterday evening with four qualification matches. All of them started as supposed @ 19.30 CET and with Squad.ee, Highbot and pstarZ the favourites won. Just the sublime vs. Be.Fraternity match was hard to evaluate and the result was very close but sublime was a bit better. Thus we had our four qualification teams and the real first round started with a short delay. ET fans were able to follow some matches live via GamesTv and I am sure a lot of you tuned in to the BB vs. e2 game at least I hope so because it was a hell of a match. e2 was able to take a map and forced BB to play the decider. On the 3rd map BB turned upward and won the game with 4:2. Other things to mention from round1 were a very close game between aTo0n and sublime and nOu vs. Highbot. Although aTo0n and nOu won the games their opponents were able to give them a good fight. All quarter-finals were broadcasted by GamesTV.org and once again we were able to spectate some very tight games. To name just one of them: dNan vs. nOu. Some actions from Radar are still in my mind - really enjoyed to ref that game. Now enough text. Check out the brackets for the remaining four teams and fixtures and dont forget to tune in at 20.00 CET and right after the semifinals to the grand final (proposed to be played around 21.15 CET!) and click the read more button to get United Kingdom crumbs prediction about the upcoming matches!

Update 22.38 CET: game over - BB won 4:2 against nOu! detailed news coming later

rockit 5v5 ET-Cup - Brackets!

image: picture-13

rockit 5v5 invite ET-Cup

Update - 22.44 CET: Finally we got the last 4 teams - check brackets. More news coming!

Update - 22.12 CET: nOu vs. dNan and ato0n devilry vs. Pallot playing both decider atm!

Update - 21.53 CET: BB finally won 4:2 vs e2 in a hell of a match!

Update - 21.30 CET: Guarana won 4:2 vs. deathless and nOu 4:2 against Highbot! BB vs. e2 now decider on Radar!

Update - 21.11 CET: sublime just lost their first match in a close game to ato0n devilry (2:4) and Squad.ee won with 4:0 against dESIRE!

Update - 20.55 CET: We got the first surprise: e2 just won Adlernest agains BB. Now playing sw_gold_te! In the meantime dNan, pstarZ and Pallot won their first Round games!

Update - 20.00 CET: The Qualifiers are played - pstarZ, Squad.ee, Highbot and sublime are qualified for the first Round!

image: brackets

rockit 5v5 invite only Cup!

image: picture-108 Team Rockit is proud to announce another big event this December. We will host a image: game_et 5v5 invite only ET-Cup in cooperation with E-Sports-Server.de. The tournament will kick off tomorrow evening @ 20.00 CET and we already have competent teams (for example Europe ButtonBashers, Croatia guarana, Estonia nOu way!, Poland aToOn devilry, France dESIRE, Netherlands dNan and more).
But due to some cancellations we have 6 free slots for the cup. Therefore everybody can signup for the event by pmming me the teamname, country and lineup. We will choose the most suited teams and publish the tournament tree tomorrow midday.

E-Sports-Server.de will reward the winner with a 14 Slot Gameserver of your choice for 2 months (those games are available: RTCW:ET, all CoD series, and nearly all Steam games). May the best team win!

The Global5 Config will be used, Single Elimination and Admins can request ETTv for the games (feel free to do so as well). The cupchannel is #rockit so be there to get in contact with your opponent!
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