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Hot Cup Of E-Tea coming your way!

A long time ago in a country far away, a band of knights sat together one evening and started to talk.

Arthur: My dear friends, I suggest we sign up for a tournament we can compete in over the summer.
Brian: Completely my opinion, but I have already had a look at the major tournaments this summer, they either have a limited number of slots or reduce the number of knights by one!
Rubeus: Outrageous! We are not good enough to compete with all these other bands for the limited slots and removing one of our fellow knights from our band, never!
Hadrian: Relax my friends, why don't we all just sit down for a moment and drink a nice Hot Cup Of E-Tea?

And so the knights found the tournament they wanted: The 6on6 Hot Cup Of E-Tea was their choice for the summer.

Is your choice going to be the same? If the knights have not convinced you already, read on for further information:

ET about to be Enlarged!

The Enemy Territory community has seen the announcement of two big LAN events in recent weeks, but there is another one to pay attention to, and it's going to take place this week: Enlarged, for years the number one ET LAN in Germany, is going to host its third edition this weekend in Alsfeld, Germany. There are a lot of well known players there, a big tournament for ET and a smaller one for RTCW, so it should be worth taking a look at what's going to happen, where it's going to happen and who's taking part.

The location is a large event hall in Alsfeld, Germany. 800 is the maximum number of players which can get a seat there and at the moment, a little less than 700 have signed up and paid the entrance fee of 32 Euros.
A massive number of tournaments has been announced, not only will there be an ET tourney but the NGL Silver Finals for CS:S, CoD2, Q4 and other games will take place there, so the LAN is sure to get some attention.

A small trailer to give you some first impression can be found here: http://www.enlarged.de/?mod=downloads&action=details&dlid=84

They're Vicious, They're Evil, They're Back In Action!

image: vaeIt's the time of the year where you lie on the beach, watch the water run down the tanned skin of hot girls and prepare for the upcoming ET summer season. Since you can't lie on the beach all the time and giving pleasure to the girls on a daily basis can be a tough thing to keep up, vicious and evil decided that with so many thrilling ET events coming up, being inactive was not an option anymore. Their names should be well known to anyone who has followed the ET community in recent months and years and all of them have been on GIGA already:

Luger Frag Episode 5 - The RTCW2 Wish List!

image: lugerfrag
Luger Frag goes on air for a fifth episode this weekend, which will see Germany FlyingDJ and Netherlands stewie on the microphones to bring you a very special episode.

Why is it so special? Well, just look at what we have for you:

News of the week

World cup fever everywhere, but ET has a lot of things to offer as well. Not only did we witness a thrilling EC semi final this week, we as well saw the Bot Anna become immensely popular. A legend came back and the map issue was raised again. So tune in when we have a look at all the things that happened last week.

Map test: townsquare_final

A small town and a lot of gold to be stolen. Sounds familiar? Well, it looks a lot like goldrush. Let's have a look if it is as good when it comes to playing it competitively.
As usual, the Luger Frag server will be there so you can test the map yourself.

Download: http://www.new-etmaps3.de/maps/townsquare_final.rar

The "RTCW2" Wish List

The next part of the Wolfenstein series has been announced, but what should be changed or added to make it a worthwile gaming experience?
While this topic might be debated countless times without having any effect on the game at all, Luger Frag decided it will not leave all the suggestions unheard. Therefore the edited recording and all the comments/suggestions/e-mails we receive will be forwarded to id software.
So how can you contribute? There are several ways. The first and most exciting one is of course to call in with Sykpe to state what you think on air. When we ask you to, just call "flyingdj" to participate in that way.
The second way would be to send an e-mail to flyingdj @ gmx dot net, where you can mail your suggestions and we can refer to them on air. Please state your real name and your age when you send an e-mail so that it has a bit more credibility.
Third and final way is to write comments in that news post. Be sure to state exactly what things you think are necessary and try to include your name and age as well. These comments, if they're reasonable, will be included in the e-mail to id as well.

Some questions that might help you come up with something:

Should it be more or less tweakable than ET/RTCW?
More or less classes, different classes?
What kind of objectives should be possible?
Number of players?
What about the spectator features?

Luger Frag will air on Inside The Game tonight at exactly 19 CET, tune in @ http://listen.radioitg.com/listen1.pls

For discussions, PMs and IPs join #lugerfrag

Razz Returns!

image: Clipboard05
He's probably one of the most dazzling and controversial players ET has had to date. Despite his young age he was able to show off his impressive skills, helping (among others) Germany Team-Helix and the UK national team to score some respectable results. He was called a clanhopper and a wannabe, but he was still able to outaim many of ET's key players.

His ET career came to a tragic end when chaoz and drago became suspicious during a prac they played. They took PB screenshots and posted them on xfire, razz was using RivaTuner to make leaves and bushes disappear. Triggering an iTG two hour special and news post which easily sparked 400+ comments, his eventual ban from CB was undoubtedly one of the most controversial things the ET community has seen in a long time and has in the end caused Germany hx to miss the EC playoffs.

Even though he is not a part of competitive ET anymore, United Kingdom razz has caused an xfire news post. Why is that? Well, his newest movie just got released.
Made by Estonia indu, they're both proud to present

razz vs. violence !

Featuring impressive frags of all sort, be they grenade, airstrike or simply SMG frags, the movie concentrates on the important thing - the kills. Luckily Estonia indu has decided not to bore us with an endless intro and a neverending outro but has cut those both parts extremely short. With the movie's length amounting to a total of 11 minutes and 19 seconds, at least 10 minutes are nothing but pure Enemy Territory action.

You can download the movie here here .

I caught up with razz and indu for two small interviews:

Luger Frag - Episode 4

image: lugerfrag
While the World Cup is on its way and the summer has hit the shores all over Europe, Luger Frag is going into a fourth round, airing today at 19 CET only on Inside The Game.

What do we have for you?

News Of The Week

Cheaters busted on a daily basis - xfire expanding - the mylegend case - Quakecon announcement

Map test: SW El Kef

A radio transmitter has to be stolen - too simple for a competition map? El Kef looks quite nice and surely has some potential. Germany swine is going to join me again for some map testing action while the Luger Frag server is there so that you can test the map yourself.

Download: http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/sw_el_kef.pk3

ET, MGCs and sponsors - where to go?

With more and more ET clans being sponsored and joining up big multi gaming clans, we have to ask ourselves if that is the way to go. What are the benefits, where are the drawbacks? Can ET get more attention through big clans or are we on the best way to ridicule the whole ET community? United Kingdom Sheep will join me among others to discuss this issue.

As usual, call-ins are taken via Skype, so if you want to contribute, be sure to have it set up properly.

EuroCup playoffs - big changes

Not only do we know five playoff participants already, but we are facing some major changes for this season's EuroCup playoffs. Which ones exactly? Tune in to find out.

Show starts at 19 CET on Inside The Game Server 1, be sure to join #lugerfrag for all the server IPs and URLs.

Luger Frag - Episode 3

While Whitsun might be a very special event for all the Catholics, for ET fanatics it means that Luger Frag is arriving once again, starting today at 18 CET, bringing you once a again the latest news, another map that is tested and we're going to have a nice little debate once again.

So, long story short, the topics are:


There's a new star in the sky, and it obviously got a lot of ET players hooked. What makes Warsow so unique and will it be more than the usual release hype? We'll have a look at that.

ET's most unpronouncable clan names

There are clans that give everyone a hard time: The shoutcasters when they're trying to cast the matches of these teams and all the players when they're trying to talk about results or roster changes of that particular clan. But what are really the most unpronouncable names?

Map test: Snatch TE

The new supplydepot2 - or is it? One of the latest shooting stars among new maps, there are a lot in favour of using it in competition - though they agree that there need to be some changes. The creator of the map seems rather uninterested - can Snatch be successful nevertheless? Germany swine is going to join me for some map testing - and you can test the map on the official Luger Frag server as well.
After the map test, we're going to let the server open to everyone for some public action.

Map download: http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/snatch_beta.pk3

Quakecon and beyond

With Quakecon almost cancelled, we'll talk about possible other events that might give ET another boost. Atlantic Battle, European Allstars or something completely different?
For this, I once again need a set of people to join me - so if you have an awesome idea for an event or just think you need to share important thoughts on ET's future, feel free to write me a PM or message me on IRC and we'll get you into tonight's show - you should have some time around 19:15 CET for that - and you need Sykpe.

EuroCup playoffs

Clans have folded, others are still going - what lies ahead in the EuroCup XIII? A lot still has to be decided and we'll take an in-depth look at what is still possible.

You can call in as usual via Skype, my screen name is flyingdj - www.skype.com.

Tune in tonight at 18 CET on iTG Server 2 !

For all the links, server IPs and everything else you are invited to join #lugerfrag on Quakenet.

Luger Frag - Episode 2

After the first episode was a rather short one due to unforeseen circumstances, the second episode of Luger Frag is going to be all the more exciting. Since the result of the vote that we could see here earlier this week came out with a majority for Sunday, 18 CET, this is exactly the time at which the show is going to start. If you miss it though, there will be recordings available as usual.

The program for tonight's show is the following:

ETTVd - a new era of ETTV

This week saw the release of an amazing ETTV package. What are its features, how do broadcasters and viewers benefit? Germany arni and Germany skooli have given their comments on that and will tell you what to expect.

ET's most versatile players

We will have a look at the players who can handle more than the SMG. Some choices are obvious, others aren't. So it's going to be not only me who choses the MVP's (and those least versatile), but as well you - live during the show.

Map test - Heart Of Gold Beta 10

Already largely popular in the country Australia Down Under, Heart Of Gold has been called the new Gold Rush. Does the map live up to the promise of being an awesome map for competition? We will take a look and you can test it yourself. Get the map @ http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/HoG_b10.pk3

ET changes - what lies ahead?

With a lot of changes being proposed in recent weeks, what's really worth giving a second thought to? Mortar removed, mines reduced, spawn times changed? Wales Cypher, United Kingdom rAzbo and Netherlands stewie are going to join me for a nice round of chitchat.

ET and the ESL - the odd one out?

The ESL Winter Series comes to an end tonight. Time to take a look at the future tournaments the ESL has planned. Are they going to be a major player among CB and WL - or even better than those? Germany chosen has given me some insight on these issues.

Call-ins will be taken via Skype, you can get it at http://www.skype.com !

Be sure to join us in #lugerfrag for all the IPs and votes at 18:00 CET

URL to tune in: iTG Server 1

Luger Frag - the ET show on Radio iTG!

image: lugerfrag

Do you find it hard to keep track of all the things going on in the ET community? Are you lost among all the information that seems to fly right by you? Do you think that ET finally needs a proper show on radio?
Well, don't be afraid, because there is a solution to all your problems - Luger Frag will air on Radio iTG, bringing you all the news and much more.

Immortalising the famous TosspoT quote from the EC XI final, the show will not only provide the hottest news but will as well contain some interesting features to keep you entertained. Guests will join us to be interviewed or provide information.
As a speciality, there will be a random, large public server that all the listeners are invited to join to have some gaming fun while listening to the show.

Sounds like a lot of hot air, you say? I agree. So let's just have a look at the first episode's schedule:

MVPs - who's the allrounder, who's the specialist?

We will take a look at ET's most brilliant players and analyse them. Who's capable of handling more than the needle and the SMG? Who has always played the same class and always will? Is there a player who suddenly changed the weapon he uses?

ET Quake Wars - worth a look or a piece of crap?

After E3 has ended, we know a lot more than we did before about QW. But will it be the saviour for all the bored ET players or is it a game that just doesn't cut it? What do those who have played it say? Might it bring attention back to ET?

EuroCup - who's in, who's out?

With three match weeks already gone by, we should have a look at the current situation. Any surprises, what does CBooky say, and who is most likely to progress to the next stage - the play-offs?

There will also be a map check each week - we pick a rather unknown map and show it to the public, including a server where you can test it.

This and much more will be featured in the first episode, airing on Sunday, May 21st, right after the KOTH game has finished. Luger Frag will return every Sunday at 22 CET, so be sure to check radioitg.com for the schedule.

At some points during the show, you will be able to contribute to the program by calling - either via Skype or via Ventrilo. Since Skype is just awesome quality and almost zero delay, it would be the best option.


Because of a traffic jam, LF will air at 23:00 CET tonight!

A website will be set up soon, you can find us in #lugerfrag on IRC!

It's the Spanish!

image: azurban

Following the recent tradition of renaming a NationsCup team to form a new clan, the Spanish players have decided to form the second Spanish team that is heading for EuroCup domination.

Spain Spain has shown an impressive performance in this NationsCup, beating the winner of the 7th NationsCup, Poland Poland, in the group stage and putting an end to the aspirations of last year's silver medalist Hungary Hungary.
Unluckily for them, Finland Finland proved to be a little too strong for them, so that they had to bury their hopes for a medal after the quarter finals.

This has not prevented them from realising how good they have all worked together, surprising many of the ETTV viewers and the other nations' players. That is why they have decided to stay together, immune to all "2 weeks" complaints because they have already played together for much more than that.

Watch out, ladies and gentlemen, for a new star in the sky, literally coming from above: Azure Fate!

Their lineup is known to all who have watched ETTV in the last months:

Spain Winghaven (ex gods.inc)
Spain pzyqo (ex 37th)
Spain Radifz (ex wA!)
Spain Dude (ex wA!)
Spain a1rs (ex 1p)
Spain JeFaZo (ex 1p)
Spain MaRTe* (ex 1p)

Having the advantage of communicating in their native language, let's hope Siesta does not prevent them from taking on contenders like Portugal 6s or Hungary underscore.

IRC: #azure

Image courtesy of my amazing PaintShop skills.

And this is no joke or whatever. April 1st, burn in hell.
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