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ET Idol - final round is starting!

image: etidol

After another 48 hours of voting, the voting booth has been closed once again and we now have all 6 finalists for the ET Idol contest:

Germany HorsT - Alles Nur Lucker (195 votes)
Netherlands equal - Kaas (186 votes)
Finland Sotapaa - Jingle Bells (122 votes)
Netherlands Overdrive - Like A Virgin (86 votes)
Germany Snoop - Nobody's Home (67 votes)
Finland Larg0 - Kuka Keksi (60 votes)

Finland Sotapaa and his christmas song was the most appreciated one, while Netherlands Overdrive was successful with his Madonna interpretation and Germany Snoop got credit for impersonating Avril Lavigne.

Thanks to all the others of the second group who have not made it to the finals, maybe you will next time!

Now, these are the final contestants, and you can vote for them until Sunday February 12th 22 CET. By then, we will know who of those 6 is going to take home his very own ET Idol shirt and who will just come in second.

Man, it's just like in gaming, people can't control their urge to cheat. Since I do not know whether the singer in question is responsible for the cheating, I am just going to remove those votes which resulted out of cheating at the end of the voting process (Yes, I am able to find out how many votes were not legal).
Anyway, this is just sad, but I half expected this to happen.

zenith-cast website

ET Idol - first group voting over.

image: etidol

After 48 hours of voting, the voting booth has closed and we have the first three finalists for the ET Idol contest:

Germany HorsT - Alles Nur Lucker (195 votes)
Netherlands equal - Kaas (186 votes)
Finland Larg0 - Kuka Keksi (60 votes)

Finland Larg0 won over Wales LozZ by a 1 vote margin (no, there will be no recount, we are not in the USA), so it was a very close fight. Obviously, own musical creations seemed to be the ones that were most appreciated, the first two spots went to singers who played the guitar while chanting.

Thanks to all the others of the first group who have not made it to the finals, maybe you will next time!

However, it is just getting hot, as the voting for the second group is about to start, featuring our only female contestant and one player who has made it into the news yesterday because of a freshly founded clan:

Second group (voting until Friday February 10th, 10 CET)

Netherlands lunachick - Hakuna Matata
Croatia mooncalf & overlord - Frozzy
Netherlands Overdrive - Like A Virgin
Germany Snoop - Nobody's Home
Finland Sotapaa - Jingle Bells
Sweden Svensson - Swine Is Gay
Europe v3xus - Big City Life
Netherlands zeni - More Presentjes

Once again, only 3 idols will be seen again in the final round. Go vote!

zenith-cast website

ET Idol - let the voting begin!

image: etidol

Two weeks have passed, and while any new clan would have died by now, ET Idol is only just about to start.

The deadline has passed, and we have a number of submissions that want to be heard by you:

First group (voting until Wednesday)

Europe dictator - I'll be there
Finland disease - Crazy Frog
Netherlands equal - Kaas
Germany HorsT - Alles Nur Lucker
Europe hst - Quiet
Finland Hugoos - Cadillac
Finland Larg0 - Kuka Keksi
Wales LozZ - You're Beautiful

Second group (voting from Wednesday to Friday)

Netherlands lunachick - Hakuna Matata
Croatia mooncalf & overlord - Frozzy
Netherlands Overdrive - Like A Virgin
Germany Snoop - Nobody's Home
Finland Sotapaa - Jingle Bells
Sweden Svensson - Swine Is Gay
Europe v3xus - Big City Life
Netherlands zeni - More Presentjes

You can listen to all these songs in the Downloads section of the zenith-cast website
The variety is awesome - rap, christmas songs, rock, pop, remixes, basically everything you might desire.

After you have listened to all these songs, you are encouraged to leave your vote for the one you think should win his/her very own ET Idol T-Shirt.

The voting will take place in several steps: First, we will have 8 songs competing, the three best make it to the final - same goes for the other 8 songs, so that for the final vote, there will be 6 songs.

The first 8 can be voted for until Wednesday February 8th, 10 CET
The second 8 can be voted for until Friday February 10th, 10 CET
The final polls will be online until Sunday, February 12th 22 CET.

So click the link, listen to the songs and leave your vote.

zenith-cast website
#et-idol @ Quakenet

ET Idol - 1 week left!

image: etidol

Having started last week, the ET Idol contest is going quite well so far - we already have 8 submissions, countless players have announced they will be sending something in this week.

But where are YOU? I have not heard your voice yet. Let them all experience the beauty of your singing and contribute to this contest.

Nothing in for you? I'm afraid I have to disagree. There will be your very own ET Idol T-Shirt, including your nickname if you are able to win that contest.

So don't hesitate and participate. One week left, deadline is Sunday, February 5th, 2006. After that, the votes will go online and you can all vote for your favourite singer, for your ET Idol 2006.

Send your submissions to FlyingDJ.

View all current songs and artists @ zenith-cast.

Hoping for your contributions,


Thanks to lunachick for making the 1337 logo.

(note: Some random flags to make it a real news post: United KingdomIsraelPortugalSpainSwitzerland)

ET Idol contest starting!

image: etidol

Have you seen all those Idol shows on TV and thought: "I am way better"? Have you always dreamed of getting into showbiz? Or are you just lacking the required skill to become famous while playing ET and want to try something new?

If so, you are the perfect candidate for "ET Idol". That's right, there you get the chance to show your singing skills to the ET world.

What do you have to do?

If you want to participate as a candidate, all you have to do is record yourself while you are singing. You can use karaoke files, team up with someone else, sing a capella or just do something else that involves singing.
Once you have done so, you can do one of the following:
If you host the file yourself, just register @ ZENITH-CAST and submit the file as a new download, including the name of the song you're singing and your own name as well.
If you want the file to be hosted, just send it as an e-mail to Germany FlyingDJ, and the download will as well be added on the ZENITH-CAST page.

The downloads on the page will be updated every day, so that you as the listener (and the one whose vote matters in the end) can stay up to date about the current submissions.

The deadline for submitting songs is February 5th, 2006.

When the deadline has passed, you are all encouraged to download the songs, listen to them and vote in the polls that will be set up. It will be your voice for the best singer in the ET community - for your ET Idol.

Prizes have not yet been confirmed, but we are thinking about something sweet for those who take the first three spots.

The first prize will probably be your very own ET Idol shirt, including your nickname!

Long story short:

Submit songs @ ZENITH-CAST or send them to Germany FlyingDJ.
Listen to songs and vote @ ZENITH-CAST

Thanks to NekZ for making the first logo, thanks to lunachick for making this sweet new one.

Here it is - the lineup you have all been waiting for!

Let us be honest. You've seen all those lineups being announced. But did you really care? Weren't you waiting for one team? The land of sausages, discipline and Oktoberfest? I bet you were. Nevertheless, I have good news:
Here's our lineup. Following the recent tradition of making a small picture, let me give you something to look at first:

image: 24

Are you still on your chair? If you're not: I can understand that. This lineup is really something to knock you off your feet. Here's some detailed information about the players:

Germany qraigu [Manager] (o6)
Germany biqq [C] (vae)
Germany evil (vae)
Germany drago (vae)
Germany urtier (idle.ee)
Germany senji (idle.ee)
Germany riddla (helix)
Germany butch (o6)
Germany second (helix)
Germany gambit (141)
Germany FlixX (cless)

qraigu will manage that team, his immense experience with the RTCW national team will surely prove useful in the upcoming struggle to score some points in the NationsCup. qraigu told me that he thinks it will be quite interesting, with countries participating we didn't even know of in the ET world before. biqq added that he is convinced to have found a decent mixture of players that will please the somewhat heterogenous German community. He claims that we might have a good chance of being among the top 3 there.

Whatever the results may be, let's hope for fair games, awesome ETTV and a bond that connects ET players regardless of the nation they're playing for. See you at NationsCup IX!


Another year, another EuroCup Sunday.

MulSu has just informed me that they are not going to play this match. He has given me an official statement concerning this decision:

We are refusing to play this match against 141. This decision is made by all of our members, and there is a reason for doing such a "lame" act, let me clarify what have happened: 2 weeks ago, our leader MulSu asked permission to recruit a new member to 141 match, because one of the strongest player of ours was going to vacation trip. Supervisor doneX gave us very simple and straight answer which denied all recruiments before our match against 141. Now couple of days before our match, 141 had a new member which apparently IS allowed to play against us. He has also played in wArning! in the same EC tournament. I don't see it necessary for us to play today, when supervisors are dramatically influencing the match odds.

Statement by doneX / Clanbase will follow.

That's right, we have arrived in 2006 and are starting another EuroCup Sunday with a great game:

United Kingdom one4one vs. Germany gods.inc


[*]United Kingdom one4one

United Kingdom sqzz
Germany gambit
Switzerland anubis
United Kingdom syK
Israel CrozZ
United Kingdom Mztik

[*]Germany gods.inc

Finland chmpp
Finland krypta
Hungary Nonix
Hungary Future
Spain Winghaven
Finland MulSu

Maps: tba / tba

ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: FlyingDJ

With United Kingdom uQ having beaten the Europe IDKFA team, this game will determine who is going to meet United Kingdom uQ in the final of the winner bracket and who will take on Estonia idle in the semi final of the loser bracket. Germany gods.inc are one player short, with Finland kmble being on vacation in Thailand Thailand they have to temporarily replace him with Finland krypta for tonight. United Kingdom 141 will have their standard lineup - except for one surprise: Former Spain wArning! player Switzerland anubis is joining the forces and will show us his rifle skills tonight.
Let's hope for an exciting game tonight!

EuroCup - week's summary and current situation

Since the group phase of the EuroCup is almost over, I think we should have a look at what has happened this week and what the situation is so far.

Group A

Estonia idle.ee
Germany oceans6
Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black
Germany instant defeat

Estonia idle.ee have clearly dominated this group. Showing impressive victories in their first two games, their last game against Germany oceans6 left noone in doubt that we have to consider Estonia idle one of the most likely candidates for the victory in this EuroCup XII, although group A was widely considered as the weakest group. The second clan to move on to the playoffs is the Germany oceans6 team, who have won their qualifier and only lost to Estonia idle so far. Not moving on to any future matches, but nevertheless to be mentioned here are Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black and Germany instant defeat, who had a very intense match just yesterday, which ended with Russia zenith being victorious and Germany id.no announcing their departure from the ET scene.

Group B

United Kingdom one4one
Europe Team-Helix
United Kingdom uQ Gaming
Europe legend

This is surely one of the most exciting groups. No team has yet played its third match, and we have still three candidates who might move on in this EuroCup. United Kingdom one4one claiming victory over United Kingdom uQ Gaming was responsible for the current situation. We will see United Kingdom uQ taking on Europe legend on Sunday. Assuming they take a 4-0 victory, we have a number of possibilites for the United Kingdom 141 - Europe hx game. If it is 4-0 or 4-2, United Kingdom uQ and United Kingdom 141 move on. If it is 0 - 4, Europe hx and United Kingdom uQ move on. If it is 2-4, we will have all three teams exactly tied. So let's hope for a very exciting Monday evening with this game (which will, as a Christmas gift, be cast by United Kingdom TosspoT himself). legend, however, won't make it into the playoffs, although they put up a good fight in all their games.

Group C

Europe IDKFA
Europe rAtatosk
Poland Logitech UVM
Israel insanity!

All clear here. Europe IDKFA have won their third game, taking down Europe rAtatosk, who are now in second place with two victories. Those teams have shown strong performances and they will surely be exciting to watch in the playoff phase. Not moving on to the finals are Poland Logitech UVM, who beat Israel insanity this week in a 3-mapper, so we won't see any Israeli or Polish team being the winner this year.

Group D

Finland gods.incorporated
Spain wArning!
United Kingdom Clan SoF
Germany pstarZ

This group has its difficulties: While United Kingdom SoF have already played all matches, the last one being a victory over Germany pstarZ this week, Spain wA have two games to play still: vs. Finland god on Sunday and the rescheduled game vs. Germany pstarZ on Monday. Finland god have a safe spot in the playoffs, but if Spain wA lose both games 0-4, we will have three teams tied once again. If, however, Spain wA win just one game, they are in the playoffs.

This is it for the groups. Four matches still to be played on Sunday and Monday, then we will know for sure who is among the 8 best teams here.

In addition to that, map choosing rules have been made public: Teams may choose their maps in the playoffs, but if both teams choose the same, a second one will be chosen at random. If a team has played one map, it may not choose this map for another two games. So we can be sure to see a wide variety being played as the Clanbase EuroCup XII continues.

Get ready for EuroCup Sunday

With another Sunday evening to come, we are waiting for another two exciting matches to start. The second match week is coming to a close, we have seen very surprising performances - United Kingdom 141 beating United Kingdom uQ - and are now full of expectations for tonight's games.

Who will we see clashing?

The first game will be a group A match:

20:00 CET

Russia TEAM-ZENITH Black 0 : 4 Germany oceans6 (former Team-BeTa)

Russia zenith have lost their first game against last year's winner Estonia idle.ee and are now trying to claim their first victory against the Germany oceans6 team, which beat their local opponent Germany id.no in a tremendous 3-map-game. Both teams, though admittedly underdogs in this EuroCup, are equally skilled and have already met in some practise matches. Who will be the winner? We will see tonight.

Be sure to check GamesTV and #gamestv.org for ETTV. Shoutcast will be available by FlyingDJ.

The second match will be in group D:

21:00 CET

United Kingdom Clan SoF 0 : 4 Finland gods incorporated

Finland gods.inc have shown an impressive performance in their first game, beating Germany pstarZ on ice and supply. United Kingdom SoF have lost to Spain wArning!, but their teamplay made clear that noone should underestimate the British team. If Finland gods.inc win, their spot in the playoffs will be almost secured. However, radar and sw_oasis can always be a surprising combination of maps, as we've seen this week. So let's expect a narrow and entertaining match.

Once again, check GamesTV and #gamestv.org for ETTV. If the other game finishes on time, shoutcast will once again be available by FlyingDJ.
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