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Presenting Cortana

image: cortana

The clan started back in September of 2006 and to this day 21 players have made their mark in the clan history. With four players sticking together from the previous EC season 5th place winners, and now adding the latest two I present to you our EC squad.


Croatia aCoZz
Croatia calisto
Croatia frozz
Croatia gmx
Switzerland GuNnEr
Croatia komar
Croatia rimi

The team will compete in EC XVII, ESL Major Series and ET Masters in the hope that they will progress further than they previously have.


TLR in with the old out with the new

image: 7xkweaw

After the announcement from Crossfire that players who have previously used a cheat and been subsequently banned by clanbase will not be allowed to play at the Crossfire Devoti Challenge 4 LAN this left the United Kingdom TLR ET squad in a tricky position with one of our players Netherlands perfo. Although prooven at LAN he has been banned for an incident a while back now which appears to be a very grey area as to whether the correct decisions were originally made when they banned him. To that end we have explored a couple of options.

First we attempted to speak with clanbase about the ban to see whether the correct decision was made. Thanks go out to United Kingdom Bulldog here for assisting with speeding up the process of the enquiry and for his support with this issue. Although it would appear there is enough evidence to show that it is possible that the wrong decision was originally made a decision was made by the Clanbase C&A head admin that given the ban had expired and that the afteraffects on crossfire were not their issue nothing would be done about the original ban.

Second we attempted to recruit a replacement capable of maintaining the excellent standard Netherlands perfo had already set within the squad and i feel that goal has been fully met.

So let me present the new TLR ET Squad

Malta Toxic
United Kingdom Sheep
Netherlands teKoa
Finland Iron
Finland Squall
Estonia Night

Backup [online only]
Netherlands perfo

c u at Enschede and Merry Christmas all

The Last Resort

Backstage at the EC Qualifiers

image: ecxvi_logo_small
I remember an article by United Kingdom Tosspot a while back in which he mentioned than one of the major issues with ET is lack of coverage and we can certainly say that Clanbase has never really be very proactive when it comes to media involvement in its premier Eurocup competition. This is an issue, with a lot of people claiming ET is dying one of the best ways to combat that is to educate people on the new teams and by keeping the interest alive so i will try to improve that by talking to the players both before and after their games through this Eurocup season starting off with the qualifiers.

Impact Returns

image: impactbanner

After a period of inactivity for the team with members playing for other squads for CDC3 and some continuing with other teams its time for Impact to return to the scene for the forthcoming Eurocup season. We have made some roster changes to make sure that we keep our squad current and active. Let me present

United Kingdom Impact ET

Finland Xpaz
Finland mystic
United Kingdom mztik
Netherlands Aza
Switzerland Gifty
Malta Toxic

Finland Jauhis

Hopefully you'll see impact returning to an ETTV near you soon.


Team UK complete

image: teamukvj8

Presenting the UK ET World Cup squad

England Pot (c) [Goon Squad]
England eVo (c) [Impact Gaming]

England Mztik [Impact Gaming]
England Sheep [Vicious and Evil]
Wales sqzz [Polar eSports]
Scotland razz [Polar eSports]
Ireland sol [dignitas]
England Andeh [Adapted]
England West [cless]
England Fatal [OpenFire]
Scotland Slash [Goon Squad]
Wales syK [cless]

Following a further trial night tonight we expect to add at least another rifle and probably 1-2 more players depending on responses from people we have yet to receive a reply to (syK)

After tonights trials
England miXer [tacky]
England Tyyrd [tacky]
Have been added to the team

Thx to stilez for the banner

Support us in:

ET Masters to finish with a LAN

image: newsbanner

With the ET Masters reaching the business end of the competition i have confirmed that the final will be hosted by at the Crossfight Prizefight Challenge 2 tournament on Sunday the 15th April. Thanks go out to United Kingdom Tosspot for allowing a change to the CPC schedule to accomodate and host a LAN final for this tournament.

With that in mind the Masters schedule is running very tight.
Grid Round 3 - Date: 5 April
Grid Round 4 / Winners Final - Date: 8-9 April
Losers Final - Date: 10 April
ET Masters LAN Final - Sunday 15 April

Now onto tonight where we see some potentially mouth watering matches.

High tempo tonight, Aux vs. VaE

image: newsbanner
Loosers Bracket Round 2[/u]

United Kingdom Auxilia 2:4 Germany Vicious and Evil
Maps: Goldrush & Frostbite
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org -

Well if you haven't seen all the journals in crossfire about the issues surrounding the Germany VaE team today here is a recap. With VaE already short after losing key player Finland Squallii their FOP the previously busted United Kingdom Razz has also announced that he will not attend CPC2 with the VaE squad. Leaving VaE reeling they before tonights ET Masters game they will call upon Finland Decem who is already on their roster having already played for VaE once so far and another unknown Poland merc to play with them.

United Kingdom Auxilia for that matter are also short for tonights crunch game having the likes of Eddie unavailable due to holiday and so in an extremely contraversial move they have brought in none other than former VaE player United Kingdom Razz to join them in their ET Masters campaign.

Per the rules this is not allowed unless special dispensation is given by the admin. Having spoken to both sides about this i have agreed to let the game go ahead. Both teams will be given the same allowance to bring in a player already playing / played in ET masters thus making it equal for both. The other option would have been to allow neither side to have a player and thus most likely ruling both teams out of the tournament. ET Masters remember does not allow wild cards. Neither team wanted this and VaE were happy to allow Razz to play for Aux therefore it was agreed for the game to go ahead. Unexpected and some would say unfair maybe, but a decision had to be made either way be it right or wrong in peoples minds.

One thing is for sure that whatever happens tonight will be an explosive game with neither team wishing to crash out of the tournament, both teams using mercs and thus being understrength and emotions and tempers already extremely high from the days events. Head over to gtv and join in the many ETTV servers broadcasting tonights encounter.

ET Masters Website

Impact take on zP in Masters Thriller!

image: newsbanner
Winners Bracket Round 2[/u]

Sweden zeroPoint! 0-4 United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Maps: Supply & Radar
ETTV: GamesTV.org - viewer peak 1100
Shoutcast: Download iTG`TosspoT's Cast
Match Stats Player Stats

The game started at a mile a minute and continued right until the end, it was an absolute thriller! zP looked to have been absorbed in their first attack on Supply before a shock flag grab saw them turn the tables and plant top and bottom. However once top had blown, impact grabbed the flag bag and defused the bottom only for zP to counter and grab top and push forward before then reclaiming bottom. They went on to set an 8 minute time with some important panzer dodging from Keran to aid their cause. Impact attacked steadily and made the most of a weak middle stage to win with 40 seconds to spare, both sides enjoying fruitful times on Allies and left with questions about their Axis play.
Impact tore through the zP radar defence taking the command post in 2 attacks, after that it was balls to the wall for zP and after just 4 minutes were called into a heart pounding document relay with 3 individual grabs and relays in the space of minute. They were finally defeated with a time of 8 minutes to beat. They started well, but couldnt get back into the game with just one grab on the west radar.
Impact face Dignitas the CPC2 group stages in 2 weeks, dont miss it!

Teams side by side

image: sidebyside

4I vs Impact & NETR vs -img tonight!!

image: newsbanner

Tonight sees too massive games in the ET masters tournament with the latter of the games being the last match for one team.

Winners Bracket Round 1[/u]

Europe 4I 0:4 United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA 1 hour before the game

These teams are yet to meet in an official however Europe 4I have looked very strong recently taking clean wins over all opponents faced so far including the top seed in their group Poland Netrunners.

United Kingdom Impact however have lost to United Kingdom TLR and taken only 4:2 wins over both Belgium cZar and Netherlands Morrigu so their route to the knockout stages has not been so clean.

The winner of this match will set themselves up with a round 2 WB clash with the inform Sweden Zeropoint Gaming squad whereas the loser will drop down to face United Kingdom Auxilia in the next round.

Loosers Bracket Round 2[/u]

Poland Netrunners 4:0 Finland Negative Image
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA 1 hour before the game

Poland Netrunners have been playing quite a few officials recently having beaten Sweden Zeropoint in the match for money game where they looked very strong whilst then following that up with a loss at the hands of United Kingdom TLR yesterday evening. Although a TLR win was expected by many so was a win by zP yet the poles have managed to beat the odds on that occasion. Most would consider Poland Netrunners favorites ahead of tonights game yet their form has been inconsistent to say the least so who knows what will happen tonight.

Finland Negative Image kick started their ET Masters campaign with a massive upset beating the highly rated Europe Polar eSports side 4:0 and going on from there to secure qualification of the group in 1st place. They then came up against Europe Pingwins it an incredibly exciting game which saw them beaten 4:2 on a tie break map. The odds would show that as an unexpected result so just the same as their opponents tonight Poland Netrunners you could argue that img are also struggling for consistency in their form.

What that leaves us with is a game where anything could happen but for one it will be the end of their ET masters tournament.

Lets Eliminate

image: newsbanner

With just 1 game in the groups stages remaining its now onto the Elimination stages of the ET Masters but first lets recap the last few games of the group stages.

Group A
The only game of the group occured between Sweden ZeroPoint and Europe Pingwins to decide who would qualify from the group as #1. With both teams already through to the elimination stage this game was all about pride however Zeropoint showed their dominance of Group A beating pingwins 4:0 and qualifying 12/0 having not dropped a map from start to finish.

Group B
With Agony Realm and Helix both folding the results were set after week 2, nick lamers Europe 4I qualifying 1st and Poland Netrunners in second.

Group C
United Kingdom Impact Gaming take on Netherlands Morrigu in the final game of this group to see who will qualify 2nd in group C, United Kingdom The Last Resort having already qualified in 1st place like zP, having not dropped a round so far and looking extremely strong.

Group D
This is the group that everyone has talked about so far in the tournament. With United Kingdom Auxilia having qualified in 2nd place before the final game it was down to the match between Finland -img and Belgium ViB to decide who would be joining them in the playoff stages.

Finland Negative Image needed only a win to see them through against a Belgium ViB side who had nothing to win since they were unable to qualify anyway. That being said no one could have predicted what we saw in this game. With Finland Finland having traffic routing issues through to the UK and Germany it left us with only holland as an available server location for the game.
Unexpectedly there was at least 1 person who still had issues to the forced match server. That being said the performance and attitude showed by ViB in the game left admins, players and spectators furious and i'm certain that ViB wont be getting any christmas cards from the Polar players this year. For those unaware we saw on battery a team turn up with no tactics planned, players disconnecting unhappy with their ping and eventually the whole team just going covert and messing around sniping. The sort of behaviour you would expect to see from a bottom league OC team full of children and not a respected ET Masters invitee.

In their defense they did come out later and apologise for their display although it was not enough for the ViB management team who quickly released the ET squad from their organisation.

The result of this meant that Europe Polar eSports crashed out of the tournament very unexpectedly, since they were #1 seed in the group, on rounds won/lost. As disappointed as they will be i am sure they will look on this as a lesson learned and they will bounce back in EC and ET Masters season 2.

Now we move onto what some consider the more exciting stages, with what should be the best of all the teams battling it out knowing that they can only afford a maximum of 1 dropped game.
The preliminary schedule for the elimination stage looks like this:

Grid Round 1 - Date: 21-29 March
Grid Round 2 - Date: 1-4 April
Grid Round 3 - Date: 5-8 April
Grid Round 4 / Winners Final - Date: 9-11 April
Losers Final - Date: 12-15 April
ET Masters Grand Final - Date: 16-19 April

For the full grid click here

ET Masters follows the same format as Clanbase Eurocup and so the maps in the elimination stages are not set. Each team chooses a home map and informs the admin 1 hour before the game is due to start. If both teams choose the same map then elimination will decide the second map with the admin deciding which map is played first.
Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games. Full rules can be found here

Sweden ZeroPoint vs. United Kingdom Auxilia

Europe 4I vs. United Kingdom Impact Gaming

United Kingdom TLR vs. Poland Netrunners

Finland -img vs. Europe Pingwins

- sw_goldrush_te
- Radar
- Supplydepot
- Braundorf
- Frostbite
- Battery

Good luck to all teams in the next rounds.

ET Masters Website
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