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Frost Final Out Battery In

image: newsbanner

Its been another good week for the ET masters tournament having all ready seen some quality clashes. Heres a brief review of some of the games.

Group A[/u]] is unfortunately not going to be a massively exciting finish. With the drop out of Sweden KIH and Sweden zeroPoint cruising to a straight 4:0 win it leaves Croatia elite walking home licking their wounds being now unable to qualify. The final game in this group will be a battle for first spot between Europe Pingwins and Sweden zP

Group B[/u]] is on catchup this week, last night seeing Germany 141 and Germany Helix finalling starting of their campaign. Helix will have to work hard however to bounce back from a decisive beating from the seasoned 141 team. Both squads have had their share of issues recently with talk of Finland Squall leaving 141 and then deciding to stay and for hx we saw Finland Sanda & Finland Spirea again removed from another team with Netherlands Bull and Netherlands Azz0r replacing them. (nice breaking Netherlands M!lk's microphone btw Azz0r)

Group C[/u]]
823 viewers tuned in to see a closely fought match between Belgium cZar and United Kingdom Impact Gaming, the latter taking the win 4:2 after beating cZar on braundorf in the decider. Opening the game on frostbite and impact without their usual lineup (since Azz0r sabotaged M1lk's microphone) were marginally beaten by cZar after a great return of the docs when Impact looked set to steal the first map. Turning to supply and the game was less close with Impact setting a reasonable time on attack and looking comfortable on the defence even though they were forced to now replace Tiigeri who is still suffering from Poland internet issues. A poor defence and quality attack from Belgium cZar looked like enough to take braundorf however United Kingdom Impact's attack on braundorf was swift and direct and good enough to win the game.
The Europe TLR game was as expected a very one sided affair with Netherlands Morrigu losing 4:0 to a strong TLR team that really did not look like it even had to go into high gear in this game.
A comfortable win and TLR have qualified for the elimination stages in 1st place having not yet dropped a map. The winner of the Impact - Morrigu should go through to the next round unless it ends in a 4:2 victory for either side and cZar manage to beat TLR 4:0 in their game in which case cZar and the winner of mQ - Impact would be tied with an 8/8 score.

Group D[/u]]
A win for United Kingdom Auxilla 4 - 2 over the finnish powerhouse that is Finland Negative Image and Europe Polar eSports taking a 4:2 win against Belgium Violence is Bad. These results have left this group wide open with every single team being able to qualify. You can be sure that the final games in this group will be a tense affair with no one daring to make a mistake.

Round 3 Changes[/b]

The dates for games in round 3 to finish have been extended until Wednesday 21st March. This is to accomodate some of the teams that are struggling to keep up with the fast schedule but also to give some teams a little more time to prepare for a change of map.

Frost Final B3 has unfortunately been a large disappointment to many of the teams that have been practicing this map. Unfortunately the map maker has tried too hard to adjust the design based on the comments he received on b2. B2 was too biased to allies, B3 it seems is just the opposite. Its extremely hard to attack this map and will result in almost certain full holds by both sides as we have seen in practices played so far.
That being said yesterday evening in the tournament private channel i asked the team leaders of nearly all the clans their opinions on the map and unfortunately there were no teams wanting to play it. I agreed to replace the map and opened the floor up to suggestions for a replacement. A couple of maps were mentioned however Battery seemed to be the most obvious with a lot of teams also wanting to see this played in the forthcoming EC. To this end i made a decision and that is that round 3 will be Radar and Battery however there are some stipulations.

- I do not intend to make a new config for this tournament however mines are not permitted on battery. Mortar is already removed. All teams should be aware of this and if mines are placed (and no one is gonna bullshit me by saying i accidently laid a mine that killed 6 guys) it will result in a forfeit loss of the map.

- Since this change is late notice for this round only you may agree with your opponent to play another map on the map pool. If you cannot agree on a map then you will have to play Battery.

- Battery is now part of the map pool and for further stages of the tournament it will be part of the map list so you will "have" to start practicing it because in later stages you cannot agree to change the map. It is only allowed to change for round 3.

I'd like to make it clear that i do not have anything against the map frost final and i think that hopefully when the right changes are made this will be a good map for all to play however at this stage it is not ready for competitive play.

i hope everyone is enjoying the tournament and coverage of round 3 will be posted when all games are scheduled.


More upsets anyone?

image: newsbanner

Ok lets do a quick recap first of round 1 of the ET Masters tournament.

cZar 2 : 4 Netherlands Morrigu]

I think almost everyone expected this to be an easy game for cZar and the gbooky odds certainly showed the public opinion but who would have expected such a game. This one had to go to a decider on Radar where cZar were just unable to push past the mQ defences. Kudos to Finland Raveneye for his spot on prediction on this game:
QuoteWe haven't really played against these guys so I can't really predict the outcome, but I happened to notice that cZar is using playername [cZar] tags, which should give them ultimate power over Morrigu. This isn't going to happen though, because parodia tag will punish eveyone using it without permission,

A last hour addition of Netherlands Rocky to the mQ squad replacing Netherlands Ins who for whatever reason could not play prooved to be one of the deciding factors in this game but also one of the most contraversial with aimbot accusations from Germany FlyingDJ and the Belgium cZar squad. However after watching demos no decision could be made on this one. Were we just watching a rising star and a great aimer of the game or something far more displeasant. Either way its certain that Rocky will come under close scrutiny in his next game.

Polar eSports 0 : 4 Finland Negative Image]

Europe Polar previously known as CDAP Pi, surely one of the strongest teams in ET today and top seed in their group against a relatively new and untested Finland Negative Imagine squad which has been riddled with lineup changes since its original formation. Clearly there would be only one winner in this game; Polar ? Well i was not alone in this view with gbooky odds of 1.03 vs. 33.03 however how wrong we all were. This game was unfortunately not even close. The Finland finnish squad dominated the Europe Polar side on both Braundorf and Goldrush.

Many would say that -img caught Polar on a bad day however credit must go out to the teamplay that -img showed during this game. Polar will now need to pick up wins against Sweden dtekt and Belgium ViB to be sure of qualification from their group.

dtekt eSports 4 : 2 Belgium Violence is Bad]

Well if you look at the previous predictions you would have to see that this game gave exactly what everyone expected. Two teams so nearly equalling each other out that a decider map had to be played to find a winner in this game. That winner of course was the new Sweden dtekt team.

CPC2 qualifiers and if at this early stage they can play at the level that they did you surely have to wonder what they can do after a couple of months practice. Will it even take that long and could this squad be the dark horse of the tournament. Possibly...

All eyes will be on their next game against the finnish powerhouse of Finland -img to see if they can maintain the high standard they have set so far. The winner of that game will almost certainly qualify for the elimination stages.

zeroPoint! Gaming 4 : 0 Sweden Vicious and Evil KIH]

A Sweden zP win 4 : 0 unexpected....

For the spectator this was unfortunately not the most viewer friendly game.. but ask yourself why and the answer lies with full credit to the meticulous play from zP.

With raw firepower and aggressiveness from Butchji and Gifty, the intelligence of Potter and Darky and then two of the most underated players in the german machines that are Hatred and Keran, you have to say that although Sweden KIH are complemented by many for their teamplay, the blend and affectiveness of this zP squad make them almost impossible to stop. Only 1 team in recent times has been able to do it. Will zP walk away with Gold in the ET Masters or are there some upsets still to come....

Impact Gaming 0 :4 Europe The Last Resort]

Although my view on this game can be argued as biased i hope that you will see this as a report from someone looking from the outside. First of all... what a game!

ETTV viewer slots of 1215 and that was filled by 1214 spectators all watching a clash the likes we haven't seen in quite some time. This game had it all, mutikills, suspension, a 10 man killing spree for the Finland mystic fanbois and some sheer excellence from the Belgium belgium mAus. It was a game of the highest quality and i for one cant wait too see a clash like this again.

TLR picked up bronze in this years EC however with the addition of mAus this squad has just stepped it up to another level. I personally believe that they are the strongest team in the ET Masters tournament and i cant wait to see clashes between them and zP and further into the future them and United Kingdom dignitas. You can be sure both these teams will be keeping an eye out for United Kingdom TLR. Also some credit to the TLR manager anil has put loads of effort into this team and its paying off.

And so onto United Kingdom Impact Gaming, the hype has been huge and looking at this game did they really disappoint? I would argue no. First official for the squad and it got everyone talking about the game. After being forced to make lineup changes since their original announcement and then to still go out and put in a performance like that against one of the best ET teams out there, you have to assume that in a few months time with more practice this squad will be stronger still. As the Impact manager i have to say the future's bright for this ET team.

Netrunners 4 : 0 Italy Agony Realm]

The predictions for this game were right on the money. A win for Poland Netrunners and if you didn't see the game you would assume this was a comfortable victory. Thats where you would be wrong. Italy A+R put up a good fight against the top seed in their group and that was most unexpected since most knew very little about this team.

Italy A+R is another squad that has been unfortunately full of lineup changes in recent times however looking at it you would have to say they might be very underated. If they can battle so strongly at this stage of their squads development then in time if they can keep the stability in the team then we could be looking at a very nice team. It looks like for ET Masters they will have to pull off something special against Germany 141 and Germany hx to qualify but dont rule anything out at this early stage.

One4One vs. Germany Team Helix]
Rescheduled to Monday 12 March @ 21:00 CET

pingwins 4 : 0 Croatia elite]

Unfortunately only 284 viewers turned out to watch this game but they were not disappointed since it was a nice game to watch and closer than the players at the time realised. A plant from Croatia Elite on Braundorf must have come within 0.5 Seconds of blowing but was defused by 2 pingwins engineers. I later learnt that someone on the pingwins team had suggested that both engineers dont go for the defuse. Its a good thing that Bullvox chose to ignore him or this game was going to a decider.

Goldrush was unfortunately a bit more one sided with pingwins never really looking massively troubled on their bank stage defence. Croatia Elite missing a couple of their key players in the Pingwins game now move onto the massive task of having to beat zP 4:0 to take the group to a 3 way decider.

Tournament Update [/u]

- Sweden Vicious and Evil KIH have unfortunately pulled out of the ET Masters. I haven't seen any squad updates on xfire but i'm sure the team will post something to say why they have pulled out of the tournament along with the future of the squad. Since round 1 has already just about finished i will not be replacing them in the tournament and Group A will now only have 3 teams left in the tournament.

-The dates for the group stage of the tournament have been slightly extended. Round 2 dates are now 7-12 March and Round 3 13-18 March.

- Round 2 will see maps supply and frostbite, Round 3 will be Radar and the now updated Frost Final B3, Download here: http://www.cyburk.net/frost_comp_b3.pk3

- Since the tournament has now started teams are only allowed to add 1 player to your roster assuming that player has not already played for another team.

It's a Master Craft

image: newsbanner

This Sunday sees the start of the ET Masters tournament. For those not aware it's an invite only tournament featuring top teams considered masters of the game battling it out for honour and a prize bounty of 250 Euros. And what an awesome prospect the first round is. I think it's only fair to review each match individually. Read more for details and predictions.

Sunday is Fight Night

cZar vs. Netherlands Morrigu]

Time: 20:00 CET
Admin: Sweden / Denmark kiss
Belgium cZar: mesq - lio - snot - ziff - zeto - dNzl
Netherlands Morrigu: Wesbo - ins - leonneke - kitty - joop - mize
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well i think it will be a victory for cZar after an evenly matched game. Morrigu would want to recover from their loss in the CPC2 qualis but I can't see it happening against a strong cZar side
Switzerland gifty: cZar against Morrigu will be a good fight I guess, eventhough I would go 4 : 2 for cZar, just because they seem stronger as a team, and since I've played with 4 of them already I know they can do a lot.
Wales sqzz: Czar have strong players, Iv played with some and Communicate well. and have good Teamplay 4-0 to Czar
Poland kot: czar - mq 4:2
Belgium mesq: We are quite confident about winning this match. Everything within the team is going smooth so my prediction for this game would be 4-2 for us.
Finland Raveneye: We haven't really played against these guys so I can't really predict the outcome, but I happened to notice that cZar is using playername [cZar] tags, which should give them ultimate power over Morrigu. This isn't going to happen though, because parodia tag will punish eveyone using it without permission, so Morrigu wins 4-0

Polar eSports vs. Finland Negative Image]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Scotland Slasheh
Europe Polar eSports: Toxic - kris - perfo - fobje - snoop - xylos
Finland Negative Image: Mulsu - chmpp - kimble - auron - twidi - lettu
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well, I think it will be a victory for us. negative image have lettu and twidi praccing with murso for CPC2 ofc so...
Switzerland gifty: I love the neg.Image guys, but Polar eSports will just be too good. Goldrush will go to negative image, but the other two maps most likely to Polar eSports. 4 : 2 Polar.
Wales sqzz: Polar esports will take this game, they have alot of skilled players, and will take this 4-2 to Polar eSports.
Poland kot: polar - img 4:0
Belgium mesq: polar eSports are playing very nice atm. I guess they will take this game quite easy with a clean 4-0.
Finland Raveneye: This one is going to be easy for Polar, Negative Image didnt impress me when we pracced against them a couple of days ago. Easy 4-0 win for laggers if they play at their usual skill level.

dtekt eSports vs. Belgium Violence is Bad]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Malta vKg
Sweden dtekt eSports: blaze - fireBall - humM3l - z3R0 - kris - sexyhot - snuble - tornis
Belgium Violence is Bad: vila - sacc - matias - kentsu - Danone - murDa - asd
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: This is one of the closest matches in the first round and I think it will be a 4-2 for whichever team wins. I'm 100% sure vib will win gr after dtekt didnt show the best performance on grush against infrag, and i think dtekt will win braun. All depends on the decider map :P
Switzerland gifty: I don't know any of those team quite good, just a few players. I guess vib will win this one, maybe even 4 : 0, but my prediction could be totally wrong, I don't know.
Wales sqzz: dtekt eSports, played with alot of their players in 3on3, nice guys + very Skilled, 4-2 too dtekt eSports.
Poland kot: dtekt - vib 4:2
Belgium mesq: This game will be a great game to watch, the teams are equal. I think this match will end in the favour of dtekt. 4-2 for dtekt.
Finland Raveneye: This one is going to be a tough game. I'm pretty sure it will go to the decider round and the team which keeps their teamplay together wins the match. 4-2 to vib, just because they have yoghurt man in their lineup.

zeroPoint! Gaming vs. Germany Vicious and Evil KIH]

Time: 21:30 CET
Admin: United Kingdom Splodge
Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming: Darky - potter - keran - butchji - hatred - gifty
Germany Vicious and Evil: arne - FeTTe - smutzig - Ozz - FiEND - zerom - eddie - donkey
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: I think it will be an easy win for zP as they won on shg without butchji at LAN and beat KiH on frostbite, so now online and no frost with butchji.. easy win for zP
Switzerland gifty: We played totally crappy last few days, but officials are our territories, so I guess we can/will win this one, maybe 4 : 2. <3 FeTTe & smutzig
Wales sqzz: I think this will b a close game, if ZeroPoint are on form, im obviously gonna be modest cause its my own team, so 4-2 too zeroPoint! gaming, CMON boys
Poland kot: zp - vae 4:0
Belgium mesq: This will be a one sided match. zeroPoint will overrush KiH on both maps, 4-0 for zeroPoint.
Finland Raveneye: Easy bash for zP if butchji and gifty stay uninjured. Can't really see KIH having even a little piece of chance in this one. zP wins 4-0

Monday is the Big One

Impact Gaming vs. Europe The Last Resort]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: Malta vKg
United Kingdom Impact Gaming: Xpaz - mystic - Raveneye - Tiigeri - teKoa - M1lk
Europe The Last Resort: acozz - clown - david - marv - Winghaven - mAus
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Well, this is definetely the match of the first round. Impact need to show that they're not a clone of a-monkeys and TLR can prove to Impact that the level of ET is higher then what Mztik said. I think it will be a win for TLR as TLR seem to have gotten better with mAus and the last minute change for impact could hurt their chances. TLR win
Switzerland gifty: We've played alot against impact, but never against TLR with that lineup, so I would think 4 : 2 either way, since I know the strenght of TLR from before.
Wales sqzz: Impact.gaming, Played / Merced with them in some games, Very nice + Skilled lads. I think if Impact.Gaming play like they normally do, they should take this game would be Quite easy for them, Impact.Gaming 4-0
Poland kot: tlr - impact 2:4
Belgium mesq: It will be a great match to watch for sure. It will most likely end in a decider, which Impact Gaming will win, 4-2 for Impact Gaming.
Finland Raveneye: Impact Gaming wins 4-0 and I would be stupid if I said something else. The match is going to be very tight and they might even take a map from us, but I'm pretty positive that we will come out as the winners. 4-0 for us against tlr and 10-0 for us against the gemran whiner kids.

Netrunners vs. Italy Agony Realm]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: TBA
Poland Netrunners: kot - buzka - chester - gotti - Liquid - oic - rio - Robol^
Italy Agony Realm: aphesia - kritos - momo - senti - rat - xAv
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic:Netrunners will win, simply because they are better :D
Switzerland gifty: NETR all the way! 4 : 0 or 4 : 2 for them. I love those polish guys =d
Wales sqzz: Netrunners, will take this, They have played together in |;P| and was a v skilled team, now even better, 4-0, maybe might go 2 draw. but will take last round, on pressure. Gl too Both teams.
Poland kot: netr - a+r 4:0 :p
Belgium mesq: This match can end up in a surprising result for AR. A+R are playing good the last days, they didn't qualified for CPC 2. But they didn't played bad in the qualifier, On the other hand NETRunners are a strong team. But I doubt they were active the last 2 weeks. They didn't pracc that much I guess. My prediction for this match is 4-2 for NETRunners.
Finland Raveneye: I have played pretty much against Netrunners and their ultimate duo kot and ROBOL should lead them to victory pretty easily. Agony Realm side looks pretty weak and I cant really see Netrunners losing this match. 4-0 for Netrunners.

Tuesday is the Next Level

One4One vs. Germany Team Helix]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: England eVo
Germany one4one: sheep - lepari - squall - vegi - razz - iron - pliss
Germany Team Helix: MurDa - ramin - drago - riddla - Sanda - Spirea
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: Haven't seen played against neither of them but knowing that 141 has been together for quite a while with the only change being razz for keving, I'd think that they'll win as helix were always good but never great, and they've only just comeback
Switzerland gifty: 141 is extremely strong, and helix is very new and not ready yet for 141. 4 : 0 for 141.
Wales sqzz: Close game. both skilled teams, Iv playes VS one4one in the time being, and they played REALLY well. 4-2 too one4one.
Poland kot: 141 - hx 4:0
Belgium mesq: Another match to watch. Although I think hx ain't gonna stand a chance vs the good playing 141. Team - Helix is also playing with 2 new additions, Sanda and Spirea. It will take some time to get used to each other. But Team - Helix will put up a good fight but will lose, close in a decider, 4-2 for one4one.
Finland Raveneye: Helix is trying to mix up some germany and finnish ego which doesnt prevent 141 from bashing them pretty easily. Their style of play is so irritating and effective that they should be clear winners in this match. Helix is too new team to break that style of play. 4-0 for 141

pingwins vs. Croatia elite]

Time: 21:00 CET
Admin: TBA
Europe pingwins: Lightning - Chaoz - zerender - abort - gunner - bullvox - dr3am
Croatia elite: raptus- Kris - CS4f1 - future - day_ - dunno! - krein
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

Malta Toxic: I think pingwins will win, got no reasoning to it tho :D just a feeling ^^
Switzerland gifty: elite just won the OC, they might still feel the power of that big hype, I would say 4 : 2 for elite.
Wales sqzz: Close game in my opinon, Pingwins, if on form. will take this game, not easy, but will take it, 4-2 to pingwins.
Poland kot: ping - elite 4:2
Belgium mesq: This is probaly also going to be a one sided match. pingwings will win this match with 4-0
Finland Raveneye: And yet more teams which I havent ever seen or atleast I dont recall playing against these ones. Elite has counter-strike for formula 1 and some neverheards against pingwins guys which I have even heard when I played long time ago. They have a nice name too, so pingwins for the win 4-0

Round 2 games will start from Wednesday with hopefully more great matches between some of the best teams in the game. To see the full fixture list, teams and groups you can view these on the cup pages on the Impact Gaming website.


Impact Present ET Masters Tournament

image: newsbanner

This news post will serve as one for announcing / confirming a few things. Firstly the small stuff.

For all those who dont know this from the journals already i'm afraid to say that Belgium Xionn will no longer be participating in the CPC2 cup with Impact due to some real life issues. Replacing him in the team is the Finnish player Finland mystic. Having played with the likes of Finland Xpaz, Finland Raveneye and Finland Tiigeri before in Finland Parodia and Finland A-Monkeys he fits straight into the team.

I'd also like to announce that the United Kingdom Impact Gaming[/u] website is now online and whilst not only providing you with the latest information on the team and the players it will also play host to the ET masters tournament that myself, Ireland mthd and the rest of the staff at Impact are organising.

Now on to the ET Masters[/u] tournament. What is it?

Its an invite only tournament consisting of 16 of the highest skilled teams competing for glory and prize money totalling 250 Euros. The design of the cup is to help prepare the teams for the forthcoming CPC2 tournament whilst also providing some top level ETTV matches for the spectators.

The tournament will consist of 16 teams. Initially starting with a group stage and 4 teams per group. Each team will play each other once and the top 2 teams from each group will then proceed into a double elimination knockout stage.
The tournament although identical to Eurocup in format will be designed to hopefully run at a much faster pace with 2 games per week. Schedules permitting for the teams there will be a Sunday game and a midweek (Wednesday) game.

Supply Depot
frost final (Latest TE Version)

These maps have been chosen because apart from braundorf they are all maps that will be used in the forthcoming CPC2

#1 - 125 Euros
#2 - 75 Euros
#3 - 50 Euros

Rules will be identical to Eurocup rules and will use the latest Clanbase 6v6 config.
For game disputes demos must be provided.
You may be asked to move your game for coverage purposes schedules permitting.

Group A

Sweden ZeroPoint
Europe Pingwins
Croatia elite
Sweden Kno i Horn

Group B

Poland NetRunners
Germany 141
Europe sFx Beaver
Europe Defining Stars

Group C

Europe Amenti
United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Belgium cZar
Europe Auxilia

Group D

Europe Polar eSports
Sweden dTekt
Belgium Violence is Bad
Finland Negative Image

Group Game 1 - Date March 4th
Group Game 2 - Date March 7th
Group Game 3 - Date March 11th

Elimination Round 1 - Date March 14th
Elimination Round 2 - Date March 18th
Elimination Round 3 - Date March 21st

BracketFinals - Date March 25th
Grand Final - Date March 28th

We are looking for experienced admins to manage some of the games and to post some coverage for the tournament otherwise i'm never gonna get anything done.

Big thanks to all those who helped to make the cup / website happen.

Sweden Unisol for all his hard work coding
United Kingdom Brzy for the hours of rendering on the million banners we tested.
United Kingdom Antz for the hours hes spent configuring our linux servers
Netherlands Stilez for his artwork he has done on the site and of course Impact co manager Ireland mthd for helping me with absolutely loads of organising and configuring with the site, forums, servers etc

Good luck to all the teams competing. Hopefully we will be able to provide a fun and spectator friendly cup

Impact Gaming[/u]

sFx to take over Finnish ET

image: sfxbanner

Finland sFx Sextet

Finland Iratou - Ex: sFx Skit-Evil, Angeldust
Finland zta - Ex: Defix, Angeldust
Finland Slyfox - Ex: sFx Skit-Evil, Angeldust
Finland Redcross - Ex: Roistot, Team-Finland
Finland Sereg - Ex: Radiance, Euthanasia
Finland Nubiks - Ex: Das, Euthanasia
Finland jDoe - Ex: Engine, Demiurge

Abnormal Monkeys join #sFx.Gaming

image: sfxbanner

Finland Tiigeri
Finland Mystic
Finland Xpaz
Finland Jauhis
Finland Saintt
Finland et1
Finland torspo

The sFx management team would like to welcome its latest squad to the organisation, Abnormal Monkeys. The players themselves need no introduction, their achievements are well known and we believe there is plenty more to come from this all finish squad. Along with competing in this years Eurocup you can also look forward to seeing this team gracing next years CPC2 Lan.

England eVo
Quote Ever since I was asked by United States of America Jacques Antoine (sFx Managing Director) to recruit another ET team into sFx I knew I had my work cut out for me. We already had one squad Finland sFx Murso competing in Eurocup and although I am regularly asked by teams looking to join sFx I only really wanted a top team to bring into the organisation. Given my previous dealings with Tiigeri both when he played for the FinlandsFx Skit Evil and EuropesFx LAN squads and due to the sheer strength of his current team (Abnormal Monkeys) it made sense that I would approach him to once again play for sFx. The team has practicing hard and I believe are a true threat to the Idle Eurocup crown.

Finland Tiigeri
QuoteWe want to go a bit further than just playing EC. We've been discussing about upcoming Crossfire Prizefight Challenge and decided that we need a professional Multi Gaming organisation to give us support. Following several weeks of discussions with eVo, we decided to join sFx, afterall sFx supported sFx.LAN for CPC #1.


sFx welcomes #Murso

sFx is proud to introduce its latest ET squad Murso.
Murso was originally created already over 2 years ago in 2004. Firstly #murso was just a small community channel which consisted of friends who were playing some games together for fun. The clans first game was naturally ET, like it is today, but we've also played CS:S and TM:N in few cups and ladders. Before mostly all members of this clan had another 6on6 clans also for playing bit more seriously, but now when sFx LAN folded and sFx evil was also dying we decided to gather our forces and start to play seriously with #murso, next EC as our main goal. All of our current players have been part of this clan already since '04 or '05 so we all know each others very well, which should be an advantage.


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