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Team Coolermaster with ET team

image: coolermasterJust a moment ago the former Enemy Territory squad of Netherlands Overload Gaming also known as Kreaturen became the new ET team of the British multigaming organisation
United Kingdom Team Coolermaster. TCM should be not new to all of you as it is the home of former rifle star gifty who is now rocking the Call of Duty scene. With TCM stepping into Enemy Territory we have again a professional gaming organisation within our Community. After names like Dignitas, Insignia Cadre and The Last Resort have been around in the past, TCM will hopefully not be the last clan picking up an ET team. The team itself features nothing new as it should remain the team which will play this Eurocup.

Europe Team Coolermaster.ET

Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands foSt
Netherlands m1lk
Netherlands mize
Netherlands modus
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands spho

I had a little chat with team captain perfo who gave me this statement regarding the move of his team:

Future of EDiT questionable

image: 11097koEC silver medal winner Team EDiT did next to Impact Gaming and mPg now as well strenghten their team with adding two CDC winners to their lines. Former Impact player Finland Matias as well as ex unKind player United Kingdom Sheep who also played for Impact, now joined up with the number one team of Belgium. Furthermore ex EDiT and cZar player Belgium Kevin returned to his mates by leaving the French guys of Muse Gaming. Having recently given up to form an all Belgian team with adding dutch player abort to the squad, they now added a Fin and a UK boy to the team, which makes them a further European mix next to Impact, KKK and n1ce. The new lineup consists now offcially of the following players.

Belgium Lio
Belgium acid
Belgium vila
Belgium Kevin
United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Matias
Netherlands Abort

The big ones rearmed!

Clanbase Eurocup Season XVII is nearly ready to kick off as the last qualifiers today decided which teams can play for fame and glory in this spring. Just before EC starts Europe's best teams have been very busy on the transfer market to finalise their rosters and to strenghten their chances to win. After lio re-entering his squad due to his ban removal, Team EDiT now seem to be strong enaugh to at least show a strong performance like they did last season. But EDiT were not the only ones completing their lineups.

Reigning CDC4 Champions Impact Gaming have made one further step to ET world dominition, at least on the paper. With adding former Dignitas, idle.ee and u96d player JaKaZc to their team they have now a team gathered which could without a problem be Enemy Territory's dream team. With idle.ee allstars Night, Reload and r3vers; Eurocup winner and LAN ownator Toxic and mister aim god alive aka mAus this seems to be - for me - without a doubt our next EC Champions. It remains to be seen how much this team can practise since two players do still play ET:QW for Team Dignitas, namely JaKaZc and Relaod. To let you see yourself how strong this team does now look alone on the paper, here is the complete lineup of Impact Gaming.


Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Estonia Reload
Slovenia JaKaZc
Belgium mAus
Malta Toxic

From talking about the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 Champions we now turn over to the reigning Clanbase Eurocup Champs which are of course the german stars from mPg. Beating strong teams like Cortana and Team EDiT in last season's EC they unfortunately did not make it to CDC4 or where not allowed to. Anyway, they now had to recruit a new player to complete the team after an argument between top player snoop and the rest of the team which lead to the disbanding of the two parties. After a week of testing the mega pro's today can call their team complete. With british younstar razz complementing the squad, the team now aims to defend the EC title against even stronger challengers this season. The converted mpg does now look like this.


Germany drago
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany wEAK
Latvia Clown
Scotland razz

As the 16 teams for this Eurocup are now official I just would like to give you all of them in one list. Having a look at them should make you even more excited. At least I think that this Eurocup could become the toughest one in Enemy Territory history.

Belgium Team EDiT
Croatia Cortana
Europe Kirwa Kirwanderin Kirwurit
Finland Incomplete
Europe Just Tag
Finland Vicious & Evil
Germany megaProGaming
Europe Impact Gaming
Belgium 8Bits Gaming
Netherlands Overload Gaming
Europe Team FatGames
Germany HighBot
France dESIRE
Italy n1ce.it
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Europe Team Ephix

Fear Factory win GGT2008

image: 1z519js

Sunday; February 24th, - Polish oldschoolers Poland Fear Factory X-Fi just took the title of being this years GGT2008 Champions by defeating newcomers Poland Authentic Gaming in the grand final at the Goleniow Game Theatre, Poland. Authentic were able to beat FF.X-Fi on Goldrush and FF came back on Supplydepot with beating Auth's set time. The final map to be played was Oasis and some peaple will remember the grand final of PGA when you hear that both teams decided to play a knife round to clear out this event's champ. The FF.X-Fi team around captain Wrobel and star player wiesiek are now proud owners of about 1.250 € cash and several hardware prizes.

CAL Signups for ET:QW open!

image: cal_logo

After announcing an Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Division already two months ago, the Cyberathlete Amateur League now officially opened their sign ups. American top teams like Team HOT, Team Exile and 20ID already joined the league. Here is the official news:

QuoteWe have decided to waste no time in allowing teams to sign up! Team leaders can create their teams, and players are allowed to join existing teams. If you already have the game, you will be able to put your PB_GUID in the UniqueID field. If you don't already have it, make sure you get in there soon! It is REQUIRED to participate in the league!

We will leave signups open for a 2-3 weeks while we finalize rulesets and other division business. Once everything is ready to go, you will be the first to know! So stay tuned!

Sign up here.

GGT 2008 ET LAN announced

image: ggtlogoSeptember 29, 2007

Goleniow Game Theatre
is an Enemy Territory tournament divided into two phases:

- Online eliminations

- LAN finals

Eliminations will take place from 1st of December 2007 till 31st of January 2008. 16 Polish teams are allowed to play until 2 lost matches (double elimination) and 10 European teams will have the chance to qualify for the finals, as well (eliminations performed by Crossfire). Entry fee for polish teams is 60 PLN, for european teams it is free of charge.
5 qualified teams from Poland and 3 European teams will go through to the LAN finals.

LAN finals will take place on 22-24 of February 2008 in Goleniow (near Szczecin). For teams, which managed to go through the elimination phase, the LAN organization will provide food and accomodation during the finals. We will do our best to provide high-class PCs for participating teams. If we won'tl be able to do this, we would provide monitors for sure. Prize purse till now is 6000 PLN (~1579 €).

Online phase is going to be played on our servers (sponsored by Gamesnet.pl). Finals will be held in Goleniowski Dom Kultury, Slowackiego 1 Street, 72-100 Goleniow (Poland). There will be places for visitors, media and sponsors provided. Directly near the LAN area is a restaurant Cafe Scena. Information how to get there, are presented on our web page.

Teams in both phases of our tournament will play in 6on6 mode, using the Clanbase rules and configs. The mappool looks as follows:

- Supply Depot
- Braundorf (B4)
- SW Goldrush TE
- Frostbite
- Würzburg Radar
- TBA (Poll on site)

Signups to elimination phase are open till 22 of November 2007.

Interested people, media supporters and possible partners or sponsors are pleased to contact Poland orsz for more info.

www.GGT2008.pl - #GGT2008.pl

ETQCup Round 2 starting tonight!

image: etqcup2

Tonight sees the second match round of Cadre's ETQCup, prized with 1000 € cash and several hardware prizes powered by our very own tournament sponsor QPAD. As the first matchday had almost everywhere clear results which could be known before the match took place we have today some very nice clash's of top Enemy Territory teams. Some examples may be the matches Dignitas versus OVERLOAd, infrag facing Incomplete, FF X-Fi against eC4 or aRt taking on AuxiliA. We hope to see some hot battles tonight so make sure to visit GamesTV.org to brows for your favourite match.

Here is the complete list of all upcoming matches for ETQCup's second round starting today:

Vicious and Evil add three!

image: 57876c9fe81bb8d9b276a2e0750af04b

After finishing fourth at Crossfire Prizefight Challenge II Germany Vicious and Evil decided to make a break and form a new team without CPC II replacements Netherlands BuLL and Finland decem. Three more or less new players have been added to the team to compete in Eurocup Season XV.

QuoteStatement by Sheep:

After the pretty devastating departure of both rAZz and Squall, we found decem and BuLL as quick CPC2 LAN replacements. However we felt a shuffle was needed after the LAN in order for us to compete in the current Eurocup, even after such an impressive performance at the CPC2. An unexpected early retirement from active gaming by Lepari, left us in a situation of needing 3 brand new players... these came in the form of the Belgian youngster Kevin, the troublesome Turk fireBall, and the highly rated Polish powerhouse gotti.

New Vicious and Evil - Enemy Territory lineup:

- England Sheep
- Switzerland vegi
- Finland Iron
- Turkey fireBall
- Belgium Kevin
- Poland gotti

First challenge for the new formed team will be Eurocup opponent Portugal k1ck eSports on Sunday the 29th.

Cadred News | vae Page | #fac.vae @ Qnet

K1ck eSports with ET squads!

[img|RIGHT]http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/728/k1cknc4.jpg[/img]March 31, 2007 - One of the biggest multigaming organisations placed in portugal recently announced their step into the Enemy Territory again. K1ck eSports Club took two talented and ambitious teams to their organisation. On the one hand we have an all portugues lineup including several nationscup players known from former organisations such as Exotic Island and nofid Gaming. The team consists of the following players:

Portugal K1ck Blade (cap)
Portugal K1ck Moose
Portugal K1ck Qkr
Portugal K1ck Spawn
Portugal K1ck Setup
Portugal K1ck Sexclick
Portugal K1ck Agon
Portugal K1ck Mno
Portugal K1ck Porter

On the other hand we have a skilled european team formerly known under the name of Pingwins. They have already proven to be one of europes bests with getting into the playoff's of last years Clanbase Eurocup. In addition to that do they take part in the invite tournament ET Masters as well - reaching the playoffs, too. The european lineup looks like this:

Netherlands K1ck lightning (cap)
Netherlands K1ck abort
Netherlands K1ck bullvox
Germany K1ck chaoz
Germany K1ck zerender
Switzerland K1ck GuNnEr

Good luck to both teams and a warm welcome to another multigaming organisation entering the ET scene.

K1ck eSports | #K1ck | #K1ck.et

zeroPoint! takes in FeTTe

image: zeropointvl7

The Enemy Territory team of the swedish multigaming organisation zeroPoint! Gaming has proven to be one of the strongest teams around Europe nowerdays. Reaching a third place at Poznan Game Arena 2006 after beating dignitas in the qualifiers and placing second at both Clanbase Eurocup and shgOpen 2007 they showed why a lot of people were calling them the best team behind Dignitas.

Trying to do their best at the next Lan event Crossfire Prizefight Challenge II once more, they had to restructure their attending lineup due to the unavailibility of Germany Hatred and Austria rapture. Former backup player Germany keran will enter the main lineup for the following period of time like he already did at shgOpen.

[img|RIGHT]http://nll.org.uk/fettetz9.jpg[/img]A sixth player was soon found with former infensus and KiH player Sweden FeTTe who already played together with Switzerland gifty at Quakecon 2006.

“We are glad to have a proper replacement for Hatred who is unable to attend the CPC II. As we were looking for a 6th player to join our team there was just one guy we all agreed on - the swedish powerhorse FeTTe“ Statement by team captain Austria Darky.

zeroPoint's lineup for CPC II looks now as follows:

zeroPoint! Austria Darky
zeroPoint! Austria potter
zeroPoint! Switzerland Gifty
zeroPoint! Germany keran
zeroPoint! Germany butchji
zeroPoint! Sweden FeTTe

Good luck and a lot of fun to zeroPoint in Enschede :>

Source: zpgaming.net
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