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Answers from rockit.ET!

image: 10yl6wkOne week ago we started something new within our project. We invited the community to ask their special questions to our Enemy Territory team, be it game related things, motivational things or simply their plans or goals for CiC7. Within the very first few minutes we already got several interesting questions for all rockit.ET gamers. After a period of a week, we picked the best questions and handed them to the players and today we can present their very own answers. Read More if you want to know why Clown is playing with his keyboard on his lap, who XyloS believes is the best rifle or when they all started their competitive way in ET.

Crossfire Articles for you!

image: xfindent3cfMV0DIThis news item is intended to give two really well written and researched articles the attention they deserve and make sure any Crossfire reader will have the chance to read it.

With a project idea that could be well continued and get some following works the contributer United States of America proficio not only interviewed four of the best ET players, he also gives you the chance to connect the particular player with his country by listing some background information about the countries. His article "Scandalnavia" is fun to read and interesting at the same time. Make sure to not miss this great interview collection delivering you an insight into the Scandinavian ET history.

image: scandF6HVD

QuoteLadies and Gentlemen throughout the years the Scandinavian countries have had players among the very best in Return To Castle Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory. Quite comfortably the virtual world lends itself to a disguise, a special place where people can be whoever they want to be or do whatever they like to do.

In this article I will be taking you to a journey where I will be talking with 4 of Scandinavias finest and most experienced players. The people of these countries share all common bonds wrought by their culture and history. It sets their world apart – and is poised to inspire yours!

Rockit.ET Completed

image: picture-13With the recent team change of Matias in favour of Blight Gaming and the unsure situation around olBaa's ability to attend CiC7, Europe rockit's team captain Clown has had the task to complete the team again without losing strength. As the main goal for ET's biggest ever held LAN event is still to place at the top, the replacements had to be made wisely and the team took its time finding suited players. As a more or less new addition Europe rockit.ET can sign Italian multigaming talent XyloS who was already part of the legendary aMenti lineup in the past. He'll mainly take the role as the rifle-nader in the team and everybody knows he is able to deliver that. Having to finalize the roster with a fifth player we can happily say that olBaa will be back in the team as now everything's been arranged and sorted out.
  • Latvia rockit. Clown
  • Italy rockit. XyloS
  • Belgium rockit. mAus
  • Spain rockit. Winghaven
  • Finland rockit. olBaa

Seeing that the lineup now looks neither new nor weaker we can trust in the strength this team has shown and go positively tempered into the upcoming tasks such as the CiC7 seeding tournament as well as the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 itself. We caught up with Clown to give you more information regarding the changes and the condition of the team.

Rockit Welcome New ET Team

image: picture-13Formed as an ET team of friends more than a year ago, Germany rockit became home of several teams spread in a lot of games until now. With sending our TF2 team to an international LAN event (Assembly 2010) in about two weeks we've come surprisingly far in this time. Today we can announce something we only dreamed of before. Taking in a new team of the game we love was always planned and we took our time to choose the right one. Proud, honoured, extremely excited and highly motivated we welcome a team that you might connect with the name of The Last Resort or recently ButtonBashers representing the rockit brand within the Enemy Territory scene from now on.
  • Latvia rockit. Clown
  • Finland rockit. Matias
  • Belgium rockit. mAus
  • Spain rockit. Winghaven
  • Finland rockit. olBaa

As one of the oldest, most stable and most successful teams in ET, the new Europe rockit.ET players can already look back on a load of awards including top two placings at the last five Crossfire Challenges, top three placings in all EuroCups they have been part of and more recently winning the Intel Sunday Night Cup II. You think that's enough? They do not, as they are hungry for gold at the Crossfire INTEL Challenge 7 another time.

ET WGT tourney at Digitex

image: 20iji50This weekend some of the best Czech Enemy Territory teams and players moved over to the Digitex 2009 exhibition to take part in the World Gamemaster Tournament LAN finals to showcase Enemy Territory as a game, its teamplay and atmosphere. Driving force and initiator has been TeamPlay Radio shoutcaster Czech Republic smOke together with the help of Intel and Asus who made WGT happen. Of course smOke has also been on stage giving the audience the chance to follow action packed Enemy Territory live combined with an excellent shoutcast.

image: 4079293796_693a703e00_m  image: 4078539107_343fd0367b_m

Wolfenstein MP news

image: wolfenstein_logoJust when the promotion of Activision's new title Wolfenstein started, by being scheduled for summer 2009, things now kick off with more and more game previews coming up. It's not of a big surprise that new information about the game slowly get
leaked and so we can now happily show you more exclusive multiplayer content.

When I was writing that column about a former Activision guy who leaked information regarding multiplayer gameplay and classes at Wolfenstein-Zone.com, we could'nt be too sure about him being a reliable source, as anyone could tell us how the MP "could" look like. Now it seems he is right about his (former) position, as he unveiled the first ever Wolfenstein MP screenshots.

The screenshots reveal not only the look of some maps but also the names and as well as that they lead to the conclusion that Wolfenstein will have NO vehicles, just because the maps do not seem to offer any space for them. The maps are mostly small and feature indoor environment just like RtCW did.

As the names of the leaked screenshots say, Wolfenstein will have the following multiplayer maps:


It's still not sure from which state of the game development process those map screenshots are taken, hence there might be different maps in the final version, or some things may be left away or changed.

As all the screenshots are watermarked by idsoftware, we can assume them being legit and true content of the upcoming Wolfenstein game.

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H2k back with zerender

image: 2iqk4z7In a night full of surprise regarding lineup changes within our scene, we see another one taking place at CC5 winning side Europe H2k Gaming. What at first sight may not be of much importance, is still liked by a large part of the community. When CF's number one console profi Germany zerender decided to stop playing ET competitively, he was not aware of the pressure a community can build up when it comes to players the pack just wants to see ;)

As a logical result of all the appeals or the will of destiny, the shortly missing part of the Crossfire Challenge 5 team of H2k Gaming now comes back to complete the team once again. Right at the beginning of EuroCup and the announcement of CC6 and a further ESL Major Series season, zerender will make his long awaited comeback. The starting six for H2k at CC6 will most probably be the following guys.
  • Germany sNoOp
  • Germany butchji
  • Germany zerender
  • Switzerland gifty
  • Poland dialer
  • Netherlands abort

If you doubt those players are enough there are Germany wEAK, Finland Matias and Austria potter still available for the team as backups. As H2k can now hopefully keep up the high level of teamplay they showed at CC5 easier, their contenders for being ET's number one in form of ButtonBashers, Mamut.si, SNB and Impact Gaming will need to put even more eagerness into the upcoming tournaments.

H2k player dialer gave me the following statement in which he's quoting ET killing machine H2k`butchji when he said "He couldn't see us failing anymore". As a link to a somewhat weaker performance against the up and coming team of SNB, he could still be right and we hope they can find back to former strength. Finally dialer wanted to greet the teams main supporter, biggest fangirl and top cheerleader Germany/Poland Queen.

ButtonBashers add olBaa

image: 20k2cl3Long term ET top team ButtonBashers today unveiled their latest recruitement to the public, as a new player in form of Finnish talent olBaa could be followed live on ETTV one hour ago in BB's ETMasters match against the just announced sYnck.Scythe squad.

Following mAus' step back from active gaming BB were forced to find a decent replacement. As of yet it seems they did the right decision with taking olBaa in, as he could impress with a solid performance against a strong sYnck.ET team tonight. Time will tell whether he can proof all critics wrong and show what he's made of at the Crossfire Challange 6 in may.

ButtonBashers captain Clown confirmed the latest addition to the team and gave me a short statement regarding the change.

Quote by bb/ClownWell, mAus decided he wants to focus on other things so we had to replace him with someone and that someone is olBaa! We are taking some risk, when we take a player that hasn't been on lan yet, but well, we will take that leap of faith together and see if we can fly!

H2k welcome CC5 Champs

image: 28u5hzlTop eSports organisation Netherlands H2k Gaming today proudly announce the addition of the Crossfire Challenge 5 winning side Epsilon.ET. With H2k venturing into the Enemy Territory scene it is finally a big one again that gives an ET team the chance to prove themself in a professional environment. As of yet it is unkown whether Epsilon will pick a new squad.

The team that won CC5 surprisingly stays nearly the same. Only a small change had to be done, as zerender left to inactivity lately. The team can now officially unveil that they were able to lure Button Bashers player Matias over as well as former GMPO and mPG player wEAK who will take the backup position. Matias could already be seen at sunday's night match versus TAG in ESL's Winter League. Next to ESL the team aims to participate at the upcomming ClanBase EuroCup season. Main goal for the team will be to attend as many LAN tournaments as possible - with the eSports Heaven event marking the start in April.
  • Switzerland H2k` gifty
  • Germany H2k` butchji
  • Germany H2k` sNoOp
  • Poland H2k` dialer
  • Netherlands H2k` abort
  • Finland H2k` Matias

  • Germany H2k` wEAK
Quote by H2k`giftyWe are really proud to call ourselves a part of the H2K-Team and will represent the brand proudly. Only the greatest teams of their games had the chance to play for this name and made it with pride, this is exactly what we're aiming for aswell and pay them back with results. We see this as a new chance for us and aswell for the whole ET-Community. Maybe moves like these (big thanks to the H2K-management and grey from KomaCrew to introduce our squad to H2K) can somehow 'revive' this game again and will give us some more unforgetable moments like we love them!


Epsilon lose zerender

ET top player zerender himself has broken the news that he most probably won't be part of Epsilon.ET in upcoming tournaments as he retires from active gaming.

zerender was one of the key players of the surprisingly successful Epsilon ET team that won CC5 in december. His departure will be the first crucial lineup change that the CC5 champs have to undergo. A replacement can probably already be seen live on Sunday night as Epsilon will face Germany atoOn and Europe TAG in an action filled evening. It remains to be seen if the team could keep up the high level of teamwork and efficience which they have shown to the scene lately.

As of yet there don't seem to be any internal conflicts within the team nor plans to change to xbox gaming (what was rumoured) that could have lead to his retirement. However it's not all bad for the German, as he can now concentrate on real live issues and spend his won money in several night clubs.
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