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Thursday: Speedlink vs. OVERLOAd

image: CB_EC_XXI

It could be the comeback of the year. OVERLOAd dominated tMoe who finished 3rd at CiC7 in their first match in EC XXI. Can Speedlink stop ‘Team-mAus’ or will it be a walk in the park for the belgians ? Find out tonight !
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The belgians, formerly known as Team-EDiT are back. After the big fail in the last Clanbase EuroCup they are trying to get their reputation as one of the best ET teams back. Some have already forgotten the scandal one and a half year ago and thats probably the best way as one can say it was a . mistake. The addition of chry seem to make them stronger than before. After a successful lan with Rockit, mAus is in good shape and thats a big factor if you want to win versus OVERLOAd. If you can stop mAus, you can beat them. If not, enjoy your ride to hell.
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The best german team at the moment is slowly getting in shape. The first offis didnt went as good as they expected, but the last game vs Frogz showed that one must not forget Speedlink if you think about the EuroCup playoffs. Bl4d3 and kReSti, who finished 4th with Team Germany in the current NationsCup, duKe_, an oldschool player with huge experience and good gamesense, FLoPJEHZ, who can easily be considered as one of the most constant rifles in the game, and last but not least, sTOWNAGE, the allrounder and teamplayer, seem to have found out how to play successful together and are surely willing to prove themselves.

Last day of Japanese warfare

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Japanese ladder league gonna ends today with marvelous success and satisfaction. As already every kind of shit has thrown, everything is defined that the left two team are better. Now this is the time that we gonna thrust our face into ETTV to see something highskilled beyond our expectation.

I would like to introduce the top two teams that going to duel tomorrow.

JapanThe Beautiful People
The team electrically formed by the Japanese superstar JapanRollStone - known as former team-Japan member - since then, they keep going as the best team in Japan. Other team-Japan members are also joined this team recently, as Japansirokuma and Japanarmk to be more and more better. They had 10 matches in the ladder league and won 7 times, keeps #1 rank whole time.
JapanTeam ALT
As the countervailing power of The Beautiful People, JapanTeam ALT is deserved. This team have formed by JapanRemishi, JapanRollStone's contemporary of team-Japan. Some of them are playing ET for +3 years together and their cohesion is better than anything. They had 7 matches in the ladder league and won 3 times(well they were lack of starting lineup).

Dignitas face TAG in EC tonight!

image: CB_EC_XXI

CIC7 champions Dignitas take center stage once again tonight as their EC campaign continues with a tricky fixture against perennial competitors TAG.
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Europe Dignitas
The most successful group of players to grace the game with their prescence would be about the most apt way of describing this team. They have been there done that and got the T-Shirt, winning CIC7 with a combination of style and sublime individual performances (inparticular from Night) the side has shuffled the pack since Enschede bringing back the effervesent Squall and dangerous Karnaj along with Jak at the expense of Scandinavians Matias & FeruS and Reload now multigaming with Dignitas' BF:BC2 squad. Regardless of match readiness they go into every match as favourites, tonights being no different.
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Europe TAG
Forest Gump once said, TAG is like a box of Chocolates, you never know which one you're gonna get. He's not wrong, TAG have a lineup of experience and potential as ever and on their day can shine as they did to claim one of the Intel One Day Cups prior to CIC7. That glory however is written in their history amid numerous stories of 'almost' and like clockwork with each new season, they've 'almost' always got what it takes to surpass the top dogs - this is the begining of a new story for TAG, will it be almost again or will this be the year for TAG?
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Homoerotic Scandal Rocks CoD4 Scene

In an astonoshing turn of events GameLimited have parted ways with their Call of Duty 4 team, Nexus. The seperation cites numerous disagreements between management and players, as per most multigaming organisation and squad severances. However in the most tabloid of all allegations, made from players to manager the former team are claiming to be leaving due to homosexual comments and actions made by their former manager.

The side gave the following quote to TEK9, "We left due to a problem i had with the founder of Gamelimited, oomjames. In the past we've already had some difficulties with him making gay remarks on behalf of the team and myself and we talked to him about that. But last weekend there was a bootcamp at his house and one of the members of Gamelimited wanted to sleep in his car due to the gay remarks, but oomjames didn't allow that and send the guy home immediatly. Oomjames couldn't give a decent answer why he did that, so the team and me decided to leave the organisation because of his childish behavior."

This perhaps the more politically correct of all versions given was then thrown into the dirty laundry cupboard by former player, Denmark piika, who when speaking to the homosexual remarks stated: "And the gay thing..I did show my balls, to make people get that vomit feeling, kinda as when someone posted my hawt ass. - Everyone would look away , exept James who would keep looking almost drooling. And then repeating the question ; piika, can I see your balls?"

Like any community would, the reaction to these allegations has been hilarious and you can read it in full on TEK9

Wednesday: tMoe vs rockit.ET

image: CB_EC_XXI

Tonight's game is something rather special. It's become a rare treat to see two top teams battle it out against each other online. As the ClanBase EuroCup XXI comes to a near end, we can expect some close and intense matches, such as tonight's game - Europe rockit.ET vs Poland to Make odds even.
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Poland to Make odds even
The Polish team are one of the few top teams to continue performing online since the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7. However, the Bronze chapmions have delivered mix results since the LAN. Just last week, they were completely thrashed by the Belgian team Belgium OVERLOAd. tMoe's defence wasn't even able to hold the first set of attacks by the Belgians on both Goldrush and Adlernest. Since the LAN, key player Poland numeric was replaced by Poland naga. Both players deliver their individual skills to the table, but a small change to a familiar and active lineup can punch a huge dent into the team's performance. However, since Poland Fear Factory X-Fi folded, tMoe have decided to go back to their roots. For the first time tonight, tMoe will be playing with their usual LAN lineup - the return of Poland numeric. Nevertheless, tMoe cannot afford to take another loss. The Antwerp eSports Festival cannot come sooner for tMoe to up their motivational gear.

Tuesday: Belgian Fraternity vs 1stCav eSports Club

image: esl_vi

Last night's ClanBase NationCup game was quite absurd, amusing match. Estonia took on Poland with a last minute mix team from the scraps on IRC, where the Pols performed with a rather familiar and comfy lineup - if only their performance was a pair. Estonia won all three maps, but yet they only won by 4-2. Why? The cheeky devils thought they could sneak a very naughty Swedish player (nordaN) into the lineup; under Killerboy's supervision! Crazy, I know. Needless to say, the team were penalised by the Maltese admin and automatically "lost" Goldrush, but yet went on to set an astonishing time of 1:03 on Adlernest and 5:33 on Supply. If an angry Polish team isn't bad enough, how about an angry Canadian team? A similar situation arose last year and resulted in a disqualifcation for Team Canada. However, team Estonia are able to continue in this season's ClanBase NationCup without disqualification. Nevertheless, the drama delivered a pretty damn entertaining match, witnessed by an impressive 427 spectators!

Monday: Poland vs Estonia

image: NC_EC_XIII

It's almost been two whole weeks since we've seen a match in the ClanBase NationsCup XIII league - and yes, there's still unfinished business to be served. The recent kick start to the ClanBase EuroCup XXI league has put this season's NationsCup on hold. However, the show must go on, with the best of the best being unleashed tonight and over the coming weeks.

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Poland's national team has had a rather unstable lineup this season. The return of the Polish combo wiesiek and Wrobel came to a swift end when the ET team Poland Fear Factory X-Fi recently folded after a few disappointing results. Nevertheless, the star pair have decided to hang around for the remaining few NationCup games and have been added to the rooster for tonight's match. Their inactivity could prove costly for tonight's game with a possible drop in their team's performance. Will the risk pay off or add another to their few losses?

Team Poland's NationsCup XIII Statistics
image: 298_width_spacer
image: flag_win 4-0 win against France - 3rd Febuary 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Switzerland - 9th Febuary 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Latvia - 15th March 2010
image: flag_loss 4-2 loss against Germany - 25th March 2010
image: flag_win 4-0 win against Sweeden - 11th April 2010
image: flag_win 4-2 win against Germany - 15th April 2010image: 298_width_spacer
Games Played: 6
Games Won: 5
Games Lost: 1
Winning Percentage: 83%

EC Group C: Speedlink vs Frogs

image: CB_EC_XXI

Sunday evening is traditionally Clanbase Eurocup time. This sunday aint' different. Two underdogs are fighting for one of the three playoff positions in Group C. One the one hand we got Germany Team Speedlink, who couldnt really impress in officials yet. Still they have enough potential to be successful in their group and proceed to the playoffs. On the other hand we got France Frogz, whose core is playing together for a long time now. Old RTCW player maxuh will surely try to push his team to victory, to gain a good position in the battle for the playoffs. A close battle is guaranteed, be sure to tune in @ ETTV tonight !
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Germany Team-SPEEDLINK

Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany kReSti
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sTOWNAGE
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France Frogz

France StrAf
France maxuh
France kartez
France emorej
Belgium xAv
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Clanbase Matchlink - Team-SL Homepageimage: s_foot

Aalborg is waiting!

Today one of Crossfire's finest members posted a email screendump from a conversation between him and one Gigantium's employees.

As seen almost everyone have started to think that this is a scam, but let me put it this way.
A half a year ago I had the vision to start a big ET LAN for the community, everything was in some sort of hurry that I didn't realize that people started to hate the idea that it was supposed to be BYOC.

I was out talking with almost every firms in Aalborg about supporting it with all different sorts of stuff, and finally I came across Matrix. I contacted them to see what it would cost to borrow it for a whole weekend for a LAN event, it ended up in almost 3500 € which was a pretty cheap price. The thing however was that the LAN venue was way to small, so I kinda had to put it on hold to find a better place. It was a really hard process as people started to loose the hope in it really coming to life one day, so I grouped up with some former staff members of The eXperience & SLAP to provide me with experience, we quickly managed to have the support from a place called UEG & Aalborg County that was offering us a decent amount of money to cover all the expensives. This was the deal. Therefore we never had some sort of sponsors as the people behind it was Aalborg itself to gather interest to the city.

After the reunion with the former experienced members I was put as a ET-chef to gather interest from the ET scene to the LAN. However this wasn't that easy, I quickly realised the hate toward ET and it's community from the former COD4 & CS Crew LAN members, so I always stayed in focus to be as positive as possible. Gigantium is a big place, and has different sort of departments, I was told that the deal with Gigantium was made regarding it being the host for the LAN and I was right away on writing some stuff about the LAN itself here on crossfire, where I promised that I will come up with a final annoucment about it on 1st of September, 2010.

University started and people started to from maybe 5-10 hours each week helping organizing the LAN to only 1-5 hours, I was however still working on getting all the details done as soon as possible. I managed to get arranged that afternoon trip to the city with the pubcrawl and club, and thought I might've had everything setteld regarding ET. However it turned out that Gigantium was misled by the dates where it was free, so we were offered a big LAN venue, with a small shop, sleeping hal, Internet connection and all the cables needed for about 10.000-12.000€. Some of the folks realised that the date was wrong and went to call me about it, but at that point it was already too late. I simply lost all the faith.

I started from the idea guy behind all to ending up as a simple ET organizor to now being the biggest idiot.

I am deeply sorry for all of this, I think I was just way to exicted about all of this.

Yes I am the one to blame but I am for sure not a scammer. When the moneysystem at BilletNET failed to respond to our deadline I was talking to Krosan about taking in the payments on his account as some sort of security to be 100% sure that nothing will happen to it and no one would get scammed. I hope Krosan can verify as this is true and was talked about 1-2 days before the offical annoucment.

All of this was never INTENDED as a scam, think about it.
Why would a scam people in a game I have played for almost 7 years?
Why would I scam people on a site where my IP ain't hidden?
Why would I scam people that I have played with ages?
Why would I scam on a site where most of them know my real identity?
Why would I scam when i post about 1 picture of myself each 2 weeks?

I have stepped down and won't be helping at all at this event, I however will still be playing this amazing beloved game with a deep sorrow of shyness & guilt. Already now I have been banned on almost every second mIRC channel.

Looks like times have changed, Kamz used to be the most hated now he's the most beloved I used to be a funny and chill guy that had too much passion for this game to now ending up as the most hated because of something I will regret for the rest of my gaming carrer.

Once again I'm sorry.


Wednesday: tMoe vs OVERLOAd

image: CB_EC_XXI

Tonight, the Clanbase EuroCup XXI brings several games to the table - the highlight being the battle between the Belgians and the Polish.

Belgium OVERLOAd are well known for their hate against Polish teams, in partcular the former Poland Fear Factory X-Fi team. Accusations were thrown left, right and center between the two teams and ended with an ironic ending. However, that's all done and dusted. The team is back with the core lineup remaining the same plus the addition of the recent Belgian star Belgium chry, who proved himself at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7.

The Belgians will be facing no other than the Polish winners Poland to Make odds even. The team have a history of hate and accusations directed towards their players, in particular the old school legend Poland Frag`Stealer. Despite this, the team declared their talent at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7, placing themselves at a respectable third place. Since CiC7, the team have replaced Poland numeric with the former United Kingdom Impact Gaming star Poland naga, who should fit beautifully within the Polish lineup.
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