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First QuakeLive EPS is ready to roll

image: 3372328

The Germany ESL recently announced that the Germany ESL Pro-Series XVI will feature QuakeLive. It will be played in 1on1 format, featuring a pizepool of 3,200€.

After the 4 qualification tournaments are over, the 16 participants for the first 1on1 QuakeLive Pro-Series are the following:

Germany Sebastian 'Tornado' Heidacker
Germany Cris 'dk' Torrents
Germany Sebastian 'abso' Wanek
Germany Niko 'R1EPA' Rehor
Germany Peter 'cYmoZz' Sellmaier
Germany Dennis 'psyr3x' Baltus
Germany Alexander 'razr' Haus
Germany Uli 'slain3' Krumb
Germany Philipp 'reload' Kotecki
Croatia Marjan 'majo' Basic
Germany Dominik 'slax' Huber
Germany Steffen 'oldsplatterhand' Baam
Germany Marcel 'k1llsen' Paul
Germany Benjamin 'calipt' Jakob
Germany Felix 'smoke' Pafel
Sweden Mikael 'PURRI' Tarvaine

Beside 'top-notch' players like the Europe ESL Intel Extreme Masters participants Germany calipt and Germany k1llsen, we can find the swedish Quake2 legend Sweden PURRI (who is currently living in Germany cologne and is therefore allowed to play.)
Germany Team-Germany TDM players Germany Tornado, Germany dk and Germany abso or the United Kingdom 4Kings War§ow player Germany reload within the 16 participants.

image: 3350476

related link:
ESL QuakeLive Pro-Series announcement (german news)

Crossfire Articles for you!

image: xfindent3cfMV0DIThis news item is intended to give two really well written and researched articles the attention they deserve and make sure any Crossfire reader will have the chance to read it.

With a project idea that could be well continued and get some following works the contributer United States of America proficio not only interviewed four of the best ET players, he also gives you the chance to connect the particular player with his country by listing some background information about the countries. His article "Scandalnavia" is fun to read and interesting at the same time. Make sure to not miss this great interview collection delivering you an insight into the Scandinavian ET history.

image: scandF6HVD

QuoteLadies and Gentlemen throughout the years the Scandinavian countries have had players among the very best in Return To Castle Wolfenstein & Enemy Territory. Quite comfortably the virtual world lends itself to a disguise, a special place where people can be whoever they want to be or do whatever they like to do.

In this article I will be taking you to a journey where I will be talking with 4 of Scandinavias finest and most experienced players. The people of these countries share all common bonds wrought by their culture and history. It sets their world apart – and is poised to inspire yours!

CB ET 5v5 WinterCup 2010

image: cb-goldorak
image: ycnbanner_468x60
Clanbase is pleased to announce the first WinterCup hosted by ClanBase and supported by YCN-Hosting.
With BelgiumGoldoraK and BelgiumiMmi as Cup Supervisors and MaltaKillerboy as supervisor aswell.

Since this is a Hosted Cup we do not need to follow the global rules and thus making the cup more user friendly and can give what the community wants much easier. thus the following:
  • Clans can decide in not using GV Streaming when both clans agree.
  • Clans can decide in not using PunkBuster when both clans agree.
  • Clans can allow the usage of a "merc" when both clans agree.
  • Clans playing with a person having a wrong pbguid will not instantly result in a forfeit loss, instead the pbguid used will be crossreferenced on ClanBase or Crossfire in order to prove the player was not a random merc but their own clanmate with a wrong guid.

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • coast_b1
  • frostbite
  • reactor_final
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Maps will be forced, cointoss procedure will decide about decider map if needed. Clans will decide about maps on their own only in the Great Final of each league.

NC Groups Announced

image: ncxiiibig3b
image: cb_text_big4

With the 3 decisive qualifiers have being played over the past week (well actually 2) the final team list for this season's NationsCup is complete. Including Norway Norway, Lithuania Lithuania and Romania Romania as the winning Nations of the qualifiers, the final roster for the Nations Cup is ready.

Without further delays, Clanbase is proud to announce this season's Groups:

BF:BC2 Beta Keys from I3D

image: 33pbiv9

The Battlefield : Bad Company 2 PC beta launches today, and our friends at I3D have 10,000 beta keys to give away inside 48 hours!

BF:BC2, due to be released March 2nd 2010, is the sequel to EA's 2008 FPS Battlefield: Bad Company, and brings the spectacular Battlefield gameplay to the forefront of next-gen consoles and PC.

But you don't have to wait until March to try out this game - there are four easy ways for you to get a beta key from I3D today!

Estonia Adds Blights

image: proov3mk1

After winning last year's Nationscup, Team EE had to defend the title this year without the support from Estonia Night and Estonia RELOAd. This way definitely a big loss, resulting in not even getting a spot in the top 7 predictions of the community! The Estonia Blight star players probably wanted to focus more on their LAN team than on the Nationscup.
People blamed them for not caring about this cup, but not anymore! That's right, today we witness the comeback of Estonia Night and Estonia RELOAd to our dearly beloved Nationscup!

Rockit.ET Completed

image: picture-13With the recent team change of Matias in favour of Blight Gaming and the unsure situation around olBaa's ability to attend CiC7, Europe rockit's team captain Clown has had the task to complete the team again without losing strength. As the main goal for ET's biggest ever held LAN event is still to place at the top, the replacements had to be made wisely and the team took its time finding suited players. As a more or less new addition Europe rockit.ET can sign Italian multigaming talent XyloS who was already part of the legendary aMenti lineup in the past. He'll mainly take the role as the rifle-nader in the team and everybody knows he is able to deliver that. Having to finalize the roster with a fifth player we can happily say that olBaa will be back in the team as now everything's been arranged and sorted out.
  • Latvia rockit. Clown
  • Italy rockit. XyloS
  • Belgium rockit. mAus
  • Spain rockit. Winghaven
  • Finland rockit. olBaa

Seeing that the lineup now looks neither new nor weaker we can trust in the strength this team has shown and go positively tempered into the upcoming tasks such as the CiC7 seeding tournament as well as the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 itself. We caught up with Clown to give you more information regarding the changes and the condition of the team.

YYT.ET Take Some M1lk

image: 10o20xzAfter all the e-drama team YoYoTech has once again completed their line up. The Most Improved Player of 2009, Belgium Worm lost motivation after his friend Belgium Jere was removed from the team and so the team had to go looking for another fifth. That fifth became none other than CPC veteran Netherlands M1lk!

This makes the line up now as follows:
  • United Kingdom R0SS
  • Malta toxic_
  • Finland twidi
  • Netherlands M1lk
  • Poland wiaderko[/b]

United Kingdom R0SS had the following to say:
QuoteAfter the removal of Jere resulting in the departure of Worm we needed to find a replacement. It didn't take long to find a replacement that fit straight into the line up. I contacted milk and he was interested. It took a bit of convincing as he has been inactive for a while, but after a few pracs he fit straight in the line up and we are proud to announce him as our 5th. Our goal is still to reach top 3 minimum.

Team YoYoTech.co.uk

CIC7 ET Seeding Cup Small Changes

image: ciec

After the initial information was posted, a couple community members contacted us about slight details that could be improved.

The matches have been rescheduled to give the teams the chance to build up their performance. That's why we moved the most important matches to the back of the groupstage, while keeping the less important matches at the start.

If a group would have 4 teams A, B, C, D ordered from top seed to low seed, the match schedule looked like this:

ETTV with Blight Gaming

Today, we are pleased to watch the first ettv match of such a good known team for us called United States of AmericaBlight Gaming. They want to show us, despite their very long break of team inactivity, they will still be able to play perfectly and surprise us with their teamplay. Unfortunately, that will be only a practices, but it all is going about such a professional gamers and the come back of oldschool team called Estoniaidle.ee, who took the name of their sponsor United States of AmericaBlight Gaming. Certainly, there will be a big audience, and also a nice athmosphere on the ettv servers. We all are waiting for this show.

United States of AmericaBlight Gaming is going to play with following line up:

- EstoniaNight
- EstoniaRELOAd
- SwedenferuS
- Germanydrago
- FinlandMatias

Line up is said by Finlandsquall, if it will be changed, I'll correct it.


20CET - TEAM UK - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=5301
21CET - nOu - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=clan&mode=item&id=5409
22CET - phantoms - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=clan&mode=item&id=5645

For ETTV IPs check #blight at irc.quakenet.org

Just take some cookies or order a pizza with coke and have fun during show. :)
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