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zero time left

image: zpbw2

The Call of Duty 4 squad of the United Kingdom multigaming organization zero Point – Gaming received a bit of British help to enter the ESL Pro Series Finals. ATS could not win against Team Dignitas last night. So the four teams of the 2nd season are announced. The Teams will be:

United Kingdom Team Infused
United Kingdom Reason-gaming
United Kingdom Zero Point Gaming
United Kingdom Team Dignitas

The finals will be an offline tournament on the 31th January in London, in which the teams will compete for a share of a prize pot worth close to £15000. Even if zeroPoint gaming can't beat anyone at the upcoming LAN, they've already won a guaranteed £400 for finnishing 4th.

On watching zP´s EPS stats we notice that they've lost versus Reason-Gaming and Team Infused, but they earned a draw against Team Dignitas.

As United Kingdom robzJE said, zP had a lot problems to solve while the running EPS, but now they are on their “best level” to reach higher than being nr. 4.

I expect an interesting tournament and Iam sure that zP will surprise the Cod4 community.

H2k welcome CC5 Champs

image: 28u5hzlTop eSports organisation Netherlands H2k Gaming today proudly announce the addition of the Crossfire Challenge 5 winning side Epsilon.ET. With H2k venturing into the Enemy Territory scene it is finally a big one again that gives an ET team the chance to prove themself in a professional environment. As of yet it is unkown whether Epsilon will pick a new squad.

The team that won CC5 surprisingly stays nearly the same. Only a small change had to be done, as zerender left to inactivity lately. The team can now officially unveil that they were able to lure Button Bashers player Matias over as well as former GMPO and mPG player wEAK who will take the backup position. Matias could already be seen at sunday's night match versus TAG in ESL's Winter League. Next to ESL the team aims to participate at the upcomming ClanBase EuroCup season. Main goal for the team will be to attend as many LAN tournaments as possible - with the eSports Heaven event marking the start in April.
  • Switzerland H2k` gifty
  • Germany H2k` butchji
  • Germany H2k` sNoOp
  • Poland H2k` dialer
  • Netherlands H2k` abort
  • Finland H2k` Matias

  • Germany H2k` wEAK
Quote by H2k`giftyWe are really proud to call ourselves a part of the H2K-Team and will represent the brand proudly. Only the greatest teams of their games had the chance to play for this name and made it with pride, this is exactly what we're aiming for aswell and pay them back with results. We see this as a new chance for us and aswell for the whole ET-Community. Maybe moves like these (big thanks to the H2K-management and grey from KomaCrew to introduce our squad to H2K) can somehow 'revive' this game again and will give us some more unforgetable moments like we love them!


F to the natic are back at it!

image: 1404Fnatic have revived their Call of Duty 4 division in a surprise move. The team disbanded in October of 2008 citing the indecision in the Call of Duty community as to their reason. Having now decided against CoD5 the team is back in action under the fnatic brand, the move was surprising as Fnatic decided against bringing back their CSS squad in a similar move earlier this month, they went instead to LLL.

Fnatic have returned with the following four man lineup with a mystery fifth to be announced!

Sweden Linqan
Sweden odyx
Sweden KyoChi
Sweden nikokick
Sweden tba

You can read more about it on the fnatic website

Overload delivers..

image: logo

Overload is once more back to their original roots with an all Benelux Line up, or better said, Dutch Line Up! Making a small trip outside the box with the Germany German Highbot squad to CC5, we are back to the beginnings now.
Without further a due I would like to present to you, the new Overload.ET Line Up:

Overload dNan:

Netherlands Joeri B. (alias modus)
Netherlands Ruben van H. (alias joop)
Netherlands Tim W. (alias Ati_)
Netherlands Jay B. (alias hayaa)
Norway Peter V. (alias Domi)
Netherlands Arjan K. (alias spho)

Winter League Groupstage ends!

image: winterseason_banner

Today we will see the end of the ESL Winter League '08 Groupstage. There are 3more matches to be played before the playoffs are ready to kick off in all divisions and formats!
Besides these matches the overall rankings are more or less fixxed and you can view them here:
3on3 Rankings Groupstage
6on6 Rankings Groupstage

Todays matches could become more exciting than anybody would have expected a week ago as CC5 champion Europe Epsilon will play two matches while they just announce the departure of Germany zerender. These matches can turn the whole Group B of the Premier Division upside down. Every team has a chance left to reach the playoffs.

Epsilon lose zerender

ET top player zerender himself has broken the news that he most probably won't be part of Epsilon.ET in upcoming tournaments as he retires from active gaming.

zerender was one of the key players of the surprisingly successful Epsilon ET team that won CC5 in december. His departure will be the first crucial lineup change that the CC5 champs have to undergo. A replacement can probably already be seen live on Sunday night as Epsilon will face Germany atoOn and Europe TAG in an action filled evening. It remains to be seen if the team could keep up the high level of teamwork and efficience which they have shown to the scene lately.

As of yet there don't seem to be any internal conflicts within the team nor plans to change to xbox gaming (what was rumoured) that could have lead to his retirement. However it's not all bad for the German, as he can now concentrate on real live issues and spend his won money in several night clubs.

ATS ditch d1ablo

Low Land Lions and Cadred have broken the news that controversial Call of Duty figure d1ablo has left the team.

d1ablo was a key figure in the MYM team and played an outstanding CC5 to aid in Fatgames rise to first place. His departure is the second departure from the team since winning CC5 with United Kingdom rzE leaving (as was initially planned). His departure leaves the team with some major reconstruction work ahead and no immediate replacement due.

LLL sourced from Juszn that the problems were down to internal conflicts and diablo's love for Call of Duty 2 which has undergone a revival in recent weeks. However its not all bad for the effervescent Brit, he won the most overrated CoD player in TeK-9's 2008 CoD awards

Happy New Year 2009!

image: HappyNewYear_MD

The Crossfire staff wishes [cuser] the very best New Year 2009!

- Drink enough to prevent dehydration
- Set atleast one building on fire with some sort of rocket
- Make nice new year promises
- Be friendly to police officers
- Start the next year in full strenght (alternatively in hangover)
- Enjoy!

See you all in 2009! (hopefully :))

ESL ET Mapping Contest

image: mapcontest_banner

When you look at the 1on1 Ladders mappool it appears to be pretty empty. To fix that we decided to open a mapping competition to all our users and hope to receive some great entrys!

This mapping competition will focus on 1on1 maps as these can be created in a much shorter time than big competition maps and also gives newbies of the mapping scene the chance to compete in this competition!

ESL CoD4: Promod Section

image: 73630As we announced in our last news we'll open a new promod section in the international Call of Duty 4 area. Today is the time to announce the first part of it.
We already announced in our last news that the normal ladders have now the PAM4 4.02 as default mod. In this news we also said that we will open the new promod section, which starts today. Wer are proud to announce that besides quickcups the following first parts will take place in this section.

3on3 Promod Ladder, 5on5 Promod Speedladder, Winterleague 2008

This means the upcoming Winterleague will also played in the known promod modes. For the moment more than 100 teams signed up, from more than 10 different nations. These teams will play against each other and try to find out which is the Winter league champion. Under this text you'll find a textbox with the schedule and the main facts about the winter league.
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