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GCRC 6v6 Final Notice

image: gateway2

Just reminder the deadline for the Don Baker GCRC is this tonight Oct. 10 at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Here is the current team pool. Those marked with a [D] have made their donation.

Decisive Encounter!

image: groupasb2

A first encounter on the Thursday evening, is what is up for you this time! Group A continues it's exciting show, with Europere-play zZz vs Netherlands Zero Empathy dNan! An intersting game this will be, not only if we look at both team's previous results, but also by means of skill and the setting around the match itself.
Europe Re-play, who haven't played a game yet, still need to experience their first taste of EC priveledge. With only one player in their roster who is EC-experience, their most important job would be not to get their nerves get them and perform like they always did!
Netherlands Zero Empathy, on the other hand, have played their first game against the favorites of the group, Finland Vicious & Evil, from whom they suprisingly managed to take a map. The team has enough experience to keep their nerves in order, while looking at their roster we can see a big variety of newschoolers, oldschoolers, EC and NC experienced players!

Time to Regroup!

image: groupbwi0

Another wicked Wednesday past, this one will bring alot of excitiment into the groups! A night consisting only of games from Group B, we will hopefully witness some great and spectaculair play tonight! Within both games we have teams that have everything to play for! First off, we have Slovenia Mamut.si vs Finland Incomplete and on the other end we can see Germany HighBot vs Poland re-play Devilry! They need to regroup themselves and stay focused for the ticket to the Play Offs!
With Slovenia Mamut and Finland Incomplete both winning their first games, for them, this game is a chance to make 1 big step into the Play Offs rounds already. Secure 2 wins and they are certain to go on. But only one of them is able to do it here, who will it be?
The other two though, Germany Highbot and Poland re-play Devilry, have all to play for. Both losing their first game, they need to win this in order to keep up in the race for the Play-Offs!
And luckily enough we can see that the equally ranked have to play each other, hopefully resulting in jaw dropping thrilled games!

Day of Decisions

image: img_ac62e8e024152b9320644a902305de36

Netherlands zeroE - dNan versus Finland Vicious & Evil
Time 21:30 CET
Admin ???
Netherlands zeroE - dNan: Ati_, domi, heyaa, joop, modus, spho
Finland VAE: chmpp, Iron, lettu, mikza, Squall, lettu
Special Delivery

FAT games on tuesday

image: groupcrx3

Clanbase EuroCup is back on Tuesday with 3 Matches. We will see Europe re-play zZz in their first match vs Europe S.N Battalion, which started perfectly with a 4:0 vs Vicious and Evil. Europe zeroE – dNan will also start into this Eurocup today. They will try to beat Finland Vicious and Evil to kick them outta the tournament. And last but not least the comeback of United Kingdom Fatgames, who picked up ex polar – pi. Their opponent is an well known croatian team, also known as Croatia Cortana. So we got 3 very nice and exciting matches this evening.

United Kingdom Fatgames versus Croatia Cortana
Time 21:00 CET
Admin Poland
United Kingdom Fatgames: jauhis,m1lk, snoop, syk, tiigeri, toxic
Croatia Cortana: calisto, fra, gmx, GuNnEr, komar, mama

Superb Sunday!

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Once more we continue our journey into this prestigious tournament that is the EC XVIII, and on this glorious Sunday its also the game between 2 very different teams which will hopefully keep us locked on ETTV!
The lockdown tonight is between the 'oldschoolers' Belgium Overload and new teamEurope Vital Gaming Jacks! 2 very different teams in every aspect! One is a well respected and known team within the regions of the past EC's while the other consists of all EC experienced players, but are a new team themselves. New versus Old who will take the win?

Vital Jacks]
  • Sweden rAt
  • Switzerland DabSter
  • Switzerland gifty
  • Germany zerender
  • France Em0reJ!
  • France maxuh
  • Canada anim
  • Belgium xAv
  • Belgium lio
  • Belgium vila
  • Belgium acid
  • Belgium jetro
  • Belgium zet0
  • Sweden alexL
  • Sweden savage
  • Belgium snot

Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Adlernest & Radar

Comeback of the greatest . . .

image: img_ac62e8e024152b9320644a902305de36
After 2 days without any EC Match, its time for Clanbase Eurocup tonight again. The first match tonight will be Belgium Overload vs Europe Vital – Jacks. The second match, which will start @ 21:30 CET, will deliver us a great show I guess. The comeback of Estonia idle.ee, now under the flags of Slovenia mamut.si, versus former Poland Netrunners, now under the flags of Europe re-play.
Slovenia Mamut.si versus Poland re-play devilry
Time 21.30 CET
Admin Poland Homer & phase
Slovenia Mamut.si: senji, urtier, JaKaZc, Night, RELOAd, r3vers
Poland re-play devilry: buzka kot S4rna miks robol rio

own3D 2.0 beta HQ Video site released!

image: crossfire

It took us nearly 2 intensive months to get this site online and we welcome all of you to take a look. This new Beta release offers you high quality x264 videos from all genres for all eSport games. Nearly all own3D.at / own3D.eu users can simply login with their old account, only those users with special characters in their name will have to re-register, because we disabled special char-nicknames. This beta site will remain for around 1 month, after that we will make a closer step forward to the finished site.

So what is new between the old video section and beta.own3D.at ?
  • Convert your movie via website or offline with our own3D x264 converter.
  • Edit your movie information afterwards.
  • Change your thumbnail or upload your own thumbnail for your movie!
  • Comment, rate and discuss movies, no page-refresh will disturb you!

and much more ...

Please help us to improve this video site. How? Just use it, find bugs or something you do not like and post it at our bugblog - Yours nAxiD!

EPS COD4 Season 1 Participant list

After three qualifiers the twelve teams for the upcoming inaugural season of the EPS in the United Kingdom have been finalised. The twelve teams will compete for a £15,000 cash purse with the top teams progressing to the LAN finals.

The twelve teams are:

ESL Newspost

TLR ET Ranking

image: ajv56x

Today the TLR crew is proud to announce its first edition of a monthly top ten ranking for Enemy Territory. As any competitive community has such a ranking available it was about time to bring such a feature in. Furthermore the competitive scene itself became active again troughout the last months as hot events such as the Crossfire Challenge 5, ClanBase EuroCup and NecroRaiser's highly prized ET Cup have been announced and are about to start. With top teams competing again the need for a rating and the motivation to actually do it, raised even more.

We have chosen a system in which a community expert panel consisting of 13 known characters within competitive ET finds a final top ten ranking rating the teams by current and potential strength. The expert panel members are taken from different parts of our scene to represent the opinion of the community as a whole.

  • United Kingdom hentai (Crossfire)
  • Finland decem (Crossfire)
  • Scotland pedro (Crossfire)
  • Germany swine (Crossfire)
  • Netherlands Lightning (TLR)
  • Germany butchji (TLR)
  • Malta toxic (FatGames)
  • Poland kot (Re-Play)
  • Belgium lio (Overload)
  • Netherlands Sainted (Overload)
  • Finland chmpp (Vicious&Evil)
  • Czech Republic smOke (TeamPlay.cz)
  • Malta KiLl3rBoY (ClanBase)

Quote by TLR|boLately the idea came to my mind to create a ranking for Enemy Territory like every other competitive gaming scene has got. The CoD4 Ranking by Gotfrag.com could be taken as an example for that project. Some may even remember that one-time ranking back in the days introduced by evan. Such a ranking could be useful for teams which are in the need of support for e.g. CC5 to show potential partners how they are rated within the community. Next to that it could bring further motivation for teams to practice harder and improve their position. In addition to that will it of course animate to discuss, which is an important part for an online community.

As the fall season with EC, CC5 and NR's ET Cup has yet not even started really, the ranking will of course not be as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, there has never been a ranking everyone agreed with and somewhere has to be the beginning. It will be exciting to see whether the teams can live up to the expactations or not. As it is planned to continue that ranking on a monthly basis, we are able to implement all changes, results and archievements in later editions. Since some teams got just created for EC and CC5 and not every team took part in every offline and online competition, it is impossible to rate the teams on their performances during official matches or to calculate their position with a system like the G7 Teams are using. Therefore we have build a kind of expert panel which should include the opinions of the top players as well as the scene volunteers to represent the community as a whole.

The Ranking:
  • Europe TLR.AMD[/b] 125]
    Lineup: Clown, dAv1d, Lightning, Matias, mAus, Winghaven, butchji
    Homepage: www.tlr-clan.co.uk
    IRC: #TheLastResort

    Quote by TLR|boTLR have been voted to the top of the ranking. CC5 and EC will show if they can live up to the expectations and repeat former successes.

  • Slovenia Team mamut.si[/b] 104]
    Lineup: JaKaZc, Night, r3vers, RELOAd, senji, urtier
    Homepage: www.team.mamut.si
    IRC: #mamut.si

    Quote by TLR|LightningFormer idle.ee lineup returning to the scene and many are tipping them as the fighter for the title of EC and CC5 but the current state of the team doesn't show that they are ready for it. For mamut.si to fight for the title there needs to be a lot of praccing going on but if they can get that going then for sure they are ready for the fight.

  • Belgium Overload Gaming[/b] 84]
    Lineup: acid, jetro, Kevin, lio, mesq, vila, zeto
    Homepage: www.overload-gaming.org
    IRC: #Overload

    Quote by TLR|LightningThe Belgium Flower house, 'All whine no skill' could be their motto but looking on how long they've been together, it wouldn't be a surprise that teamplay could get a long way, after always grabbing next to the prizes we'll see yet again a year of grabbing next to it. But the teamplay will at least let them fight for top 5.

  • Finland Vicious & Evil[/b] 82]
    Lineup: twidi, lettu, mikza, squall, iron, chmpp, cadein
    Homepage: www.viciousandevil.com
    IRC: #vae

    Quote by TLR|LightningA team from Finland playing under the German flag put a team on the field that played a lot of games together in previous teams or in the nation team. To put it short they've been around for a long time only the big prizes haven't been there yet maybe they can do it this year but I think parodia will still stay number 1 team of Finland after this year.

  • Europe Team FatGames[/b] 75]
    Lineup: toxic, snoop, syK, teKoa, m1lk, Tiigeri, mystic, Mztik, jauhis
    Homepage: www.fatgames.eu
    IRC: #FatGames

    Quote by TLR|LightningA new team on the block even though you can't really call it a team yet since the players playing in it have been changed just some days ago but the players they got will for sure be good enough to make it an interesting team for this season. With toxic as candidate for most overrated player as captain, what could go wrong?

  • Poland Fear Factory X-Fi[/b] 67]
    Lineup: Wrobel, wiesiek, Templar, Xanah, wiadro, dvk3
    Homepage: www.fear-factory.pl
    IRC: #FF.org

    Quote by TLR|LightningFear Factory also know as Cheat Factory. They won't be happy with all the different names they get but it's all their own fault after being kicked from last EC for having a cheater playing for them. Also for this year they will be a team to recon with, since it's yet another online competition just to show the "real" skill of the team.

  • Poland Re-Play Devilry[/b] 61]
    Lineup: buzka, kot, Robol, Wodzian, miks, S4rna, r1co
    Homepage: www.re-play.net
    IRC: #re-play

    Quote by TLR|LightningThis team is almost the same as the successful team Net-Runners and looking back on how they preformed, it wouldn't be a surprise seeing this team going for the top. The teamplay isn't there yet but praccing can solve that problem and for being the only polish team in ET that can be trusted, we can only hope they will succeed.

  • Europe S.N. Battalion[/b] 28]
    Lineup: Meez, perfo, hentai, Sight, Rk, Viax
    Homepage: Crossfire Profile
    IRC: #snbattalion

    Quote by TLR|LightningAlso this is a new team for the season with some known players and less known players, they seem to make a good mix together but experience will tell if they can make it further. With perfo as captain you can always be sure to see a cheater free team so the only thing they need are pracs and get the experience so they can climb this ladder.

  • Europe Re-Play Sleeperz[/b] 17]
    Lineup: Eirik, Griim, hell, Lazio, w3st, al, toNi, Nonix
    Homepage: www.re-play.net
    IRC: #re-play

    Quote by TLR|boRe-Play Sleeperz is one of ET's most stable teams around. Having played for one4one already they made it into EuroCup by winning the OpenCup Premierleague last season. Now they have to show if they can compete with the top. At least in our ranking they are rated at 9th spot.

  • Europe Vital Gaming[/b] 16]
    Lineup: DabSter, Em0ReJ, maxuh, rat, zerender, xAv, anim
    Homepage: www.vitalgaming.eu
    IRC: #vital-gaming

    Quote by TLR|boVital may have surprised many by easily beating atoon in their EuroCup Qualifier match. The experts rated them to be one of Europes top ten. May the upcoming events prove what they are made of.
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