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redCode presents ET:QW

image: redcode Another ET:QW team have been picked up by a major e-Sports organization. This time it's the spanish team Spain Exilium who will, as of today, compete under Spain redCode. This might be seen somewhat of a suprise for some as it was Spain wArning who seemed destined to end up in redCode, as they were just recently tipped by CrossFire's very own United Kingdom hentai (read more..) to be the number one team of Spain. But as things turned out, Exilium was a better option for the spanish powerhouse. redCode are mostly known for their CS 1.6, and FIFA-team, but with this addition they now got a new game to shine in.

QuoteThe expansion of ET:QW has been so great, that in most parts of the world ET:QW teams have been established. Facing this new 07/08 season, redCode, one of the biggest spanish multisquads has decided to add a new team to their ranks. The team that was chosen is the well known Exilium, composed by former x6tence.bf2-players, and a recent addition from wArning.

Statement from Team Captain Spain Oscar 'Bono' Sanchez:
QuoteIt's hard to find words for this great happiness. We truly owe redCode for putting their trust in us as their ET:QW team. The whole team is ready to do all we can for this new flag, and continue fighting for our objectives with more strength and determination then ever before. Day by day, we will struggle to take the name of redCode as far as we can, as this is our new home now.

redCode ET:QW lineup:
Spain Oscar 'Bono' Sanchez *
Spain Daniel 'sntx' Catalina
Spain Sergio 'Y2KaoS' Soler
Spain Héctor 'Cardhu' Viña
Russia Kiríll 'Filete' Bachkirov
Venezuela Hugo Andrés 'io.sKz' Gutierrez
Russia Savva 'Kasper' Fatkulin
Spain Juan Carlos 'MaRTe' González
Spain Raúl 'Soveliss' Fontecha

The new redCode-lineup will be competing in events such as the CB OpenCup, Spanish EMS Qualifiers and ESL Opening Cup. I'd wanna wish them the best of luck.

redCode eSports
#redCode @ QuakeNet

A big thanks to Russia Filete for helping me translate the spanish source.

Cool EuroCup Action Tonight!

image: eurocup2

Tonight it's the Finland Fins that stand up to fight, defending their igloos against their rivals in Eurocup matches that are hopefully intense and exciting! Both of the matches take off when it's already pitch black outside (atleast in Finland), 21 CET!
Our third match is Poland New Talents versus the Belgium Powerhouse at 21:30.

image: j52-ESVKA
Group C

image: j52-ESVKA_LU

Even though Finland Junk52 is kept as favorite for this match, that doesn't guarantee it can't be exciting. Let's hope that the Czech Republic Czech's will show what they are made of! My prediction: 4-0

image: pro-Inc
Group D

image: pro-Inc_LU

The other Finland Fins have found theirselves fighting against the Germany Yermans for the image: cup_gold place of the Group D and this match should definitely be worth watching. I'd say the odds are nearly even and either one of the teams can leave the server as the winners. My prediction: 4-2

image: cZar-ovs
Group C

image: cZar-ovs_LU

The Poland Overdose side might clearly outaim the Belgium Belgians, but Talent and Experience might not be enough to take on established Belgium cZar with much more solid teamplay. My prediction: 4-0

Once again it's your turn to act and head over to GamesTV.org, place your bets and cheer on your favorite!

-thanks to Finland twidi for the lineup and x vs x graphics!

Multiplay i32 adds Call of Duty 4

Multiplay have announced that they will no longer be running a Call of Duty 2 tournament at their i32 LAN event, however will be replacing it by the first ever tournament for Call of Duty 4!
With the game being released on Friday November 9th, the first day of the LAN, it's also possible to order the game from Multiplay and pick it up when you arrive at the event. Currently the prize's are structured depending on the number of teams attending the event, and more information can be found here

Hot EuroCup Action Tonight!

image: eurocup

Tonight we were supposed to see an epic clash between Impact and MoD, unfortunately this has been postponed till next monday, we are however left with 2 other EC matches to wet our appetite tonight. Both of them kick off at the same time: 22.00 CET.

Germany Gamepoint 4-0 Czech Republic eSuba
Group D
Tonight at 22:00 CET

Germany GMPO

Germany HumM3L
Germany fireBall
Germany fLiXX
Germany haZer
Germany z3R0
Germany cria

Czech Republic eSuba

Czech Republic Alexzoo
Czech Republic Brs
Czech Republic Butch
Czech Republic Lashek
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic Nindrt

Germany Yermans versus the Czech Republic Czech, both of these teams have been left behind by Germany progaming and Finland Incomplete in their group and they continue to struggle. Czech Republic eSuba so far have managed to at least to take a map against Finland Incomplete earlier whilst Germany GMPO are at BreakingPoint due to unstable lineup issues, that being said it's make or break for both of these two if they wish to have a hope of continuing further in this EC so we might have an exciting game on our hands tonight ladies and gentlemen. Germany GMPO is coming to the match unprepared but with a lineup that has played together before, will it be enough to take down Czech Republic eSuba that still has one of the most stable lineups in the EuroCup?

Belgium MooMooFarm 4-0 France Muse-Gaming
Group B
Tonight at 22:00 CET

Belgium mmf

Belgium pok
Belgium malaysia
Belgium stormG
Belgium nekz
Belgium snatch
Belgium kiss

France Muse-Gaming

France class
France douille
France freek
France pheex
Belgium xenium
France zorn

Our other clash tonight is between the Belgium Belgians and France French. Surely an exciting match when considering the odds. The winner of this match might have a better chance to finish off the group in the playoffs, but it's unlikely, since they are competing in the same group with Europe MoD and United Kingdom Impact who have already both claimed a win against against these teams, Impact taking a win against Muse, and MoD taking one against mmf.

Though I dont personally think any of these clans might proceed to the playoffs, I expect these matches to provide some rather even and exciting games so why not head over to gamestv.org, place your bets and cheer on your favorite!

-thx to eVo for proof reading.

Crossfire and Devotii postpone CoD Tournaments

Following the sharp decline in Call of Duty activity in Europe, Crossfire and Devotii have decided to postpone their cash tournaments due to be held on November 2 - 4. The two organisations have released the following statements regarding firstly the Devotii GameIdol tournament and secondly the Crossfire Devotii Challenge tournament.

Quote by Andrew TaylorDue to the large number of clans moving away from COD2 in preparation for the COD4 launch the LAN finals for the Game Idol tournament has been cancelled due to a lack of interest. The COD2 Game Idol tournament will be re-launched as a COD4 tournament early in the new year and the same prizes will be up for grabs as clans compete for the right to be called “fnatic”

The 8 clans who are missing out on the finals of the COD2 Game Idol Tournament will be awarded with 100 Euros each and our sincere apologies that the tournament has been put on hold. They will also be guaranteed entry into the COD4 competition.

Once again we would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and we look forward to the COD4 tournament in the new year.

Kompaniet adds two

After the ET:QW team of Denmark Copenhagen eSports, which was also known as Sweden one2, decided to split up and drop from the current CB Opencup, the Clanbase admins had to find a replacement team for them.

With Sweden Kompaniet they found a worthy replacement for CPH and Kompaniet took the chance and added, with aneki and Soltis, two fromer CPH players to their roster. The following Lineup will try to go through Group E, where they have to play against teams like Germany schwarz:

Sweden Mathias Mson Eriksson (Squadleader)
Sweden Fredrik rvn Rosell
Sweden Markus xeTyk Miettinen
Sweden Julius Wayf Forslund Nilsson
Sweden Sebastian aneki Kamph
Sweden Michél Soltis Aberg Wiklund


Global ruleset confirmed!

After much contraversy, many upsets and heaps of whine, ClanBase, i3D, ESL, Enemy Down, dignitas & i32 have finally come to an overall agreement on a consistent ruleset to be used for 6v6 competition. Many people hope that this will suffice until the release of the ETQW sdk, when rules may be reconsidered. Hopefully future tournaments run by other leagues will choose to use this ruleset for the sake of the community also. Admins agree that the ruleset is not overly complicated, and hope that matches will continue to go as well if not better than they currently are. The rules are as follows:

NO Aircrafts Allowed (does not include Icarus).
Maximum 1 Heavy Vehicle per team.
Maximum 1 Medium Vehicle per team.
Heavy Vehicles include: Cyclops, Desecrator and Titan.
Medium Vehicles include: Hog and Trojan APC.

Heavy vehicles are not allowed during the last objective, even if you were using the vehicle during the objective was enabled. You have to leave the vehicle.

Maximum 1 Sniper Rifle/Railgun per team.

Maximum 1 of each turret per team (Anti Vehicle Turret / Anti Personel Turret / Artillery Interceptor Turret).
Maximum 1 artillery deployable per team.
NO Radar Allowed (includes the usage of 3rd Eye Camera).

The maplist is yet unchanged, and consists of:

Crucial Clashes in Group A!

image: ecxvibanner1lp2

In the EuroCup, things are heating up as the kick-off of the penultimate matches of group A draws near. Current leaders of the group, TLR and Cortana, will look at tonight's match-ups with hopes of extending their leads and thus securing spots in the play-offs. Meanwhile, the outlooks for kojak and OVERLOAd, following their recent defeats, are arguably more gloomy as both teams technically face do-or-die situations.

ET:QW CB groups announced!

image: cbetqw_oc07 Clanbase have now announced the groups for their big ET: QW tournament this fall, sponsored with 4000 euro by Activision.
And there is one unusual catch to the tournament, teams from all divisions has a chance to pull through to the playoffs and compete for the 2000 euro first prize.
The way this is done is through one single playoff stage, with 2 teams from each first division group qualifying, 1 team from each second division group qualifying and from third division the two best teams of each group advance into a pre-playoff qualifier where 16 clans will compete for 8 spots in the playoff.

The cup features some of the best European ET: QW teams such as Germany OCRANA, Europe Team Dignitas, Greece Greek Operation Forces and Sweden EYEBALLERS known from the beta and demo tournaments. But there is also many new teams waiting to get the chance to prove themselves. Among them big names like Finland Team Logitech.fi and Poland Wilda D-Link known from the Battlefield clan scene.

A complete overview of all the groups can be found at Clanbase. (Link)

Copenhagen gets the plague

Copenhagen eSport whose Quakewars team was regarded as one the leaders in European Quakewars has today confirmed that after a breakdown in the team, the side will cease to exist.

In a complicated situation, leader and talisman Sweden Numse closed the roster who he fathered through one2 and into leading danish eSports organisation Copenhagen. Copenhagen eSports this week were published across both national and electronic press for opening their gaming school will undoubtedly be shattered by the news.

Quote by anekiWe had some internal issues in the team and when Rundquist decided to quit gaming to focus more on his school, Numse took the decision to close down the team without further discussing it with all of us. It came as quite a shock to see the team go down in the drain without even knowing what was in his mind. Some of our players just logged in to realize that the team was no more, which is a sad way of ending a long relationship.
Either way, I wish the other players all the luck, I will be playing with some of them in the future, however some I have no interest keeping in touch with. Kudos to Rundquist however, he's one of the best players out there right now and I'm sad to see him go.

Rumour has it that some of Europes top teams are ciricling and preying upon the remaining players from CPH although a possible large scale revival is logically not off the cards.
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