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Popcorn please! QW, ET & CoD Heavyweights in Action

Tonight sees THREE massive online matches in three different games! The Call of Duty QCUP reaches its loser bracket final for July, The ETQCUP reaches its Loser Bracket Final and the biggest two Swedish teams battle it out in the Clanbase QW Beta Cup. Tonight is your lucky night!

Quakewars Sweden one2 4-0 Sweden Kompaniet

Its been a long time since Sweden has held a dominant position in team games. Gone are the days of iNfensus, SK.swe and Iceclimbers, however Quakewars may just be the rebirth of all things Swedish! These two teams currently occupy two spots in a vague ET:Quakewars top five, and some may place these two teams right behind Dignitas at the top. For one2 they've called on a man who knows all about Swedish dominance, former iNfensus star aneki has recently joined their ranks (he wont play tonight).
Kompaniet will look to stop one2's powerful form, having won 5 games in a row one2 are looking good, their annihilation of 4Rng was clear for all to see. However clean wins over Logitech and PiC make Kompaniet tough opponents for anyone!

Call of Duty Czech Republic eSuba 16-13 Finland Logitech.fi - 20:00 CET

The CoD QCUP for July has seen eSuba on something of a downward spiral since their 4th place at CPC2. The team who rose to shock everyone havent quite found the going so easily in recent tournaments. Defeats to oxid and Speedlink have shown that the team is far from on top form, remembering that this is the side that beat Speedlink and took TeK-9 to three maps at CPC2.
For Logitech they've recently undergone changes to their lineup. Losing the influential stim might have been the 'stimulus' for collapse. However not so, as Eplot1c has come in and taken the up the reigns of guiding this roster to victory once again. They're looking good again the Finns and they enter the Loser Bracket final as favourites.

Coverage TGBF

Enemy Teritroy Finland Cadre 2-4 Europe The Last Resort - 21:00 CET

Read Denmark oBs' etQcup preview here!

Coverage: GamesTV.org
United Kingdom GIGA Listen w/ Mashed & FlyingDJ
Poland Headshot Radio w/ s0k1
Germany Sonatix Radio

Xleague hits CoD

image: Banner%20468x60

British television channel Xleague have announced their latest league, this time for Call of Duty 2 offering teams the chance not only to play for cash prizes, not only to have a LAN final but to be broadcast on TV too! With a prize of £1000 (1480 Euro) for first place, and on top of a filmed LAN final XLeague is the latest big organisation to take to Call of Duty.
The tournament works that teams will playoff in a ladder format with the top 8 teams at the end of the season progressing through to the playoffs.

Those 8 Teams will compete in the playoffs with the grand finals being played in the XLeague Studios in London. Whilst the ladders will be open from now until 16th of September, teams simply need to get themselves into the top 8 positions when the league closes as those will be the teams who progress into the playoffs.

Xleague works on a pay to play subscription and in order to play in the tournament each player does require an active subscribed account, which costs £4.49 per person, however XLEAGUE are currently running a promotion that anyone who signups to the Call of Duty league gets a FREE gold account on top of their subscription. The league is open to all European teams.

To signup to the league and find out more you can visit Xleague.TV there are also some support videos and examples of the shows that they put out.

Any queries or problems, you can contact [email protected]

Quakecon Signups Go Crazy!

If you were wondering how well Quakewars was going to be received at Quakecon, you can sleep easy tonight as the signups list caught on fire with 23 teams signing up within an hour, including none other than...Europe Dignitas

Top American Battlefield teams United States of America 20ID and United States of America Team HOT who appeared last July at the very first Championship Gaming Series are back in action. Not afraid of the big stage these two teams will have to be considered as contenders to the thrown. Quakecon 05 winning Multigaming Organisation, Check 6 have signed up to the tournament.

We'll keep you updated as the big names sign up, but you can see the full list here

CODQCUP July, the last three

image: codqcup_291x105

The Call of Duty Qpad Cup (Organised by CallofDuty.se in co-operation with Qpad) is reaching its end. At the moment there are three teams left in the race for the gold, which are Czech Republic eSuba, Sweden Team Oxid and Finland Team Logitech.

Tonight we will see the winner bracket final take place between the Swedes and the Czech. The losing team will face Team Logitech in the losers bracket finals tomorrow. After that the winner of the Winners bracket will face the winner of the losers bracket to decide which team wins the CODQCUP July edition.

Sweden Team Oxid [13:06] Czech Republic eSuba
Wednesday 18 July, 21:30 CET
Videostream by TGBF.tv

Team Oxid have had a surprisingly strong season, taking down teams such as the new Slovenia infused Gaming (former Evolve Gaming, winners of the CODQCUP June edition), German top team komaCrew and the Dutch powerhouses of Netherlands H2k.Qpad earlier in the winner bracket.

However their opponent is strong as well, winners of the CODQCUP April edition and Czech Call of Duty 2 pride, Czech Republic eSuba. Their opponents in the previous matches this month include strong names such as Germany High FiDelity and countrymen Czech Republic inteRaction.

Clanbase - ET:QW Beta Cup Playoffs reached

image: cb_etqw_betacup_banner

Clanbase' ET:QW Beta Cup has reached its playoff stage!

Most of the favourites progressed through their group easily such as Sweden One2, Europe Dignitas or Sweden Kompaniet.
Also United Kingdom edge, Europe Beyond and Germany cause didn't have any problems by leaving their group as first.
Furthermore we will see 2 teams consisting out of Wolfenstein players, Spain wArning and Japan lolicon.

However, the new squads of each Europe TLR as well as Germany helix failed to impress and disappointingly did not progress to the playoff stage.

This leaves the matches as the following:

#1 Europe Beyond vs Germany cause
#2 Spain wArning vs Japan lolicon

#3 Europe dignitas vs United Kingdom edge
#4 Sweden Kompaniet vs Sweden One2

Semifinals will be:
Winner #1 vs Winner #2
Winner #3 vs Winner #4

Statement: Sweden dohfOs from Europe Beyond ...
QuoteWell, we've actually never played cause before so it will be interesting for sure. cause are favourites though, seeing they are a closed beta team and Beyond pretty much started playing together 2 weeks ago. We also have some players leaving on vacation that doesn't make things better, I'm guessing that most teams got the same kinda problems but that's life during the summer. Anyways, good luck to all of the other teams, hope there will be some good games and good coverage now when we're starting to reach the end of this cup.


WorldCup comes to an end

image: banner

Oh yes, the WorldCup is still alive. Today is the big day, the final between the two teams who reached it, Poland Poland and Germany Germany is going to be played tonight.

In the first, and last, edition of the Enemy Territory WorldCup we are going to see 2 very strong teams battling for the final. They both have played alot of matches to get there and will hopefully show us a great final tonight. This first WorldCup was one hell of a Cup, with the cheaters playing everywhere, some teams kicked out, nations teams from all over the world have shown what they are capable of. Some had the luck to advance to the playoffs, some didn't have any luck and were very close. But let's not forget that every nation played for fun, eventrough not everyone had fun.

You can say alot about it, you can blame the admins for the decisions made and for the teams kicked from the tournament, but still we reached the final and we're going to end this cup tonight. We've had ups and downs each week, a nation with alot of star players such as the United Kingdom United Kingdom, who couldn't reach the last couple of rounds because they lost twice against the cheaters of Portugal Portugal were one of these unlucky teams. A Nations like Netherlands The Netherlands, who were kicked because of a banned captain and player who might not even have used a cheat during the cup, while others in their team did use one were kicked from the cup, a sad story where of course the admins are getting flamed for. It all happened under my own eyes, under the eyes of the crew, everyone who helped and of course the flaming community we have. I won't appologize for any decision we made during the WorldCup, as we still think we made the right ones and we are very happy that the WorldCup was going on each week again, with spectacular games, great players playing once again for their own nation to show what they can.

You can kind of see this as the last WorldCup post ever, I will leave my PC alone for the next 3 weeks after the final has been played and I will not write another newspost to tell everyone what a great experience this was for me, enjoying the whine you brought me was simply nice to laugh about, but also very helpfull. We've listened to the community and made our changes, and now it all comes to an end.

Tonight, the two best nations in the WorldCup are fighting against eachother. The squad of Poland Poland, who have alot experience and great teamplay because they've played together as a team is the favourite, they entered the final after winning every game and after winning a great Winners Bracket final against the same opponent as tonight, Germany Germany. That country is the one that did loose against Poland, but they showed what they can do and will certainly show us a great match tonight. They lost agaist Poland before, but came back in after winning a great match against Finland in the Losers Bracket Final. Both teams are ready to rock and roll tonight.

Time: 2100 CET
Maps: TBA / TBA
ETTV: GamesTV.org

The road Poland took to reach the final
Poland Poland vs United States of America USA - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Japan Japan - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Spain Spain - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Switzerland Switzerland - 1:0
Poland Poland vs Belgium Belgium - 4:2
Poland Poland vs Finland Finland - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - 4:0
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - 2:4 (Final #1)
Poland Poland vs Germany Germany - TBP (Final #2)

The road Germany took to reach the final
Germany Germany vs France France - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Chile Chile - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Switzerland Switzerland - 4:0
Germany Germany vs Spain Spain - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Croatia Croatia - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Portugal Cheaters - 4:2
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - 0:4
Germany Germany vs Finland Finland - 3:1
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - 4:2 (Final #1)
Germany Germany vs Poland Poland - TBP (Final #2)

Lineup Poland
Poland buzka
Poland chester
Poland kot
Poland oic
Poland rio
Poland Robol

Lineup Germany
Germany butchji
Germany drago
Germany Hatred
Germany haZer
Germany snoop
Germany wEAK

England English - GIGA Listen United Kingdom Mashed
England English - QuadV United Kingdom Splodge
Australia English - Gamestah Australia flash
Poland Polish - HSTV Poland Sensible
Germany German - Sonatix Germany lblbw
Belgium Dutch - Global Gaming Belgium xArQi
France French - NerdVibes France Esox
Israel Hebrew - Rtcw.il Israel beNyy
Portugal Portuguese - ETL|6s Portugal patt0n

I want to thank alot of people for helping me with the WorldCup, of course the WorldCup Crew, the GamesTV admins, the Shoutcasters, the Captains and players who played and hopefully enjoyed this WorldCup and of course the part of the community that supported us and gave us the useful feedback we needed. I hope everyone will enjoy the first and also the last WorldCup final!

SummerCup 2007: Groups published !

After some hours work all the clans were seeded into 4 Divisions consisting of 8 Groups with 4 clans each.

Seedings can be found here!

If you are unhappy with your seeding for a reason, please contact me in #SummerCup and tell me why.
If you want to change Leagues/Groups, try to find a clan in the targetted League/Group who agrees on switching. After that, pm me both in #SummerCup.

The first matchweek will start Monday 23 July 2007, the last matchweek ends 13 August 2007.
Challenging can be done from this moment on.

The maplist for the first week is Radar & Braundorf_b4.
The maplist for the second week is SW_Goldrush_TE & Bremen_b2.
The maplist for the third week is Supply & Oasis.

Please note that it is the Oldschool version of Oasis we will use in this tournament. We know that there is a conflict with the CB 6v6 config and the map, hence we will use for this map only the latest Euro 6v6 config.

Official SummerCup website

TLR picks up cZar

image: TLRClanTheLastResort has announced the pickup of the European Enemy Territory: Quake Wars side cZar-Gaming. Formally known as Team Cupido, the squad brings a wealth of talent and experience from the top echelon of Battlefield 2 and is currently training hard on the ET:QW beta in preparation for the impending release of ET:QW, and upcoming i3d.net Open Beta Cup, aswell as a heavy winter LAN season which will see the team competing at the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 and Netgamez.

Quote by Baldrick"After formally playing with TLR's Battlefield 2 Team I had been speaking with Mike for a long time about bringing an Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Team into TLR and as it became apparent that cZar's promises were not going to be fulfilled we came to an agreement. I'd like to thank Mike for the chance to become the TLR ET:QW Lineup, especially before the game's full release, and for promising us the support required to attend the upcoming Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 in September and future European LANs where we hope to fulfil our potential as one of the top European teams."

Quote by Chefinal"It gives me great pleasure to welcome cZar-Gaming ET:QW team to TLR.eSports. This game is growing very quickly and having a great impact on the gaming community. The team we bring to TLR brings alot of skill and great team work. We look forward to the up and coming lans, tournaments and cups for this team and bringing home the results and acheivements along the way. Knowing Luke for a long time I know he will work very hard to keep this team at the top for this game both online and offline"

United Kingdom Luke "Baldrick" Cotton - Team Manager
Netherlands Jop "ILoveYou" Huisman - Team Manager
Netherlands Stephan 'Wastestuff' Idema
Netherlands Nicolai 'RuFiO' Kleine
United Kingdom Ali "Sin" Mohammed
Norway Marius "Athex" Stavang
Netherlands Lars 'Tankz0r' Tijhuis
Netherlands Erik "2Easy" van Hoorn
Netherlands Frans "Quark" van Hoorn

#TheLastResort - TLR-Clan.co.uk

QWL Tonight: One2 vs 4Rng

image: QWLBanner
It's Tuesday night and we're back with the enigmatic TheSwede showcasting yet another clash from the Quake Wars League. Last week we witnessed the prelude between bioXar & Venatio - tonight it's the main event.

Fresh from their domination of the BF2142 scene One2 have a perfect record in ET:QW, having played 4 won 4. Including a win over tonights opponent 4Rng in the i3d.nl Cup. Not only that, but this unbeaten streak reaches right back to April in BF2142. They're pre-tournament favourites alongside Dignitas and look destined for the final.

4Rng on the other hand aren't of such a pedigree. Though competitive at the top of their original scene BF2, they've never dominated. And a comfortable win over Ntech in the first round shouldn't make them complacent.

Anything but a straight round win for One2 tonight will be a shock.

Finland 4Rng 0:4 Sweden One2

Time: 20:30 CET
Video Steam: Showcast w/ TheSwede
Format: Vanilla
Tournament: http://www.quakewarsleague.com/

Sweden One2


Finland 4th.Ranger


Other Round 2 Matches

Europe dignitas vs. Germany bioxar
Europe cZar vs. Sweden NINJA
Germany cause* 3:1 Spain exilium

Quakecon Details Released

Just two weeks prior to the competition, Quakecon today released further details for this years tournament events. Registrations open tomorrow, Thursday 17th at 01:00 CET for both the Quake Quad Damage & Enemy Territory: Quake Wars tournaments. This is 'first come first served' - so you must be online at this time to register.

In a slightly unexpected move Quakecon will use a special build provided by SplashDamage, which incorporates three new maps to be played - these are Area22[/b]]
QuoteArea22 - Strogg attack, been told was tested in beta before the general clan invite
, Ark[/b]]
QuoteArk - Strogg attack, been told was tested in beta before the general clan invite
& Valley[/b]]
QuoteGDF attack, coming Beta2 - Map Overview
. Registered teams will receive information on how to obtain this build prior to QuakeCon for practice purposes. Dedicated, build specific, servers will be setup online for practice purposes. It's expected teams will be required to provide proof of travel & accommodation to acquire this build.

The tournament format will be an initial 32 team single elimination 'phase' with the 16 winning teams progressing to the next double elimination 'phase'.

The tournament will use the vanilla default settings, with no vehicle / weapon restrictions.

Prize Distribution

4th $4,000

Tournament Rules: http://www.quakecon.org/tournaments/rules.php?tournament=etqw
Tournament Page: http://www.quakecon.org/tournaments/
Map Snippets: United States of America Ifurita http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5152
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