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The last chance alive!

image: headergr

With the 3rd cup joining our international premiership qualifiers, again two teams will have the chance to qualify during this week. The first match will be played on Frostbite with 25 seconds spawn and on Adlernest.
Until Sunday, the following matches will take place to make your et evenings more interesting to watch:

Poland dtekt.et vs. eXit team Czech Republic
Europe HighBot .ET vs. SFX Gaming Finland
Denmark clanALIS vs. sYnod5 Gaming United Kingdom
Poland FBI TEAM vs. violence is bad Russia

[*] ESL News
[*] Tournament tree
[*] ET @ ESL

Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge - Seeds & Groups

We have worked hard on making sure that our seedings are accurate and that our tournament structure is the most accurate reflection of the current competitive setup and when you click readmore you'll see the full see seeding structure and coming soon the updated tournament structure.

ClanBase recruiting a Cup Supervisor

image: cblogo_160w
We are currently about to expand the ClanBase ET Crew to guarantee that all of our upcoming cups/ladders do have a high quality and a good coverage. Your job would be to fill the open position as Cup Supervisor for the upcoming fall season, and to make it a success.

General requirements:

* In-depth knowledge of ET and the communities.
* Must be up to date on the game all the time.
* Very active and willing to invest his/her time to help the community out.
* Must be available on IRC (QuakeNET) and must participate on forums.
* Good knowledge of written English.
* (Cup) admin experience.
* Must be able to work together within the Crew.

Are you the person we are looking for? Then fill out this application!

*Remember you have to be logged to fill the form.

Crossfire Quakecon Documentary

This weekend will see the trailer to the documentary produced regarding the Crossfire team debuted on the Video Stream from the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge.
On Tuesday it will be launched into the Crossfire 3 Downloads and Movie section of the new site and having seen the trailer, I have to say Richard who filmed and edited has surpassed even his own high standards and I look forward to peoples reactions.

On another topic completely -

Regarding the Crossfire Recruiting Post
To give more information as to what we are looking for, we would like some generic logos created that can be used over and over again for specific subjects. For example a Clanbase logo that when a column is written about clanbase we post this logo with it. Subjects for the logos vary, from ET, CoD, RTCW, Cheating, Interviews, Fragmovies, Tutorials. Make them varied, unique we will use many of them, many times.
We need two sizes of the logo - One in 100(width) x 60 pixels and one 150(width) X 150 pixels.

The Long Road To Rotterdam - Team-Helix Is Back

A big LAN event seems like second nature to most Counter-Strike and WarCraft 3 teams. Managers take care of all the arrangements, sponsors pay for the trip and t-shirts are standard equipment anyway. No big deal, one might say.
When it comes to Enemy Territory, everything is different. Most managers hardly manage to plan online cup matches, sponsors only pay for servers and web space (if they do at all) and t-shirts are something you have to pay for yourself. With the upcoming Crossfire Prizefight Challenge, we have seen how difficult it can be for teams to attend these events, even with €3000 of prize money to be won.

Let's take the example of the Germany vicious and evil team. When they won the qualifier, they started to count their money and had a look at the costs that they'd have to bear. With 30 Euros of entrance fee, 30 Euros for a hotel room, about 100 Euros to get there and a still uncertain amount to be spent on drugs and prostitutes in Rotterdam, this is a lot of money for a standard high school student. When an offer to cover some of these costs comes your way, who would say no?

Monday's ETTV

image: etThere's only five days to go until the Crossfire Prizefight LAN, but life continues as normal for 6 teams tonight, as the ESL IPS qualifiers and 2006 Poland SummerCup lay on a feast of action to satisfy even the most of demanding of frag followers. Or perhaps you fancy a change? GamesTV.org has listing of matches in other games, including Battlefield 2 & Counter Strike.

Back on the home front for now, an eclectic mix of Poland, Spain, Finland, and Europe's finest do battle here for us tonight in games that all have potential to swing both ways.

Forget Barcelona and Chelsea, good vs evil, or all other power struggles with imfamous histories. There are few clans who can claim to have as much history between each other than Team Delta (Polewka) and sFx Evil (skit). The past is one thing yes, but nothing motivates like money, and both teams will be wary of following the plight of vib, helix and dtekt, all of whom have been knocked out in this, the 3rd round stage of the ESL IPS qualifiers. Instead then it is the example of idle, rewind and northern-darkness which will be of much rosier appeal, all teams who have already qualified from this stage. At the last meeting of these two teams (of which there are aplenty!), Delta came out 4-0 winners of stewie's insightful lugerfrag showcup on sw_fueldump, however that was over a month ago, and as we all know, a lot can change in that time. Lineups for tonight are:

delta from: kot, majcok, nrs, oic, phasmatis, chester, gotti, rio
sFx from: cadein, Herkkusieni, Leikkuri, ettu, LuciFer, manowar, Mikza, Murso, rauzkieye, Tiigeri, twidi

Match: Poland Team Delta vs Finland sFx Evil
21:00 CET
Maps: supplydepot, radar
GTV: wid / 1058

Next up comes a game between two teams who will be equally determined to win, but for vastly differing reasons. England Sheep's myLegend squad have yet failed to perform in the major competitions with their clanpage mystifyingly berefit of silverware, and the last ETTV appearance coming in the form of a 4-2 defeat to A+R way back in the middle of a rather humid June. However, they are strongly in the running for this, the 2006.pl SummerCup, and believe they have what it takes to progress the full distance. Standing in the challenger's corner are the team who will tell you this is a load of nonsense. Qlasic's Polish team haven't featured on ETTV before having previously played under the name trivium, and, having their chance to showcase their talents yesterday dashed by the cancellation of their game versus Poland slayers Team, they now look upon myLegend as a strong proving grounds to let them do just that. Lineups:

myLegend from: dRaakon, lioco, sheep, acid, iron, vegi
Qlasics from: GN1dA, dummy, butch, binder, z3R0, zMk, RadZiu

Match: Europe myLegend vs Poland Qlasics
20:00 CET
Maps: braundorf, radar
GTV: wid / 1046

Finally, tonight sees the meeting of the teams highBot and Parabellum. Now, I don't know about you, but I've had some pretty rough times from these teams... both losing games they should have won easily, both chopping and changing lineups faster and more often than I care to remember, and generally just being themselves. I really don't think the game needs any more build-up than that, litterally, expect the unexpected! More infos can be found on the gtv page (wid923).

Who said Mondays were blue?

Crossfire Recruiting

One day soon you will wake up and Crossfire 2 will be gone! Crossfire version 3 is in the final stages of its completion. The one and only taLa has been working harder than a chinese kid in a sweat shop and now to complete his coding masterpiece we need some works of art on the front page.
For both Crossfire 3 and the upcoming Lan we are looking for a few people to make some specific Logos for us. I have called in alot of favours from some volunteers with their art work and they've delivered a fantastic amount for us, but we're hungry for more!

If you are a designer with some spare time on your hand in the coming days please drop me a message in #Crossfire and I will happily fill your day with requests that are beyond my magical MS Paint skills!

one4one Decimated by -Max- and eTerNal

image: bannersl1

The “most anticipated Wolfenstein frag movie 2006” © Crossfire Community

After months of waiting, the hype and anticipation surrounding this release has gone astronomical. Finally, almost 1 year on, one4one Decimated has landed.

Production began back in September of 2005, when resident Swertcw movie critic Scotland Max took up the task of creating this project, labeled “Decimated” by then team manager United Kingdom rG. It soon became a labor of love, as he invested over 7 months of editing into this release.

It takes you on a journey through the career of one of Enemy Territory’s most skilled clans. From their early days as uQ Gaming, led by manager United Kingdom rG to their brief stint with Reason Gaming and their eventual resting place at one4one. During their time together they won the ClanBase SummerCup Premier and several other smaller tournaments, including beating Parodia in the first #ET-Cup final.

Without further fanboyism…


[*] United Kingdom syK
[*] United Kingdom Mztik
[*] United Kingdom sqzz
[*] Israel CrozZ
[*] Israel radagast
[*] Germany gambit
[*] Finland lettu
[*] Netherlands ovrboost

Created by Ultraviolet Productions, England eternal & Scotland Max

Here is one4one Decimated

Vital Statistics:

Length: 22:30
Size: 504Mb
Ratio: 22.4Mb/min
Resolution: 720x480

Ultraviolet | one4one

Team-ND over to dMiZE.ESA

With the Crossfire Prize Fight LAN just around the corner, one of the events favourites have taken a bold decision which is sure to motivate them. With new E-Sports Association, "dMiZE" hitting the gaming scene hard, Team-ND felt the offer to join them on there journey was too much to refuse and have decided to part with former organisation Team-ND.

Below is a statement from dMiZE.ET leader Europe aCoZz: "On behalf of me and the rest of the ET squad, I would like to thank Team-ND for the time we had with them, but since they have fallen into some inactivity problems lately, we feel it's time to move on. We belive dMiZE are a new upcoming professional organisation and with the right support, will go very far. Our first event under the new name will be Crossfie LAN next week and hope you will all be supporting!!"

The splash page can be found underneath along with the IRC channel. We wish dMiZE.ESA the best of luck in the future.

#dMiZE @ quakenet

One Call of Duty Space Available

Thats right, with Webone dropping out of the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge we have one place available in the CoD2 tournament at the Crossfire lan.
With 3,000 Euros up for grabs the oppourtunity is nigh to show who rules the roost in CoD2! If you are interested in the place please email [email protected] for information.

zeroPoint have applied for the spot, may I remind all teams that applications should be made through email only!

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