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Warleagues Semi Finals on GIGA tonight

image: wlrznd

While the ET community is preparing for the Crossfire LAN, another major league which has almost been forgotten among all the huge events in recent weeks heads on to its grand finals: The Warleagues Season VI is about to come to an end.

The teams today are anything but unknown to the ET community, in fact their current lineup holds two Quakecon participants, one on each side. Both have participated in EuroCup XIII and both have managed to score a medal there. Their last encounter provided a close match, now let's see what the second battle is going to show.

Europe Northern Darkness

Croatia aCoZz
Belgium dav1d
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia asd.
Spain Winghaven
France emoReJ

Germany riZe Gaming

Germany hatred
Germany keran
Germany maxx
Germany pumu
Belgium mAus
Netherlands licid

With Sweden feruS no longer a part of ND and Germany butchji on holidays, fanboys might be disappointed, but the skill of the two other players is only slightly inferior and riZe will surely want revenge while ND want to show off their skill to heat it up for their performance at the Crossfire LAN.

I have asked one member of each team for a statement:
QuoteSlovenia nd`JaKaZc
I think it will be hard game for both teams. This we be rematch for EC semifinal , we will do our best to win one more time.
We had some lineup problems , changed some players but i think we will win this 4-2.
QuoteGermany rZ^pumu
We weren't able to practice for more than two months. On Thursday we played for an hour with the lineup that you'll see today. Our aim is rather the Crossfire LAN than some online cups.
pumu might say that this match is not so important, but there is something special for you tonight which will leave us with thousands of spectators methaporically looking over the shoulders of both teams. Next to the usual gamestv coverage, GIGA has decided to show ET once again. With the impressive feedback they've received for every match shown so far, ET might become an institution on German TV very soon.

GamesTV war page
GIGA Livestream
stewie @ iTG

ET-Cup #13 kicking off tonight

image: hkt_1

I'm just back from my holiday in France, and SPU9 has been very busy with the 13th ET-Cup. In the newspost he made before you could see the participating teams and tonight is the night the matches will be played, of course on ettv!

There will be 1 match on ETTV for the first round:

Estonia Oxygen.et vs United Kingdom cdap - oddjob
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te / frostbite
ETTv: GamesTV.org

Map Pools for the Lan

image: xfire_logo
Both the CoD & ET tournaments will have 5 maps in their map pools for the competition, however unlike in other tournaments where either you could select the map you would play, or you were assigned maps long in advance of the tournament, this time map selection will be VERY different.
Taking a leaf from CGI maps will be randomly announced 60 seconds in advance of the match. Maps will be drawn at random, infront of the two teams once both are setup. At that point it will be 60 seconds and "Prepare to fight". Call of Duty will be played on 1 map, and ET 2 maps.

The Call of Duty Maps are without surprise and lineup as follows:

mp_dawnville, toujane, burgundy, matmata, carentan

The ET Map pool however, has a slight twist to it. As we will bring back TWO older maps, one of which will be chosen via a poll. Additionally Supply Depot will bow out of this tournament.

ET Map Pool:

Radar, Frostbite, sw_oasis b3, sw_Goldrush, (winner of poll)

Crossfire 3 Approaches

Crossfire is opening up to its community to ask for help in developing the banner for the next version of Crossfire which is due to be released within the coming month. The winning design will be seen by the ever growing Crossfire community.

Interested? The site design you'll be working with is HERE: It has been constructed by a British group of post modern artists (Foonr & Angrykid).

The design has been someone blurred and doctored by my MS Paint skills in a bid to hide a few words (words = features). But nothing can hide the ugly adverts. (Its the price you pay if you want more lans)

Requirements - The right hand side of the banner must not be crucial to the design as there will be adverts placed there. The design MUST feature the Crossfire logo. You can use This Logo or you can create your own, if you chose to create your own it must represent the word Crossfire is some shape or form (like CF does on the current one). Remember we are pushing the word Crossfire not Xfire and the banner should not be game specfic.

Good Luck!

1 Spot, 1 Cup - Rotterdam Calling

image: xfire_logo
The last place in Crossfire Prizefight Challenge is up for grabs! With all 7 other ET spots and 12 CoD spots filled its time to find out who be the last team to board the train for Rotterdam.

In a no holes barred contest, teams will duke it out for the spot vacated by flying finns Parodia in a single elimnation cup. The winning roster we see tommorow night, will be the roster we see in Rotterdam and with some big names lined up we're sure to have eventful evening!

With Braundorf and Adlernest playing host to the teams and GamesTV.org providing the theatre we're sure to have a cracking evening. Commentary will be provided by Inside the Game

Surprise signups include:
Europe sFx Evil: Xionn, mAx, Twidi, Lettu, Reload, Tiigeri
Europe Crossfire: Potter, Darky, r3vers, gifty, Deadmeat, gazeta
Europe noll8: eddie, lio, blaze, Gjerry, kris, Donkey

So join us tommorow night from 18:00 CET as goliaths do war!

The full bracket for tommorow night is available HERE


image: sw_fueldump_teAfter some time of silence and discussing gameplay improvements we a proud to release the 3rd beta version of the mapmod sw_fueldump_te.


The shortest Route to roof is now ~10 seconds by blocking the truckspawn ladder with a set of barrels. The old route was 4 seconds which made defence too easy for axis.
The truckspawn now only has one exit which should make spawncamping fairly easy for allies. Nobody forces axis to spawn there, its just an additional option.

The high fueljump should finally be fixed (i.e. not possible anymore) please dont prove me wrong this time.

According to Germany swine, the clanbase hosted hotcup will take the new version into their mappool.

Download sw_fueldump_b3


#13 ET-Cup incoming!

image: hkt_1

Some people will say that with the upcoming Quakecon, Crossfire Lan, 5v5 and 6v6 Summercups, ET has reached its highest level of entertainment. Thats wrong.
We - the #ET-Cup Crew, want to increase the amusement with another 6v6 #ET-Cup.

During the last few days I picked out nearly all 16 teams for our Cup.
Amongst others there are names such as Germany vae, Europe vib, Germany hx, Netherlands Team NED,
Poland dtekt and more.

Maps and Dates are set by us with no chance to change. Therefore all participating teams should immediately check if they can play on the given days/times. If there is a problem pm me on IRC.

Click on `Read More` to check the first matches, maps and dates.

Meanwhile our 12th #ET-Cup has reached the final stage.
Sweden Rewind will face Italy A+R in the battle to be crowned cup champions.

#ET-Cup @ Quakenet (atleast 1 member of each team should idle there)

--- This is a reminder for all participating teams, plz contact me if you can`t play (if one more team will drop out one of the backups will take their spot). You have to check this newspost (or the newspost on the cuppage) to find out which will be your opponent for the 2nd round! + We are searching for one more admin, pm me on IRC ---

GamesTV Upcoming Broadcasts beta Released

In the endless pursuit to continue to develop and improve their site, the guys over at GamesTV.org have once again released a must have for the avid ETTV fan. Site developer and think tank Switzerland steph has released his “Upcoming Broadcast” beta.

This software shows the impending broadcasts on GamesTV, whilst enabling you to view the available ETTV servers and directly join them through the software’s interface. You can use this anonymously or log into your GamesTV account, allowing you to set the timezone of your choice as well as the link format for the gameservers.

A few of the features are…

[*] Show the match list.
[*] Abbility to choose how many days you want to see.
[*] Possiblity to set a reminder on a match.
[*] Show the match priority, the number of slots, the tournament, the game on one line.
[*] Possibility to directly use your GamesTV account with it.
[*] The match summary use your local timezone instead of the CET or GMT time.
[*] Automatic refresh every 5 minutes of the match list and a message is shown to tell you there were some changes on GamesTV.
[*] A war page with the same functions as GamesTV's one (except the comments).
[*] Minimizing to tray.

You can find screenshots and further information over on GamesTV.org


Media At Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge

A number of organisations have approached Crossfire in the past weeks with questions regarding whether they will have the ability to access the internet and provide live coverage from the event.

The answer to that question is Yes. There will be public media internet access, however we're somewhat limited on how much of it we have. Therefore we require all people attending the event with any requirements from us to do their job to contact Crossfire either via email ([email protected]) or via irc #Crossfire on Quakenet.

Spectator Information
The first matches on each day will be starting at 10AM and there will be no official lunch break. Most people planning to spectate at the event have asked what time to make their plans for. As for the ending time of both days, Saturday is expected to end around 7 or 8, and Sunday possibly simliar. This weekend the schedule will be published.

ReDeYe's Quakecon 2006 Gallery

image: redcamera
United Kingdom Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner of Inside the Game has posted his gallery from Quakecon 2006. Whilst this time there are no "Mah Ball" pictures (thank heavens), its a wonderful mixture of event montage with individual pictures.

ReDeYe attended Quakecon for Crossfire and ATi rather than iTG this event. His initial role was to be involved with the documentary, hosting it and aiding in any filming of it that was required. However, Paul went above and beyond the call of duty in his involvement with the team.

ReDeYe is famed for his player management skills, playing a huge role in the success of Quake 4 player Netherlands Forever, and at Quakecon he leant his management hand to the Crossfire ET team. In no uncertain terms, he was the 6th player - every player on the team appriciated the value of his input and ability to clear the players minds of all negatives and allow them to focus on the job at hand, and for that Crossfire cannot thank him enough.

You can enjoy his gallery Here
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