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noll8 fold

For the second time in ET, noll8 have decided to call it a day. Last time they called it a day by merging with sib to create DG and go on to Eurocup Silver, this time though they fold and completely ruin my newspost below, which was sure to win the xfire awards 2006.

After the mysterious loss of Capten that still has many people very concerned, the team was neither here nor there and stumbled through the remainder of their Eurocup games. To steady the boat and restore a full swedish lineup, noll8 brought back Spear to their roster, however he has taken a new job that will keep him out of tommorows match with v&e and they have decided enough is enough with the roster now featuring zero of the roster that they formed with on Sunday 12th of Febuary.

Sweden Eddie had this to say:
QuoteWe´re very sad to announce that noll8 are going to fold this season of ec/warleagues. After capten disappeared the team wasnt the same, the spirit was lost and we decided to take a break. We surely will be back after the summer but probably with a different lineup. We wish all participating teams the best of luck.

One wonders whether this will be the same promise to return that team9 delivered last summer? This action means that Germany v&e will be on the same level as maybe in their bid to progress

6/6/06 Wolfenstein Coming..

image: 1666
On the very day that the son of the devil will rise and hell will have its day, epic wolfenstein soldiers do battle.
QuoteAnd he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

This 6/6/06 there is a very different war to be fought, for one this night...Wolfenstein comes home bearing the mark of devil!

The bloodshed starts in a place feared by all, the home of battles of biblical proportions and the place where it all began! We Return to Castle Wolfenstein one more time to visit the depths of hell, where we find twelve men left fighting bitterly for one final cup and one final route to freedom! Oh yes, this 6/6/06 Satan will be busy as the #ownitschcupII hit its grand finale!
Can RTCW everpresents One.soldier compete with the games current form team, who can boast an Open Cup success and highly successful blockbuster movie? Theres only one way to find out...

United Kingdom One.soldier vs France Svpr
Time: 22:00 CET

Hells very own shoutcasters will there at your beck and call, to watch as the world ends and Satan puts you all into the depths of hell, join United Kingdom TosspoT & United States of America djWHEAT who will cover the whole nights action from start to its bloody finish and laugh in the face of death. Tune in from 21.30 CET ...if you dare
You have been warned!

Challenge Cup 2 sign-ups

image: challenge_cup2
Challenge Cup 2 sign-ups have been opened. If you are a European team, feel free to visit Challenge Cup 2 website and enter Sign up section. We will wait for you till Saturday, 24:00 CET. Then, qualifications phase will kick-off and the cup will be started.

As some of you remember, we planned to introduce three major changes in the game config. After the showmatch between Poland Polewka and Finland stfu - cdap we decided on the following two modifications:

- as for heavy weapons: only panzerfaust is enabled; mg42, mortar and flamethrower are disabled,
- mines amount reduced to 3.

As for spawn times, we intended to reduce all spawns by 4 seconds, but after the showmatch we received negative comments that persuaded us not to do so. As a result, spawn times are not modified.

All accepted teams are listed in Teams section on our website. If your team is not here, it means that either you are not accepted yet (it may take some time for us to check all your input data) or you haven't filled in the sign-ups form properly. Please do check teams section in some time and make sure you have been accepted.

We are trying to do our best to make Challenge Cup 2 as successfull as it is possible. Thus we look forward to seeing your team in signups! Visit our website and IRC channel: #challenge-cup for more details.

Crossfire King of the Hill: Episode 2

[center]*UPDATE*: helix win 4:2 and retain their koth status[/center]

image: kothlogo3goAnd so we make our way to the perhaps unusual location of Walmington-on-Sea, where two plucky groups of players set out to prove their worth as Britain's last-line-of-defense, or just who gets to wear a rather nice crown, seeing as nobody involved is British, nor is it the 1940s anymore. Just what is this world coming to?

Nevertheless, with the arrival of the Warden imminant (black uniform), I thought it best to get off my nationproud rear and start doing some work for this next match in the KOTH. And whats to come has the same effect as when you talk to Mainwaring about promotion. That's right. It gets interesting. Let us rewind a few weeks, to the summer of 1941. All the hype was in place, and we sat down with stewie and nearly 1000 ettv slots to the delicious prospect of elite vs helix, in a game which very few people gave elite a hope in hell of winning. But how wrong they were! elite were unlucky with a tank bug on goldrush, but took the second map in some style for force helix to overcome them on braundorf, having certainly not given us the thrashing that most had forseen. So thats whats been. Thats done, it's in the past. Let us bury that and return to screen one.

As you may have seen via Godfreys grapevine as it is now known, the teams of cZar and northern darkness played a behind-closed-doors encounter on braundorf. The result of that meant that Europe northern darkness won the right to play last game's winners, Europe helix. Now though the show must go on, and despite a delay of three days (oh, where does the time go?), we have a match ready to roll.

Match: Europe image: smallcup northern darkness vs Europe Team Helix
Date: Wednesday, June 7
Maps: braundorf (nd), sw_gold (hx)
Time: 21:30 CET
ETTV: gtv / id 603
Shoutcast: Netherlands stewie on Inside the Game 3

Also this evening theres one more twist in the Eurocup saga as Hungary underscore take on Germany RiZe in the final and now crucial match of Group B. Following 141's victory over cZar, RiZe have been relegated to third place and need the victory to progress to the next stage, defeat is not an option. However they will be facing an understrength underscore team who have publically stated this will be their last match before introducing a new roster.

Match: Hungary underscore vs Germany Rize
Date: Wednesday, June 7
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, adlernest_final
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: gtv / id 576
Shoutcast: United Kingdom TosspoT on Inside the Game 1

I threatened helix honcho Latvia Clown with national service until he backed down and agreed to answer a few of my biting questions. Hit read more to find it.

Crossfire Update

Our beloved Belgium taLa has been hard at work on xfire recently, and has provided what could be the final update for Xfire 2, prior to the release of version 3 later on this summer.

The filter system is now completely operational, working on News, Columns, Polls and Articles. There has become a need for this system to become operational as the community grows into a diverse selection of games. With ET:Quakewars upcoming and having the potential to fragment those who chose not to play that game, it soon became obvious we needed to offer segregation on the site for those that chose.

The decision was made to utilise effective filters, over subdomains pergame for keeping everything centralised and for use of a centralised index.

Users wishing to contribute to the site now must assign a category for their news, column or article or admins will assign them should there be an error.

This paves the way for more general gaming news, be they flavour of the month (like warsow) or eSports news, with the functionality to add an additional game. Now this has been an urge of xfire for sometime, when is the time to expand and when isnt, where to expand to and with who?

We have decided to expand to 1 additional game (CoD), however will not follow the portal model used by esreality, and the site will remain specific game exclusive. This is not the official launch of coverage for CoD, however that will come next weekend.

Use your filters, make the site show only news you are interested in, and report any bugs!

Set your filters HERE

Fear not, as Crossfire has and will continue to take every precaution to preserve the mentality of this site. Three years and counting, we will continue to fly the flag for the Wolfenstein community.

For all the latest gaming news check out crossfire.nu

Phear ETTV

image: allo6of Well well well, what do we have here, Rene? Are those Yvette's stockings I see protruding from the rear pocket? I surely hope not, we wouldn't want you being taken away from here by 'ze Germans, and missing all tonight's ETTV now, would we?

And much like our French counterparts, from majestically brilliant to the downright odd, mixing games that might provide excellent entertainment next to those that could make you drift asleep. And after all that, if you're still drooling at the mouth for action, RadioITG are on hand to switch the coverage to CoD2 should you so desire. Let's take a look at what games are being played tonight:

Kicking off coverage comes the perhaps premature RTCW2-Cup, which is aiming to build a profile for the recently launched #rtcw2-news, pitting together the teams of Insane-Teamwork and 4evolution over some of ET's newer competition maps, in a game which has already drawn a respectable number of ettv slots - as I write the figure is just over the 200 mark. On top of all this we have Germany vaGgi and Germany Dj cAze providing the commentary on two seperate streams for German language lovers.
QuoteMatch: Germany Insane-Teamwork vs Europe 4evolution
Time: 20:00 CET
IRC: #rtcw2-news
Maps: adlernest_final, braundorf_b4
ETTV: gtv id /621
[*] #rtcw2-news - vaGgi
[*] Au-Hur Radio Shoutcast Dj cAze - qartex
Moving on to the first of the 'big-three' matches, but this time there's not a Frenchman, Englishman or American in sight, as the EuroCup continues in bullish style, placing together forever old-timers eSrael against the team many see as Estonia Idle.ee's main challengers, Northern Darkness. But the team soon to take on helix in the KOTH would do well to not underestimate the screwed hitboxes of eSrael, with their legions of supporters on gtv.
QuoteMatch: Europe Northern Darkness vs Israel eSrael MSI
Time: 20:30 CET
IRC: #eurocup.et
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, adlernest_final
ETTV: gtv id /582
Next up on Rene's menu comes the #ET-Cup, fueled by the drive and determination of the spambot, known only as Mr "#pzz.et" NxM. On show in Edith's stage are the all singing, all lovely champs filling the void left by the old squad, RoyalitY, set against the team behind the bar, consisting of toxic's all laughing, all lagging AngelDust team... well, only toxic lags to be fair. Netherlands stewie is on hand to provide the explanation in his new iTG role.
QuoteMatch: Europe RoyalitY vs Europe angelDust e.V.
Time: 21:00 CET
IRC: #et-cup
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, frostbite
ETTV: gtv id /594
[*] Radio iTG Server 3 - stewie (English) http://listen.radioitg.com/listen3.pls
Just like a German officer changing his mind over his choice of coffee, the great sleeping giant that is angrykid has smelt his own hideous breath and awoken, only to decide he fancied munching on a game as a treat. As such, the scheduled game between Germany vicious&evil and Israel maybe has now been cancelled, meaning that depending on how you look at it, either the best game of the night is now down in ak's stomach, or there be more time to watch the other games. Nevertheless, if none of these games satisfy your existance, there are always two other alternatives:

21:30 CET Germany oXid vs Poland //dream http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=626
22:00 CET Spain pblm vs Spain N2Ku http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=616

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some army men needing to get home. Tarrah!

Luger Frag - Episode 3

While Whitsun might be a very special event for all the Catholics, for ET fanatics it means that Luger Frag is arriving once again, starting today at 18 CET, bringing you once a again the latest news, another map that is tested and we're going to have a nice little debate once again.

So, long story short, the topics are:


There's a new star in the sky, and it obviously got a lot of ET players hooked. What makes Warsow so unique and will it be more than the usual release hype? We'll have a look at that.

ET's most unpronouncable clan names

There are clans that give everyone a hard time: The shoutcasters when they're trying to cast the matches of these teams and all the players when they're trying to talk about results or roster changes of that particular clan. But what are really the most unpronouncable names?

Map test: Snatch TE

The new supplydepot2 - or is it? One of the latest shooting stars among new maps, there are a lot in favour of using it in competition - though they agree that there need to be some changes. The creator of the map seems rather uninterested - can Snatch be successful nevertheless? Germany swine is going to join me for some map testing - and you can test the map on the official Luger Frag server as well.
After the map test, we're going to let the server open to everyone for some public action.

Map download: http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/snatch_beta.pk3

Quakecon and beyond

With Quakecon almost cancelled, we'll talk about possible other events that might give ET another boost. Atlantic Battle, European Allstars or something completely different?
For this, I once again need a set of people to join me - so if you have an awesome idea for an event or just think you need to share important thoughts on ET's future, feel free to write me a PM or message me on IRC and we'll get you into tonight's show - you should have some time around 19:15 CET for that - and you need Sykpe.

EuroCup playoffs

Clans have folded, others are still going - what lies ahead in the EuroCup XIII? A lot still has to be decided and we'll take an in-depth look at what is still possible.

You can call in as usual via Skype, my screen name is flyingdj - www.skype.com.

Tune in tonight at 18 CET on iTG Server 2 !

For all the links, server IPs and everything else you are invited to join #lugerfrag on Quakenet.

Another Tigger Behind The Trigger

By now, you’ve no doubt read the journal, downloaded the movie, watched it twice and cooked tea! Nevertheless, as promised - I give you “Another Tigger Behind The Trigger.”

Oh, the wonderful thing about Tiggers is,
Tiggers are wonderful chaps.
They're loaded with vim and vigor.
They love to leap in your lap.
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy,
Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is ...
III'm the only one!

Addicted To Gaming?

Coming to a clinic near you July ‘06. Crazed teenagers grasping for their keyboards, craving that one last flick of their mouse. Smith & Jones of Amsterdam, Holland will be opening a 24 hours a day treatment clinic for those requiring help.

Dictionary.com declares that addicted means “To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively” - sound familiar? Is logging onto your computer the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing at night? Many gamers spend hours mesmerised in front of their monitors.

It can cause problems in their real life, neglecting friends, family and partners - screwing up sleeping patterns negatively effecting a persons job or school work.

Our ClanBase admin in exile Netherlands Cash conducted a small interview with Keith Baker, Director of Smith & Jones who states that “game addicts show such symptoms of sweating and shaking, quite similar to what heavy gamblers undergo during treatment” and that gamers “should be completely removed from their gaming environment.”

Could you go completely cold turkey? Remove yourself from IRC, Xfire, gaming and the internet in general? Remember kids, the first step in curing an addiction is recognizing that you have a problem.

You can grab the full article over at the GGL here

A new tool for gamers.

image: 1

¬ XonX-Network: The Multigaming Matchfind Network

Our main goal is to give gamers the ability to find a match quickly and without any problems.

The Warfind Interface is succesfully completed and fully operational.
This interface allows you to search your match for many games, and receive an answer within 2 minutes.
You are able to customize every detail for your match, such as type, skill, the time of your match, and much more!

¬ What do we offer ?

Fast match searching through our warfind interface.
The latest information about important matches in E-Sports.
The latest important news for many games.
A fast, stable and up to date website.
Downloads such as: newest patches, mods and fragmovies for many games.
A popular Forum where you can obtain help, and make new friends.

¬ Future projects.

A league for every game in our network, like Clanbase or ESL.
Monthly cups, with prizes for winners.
A Webstore, providing gameservers, hardware, software.
Anything else that comes to mind!

¬ Join us now, and feel the power of xonx-network.org !

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