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#ET-Cup #11 Groups announced

Today at 20:00CET, the groups of the 11th ET-Cup have been announced. For all of you who missed it, they are here special for you once again!

- All matches are forced on Wednesday and Sunday at 21:00 CET.
- You are allowed to change the matchdate and matchtime if you need to (you ofc need to get ok from opponent), but only 1 day after or 1 day before the date where it is forced on.
- If you want to change a matchdate / matchtime, contact your opponent and pm the new date/time to an operator in #ET-Cup.
- If you've played a match, you have to pm the result to an admin in #ET-Cup. If we haven't received the result 24 Hours after the match, it will be a double forfeit.

Now the groups, consisting of some interesting clans.

» Group Alpha:
United Kingdom Pillars
Europe angelDust
Europe kojak
Germany advanced Gamers united
Poland deathless
Europe younggunz

» Group Beta:
Europe roYality
Germany pro7
Europe Team-Helix
Russia AD.RUS
France Team dead Zone
Czech Republic Team infrag

» Group Charlie:
Germany Changes
Netherlands Hyperion-Gaming
Netherlands Artificial
Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein
Europe delite6
Finland Team-Hatred

» Group Delta:
Germany demenS
Europe revoke
United Kingdom iStar.uQ
Poland Veni Vidi Vici
Europe addicted6
France Peanuts, Whiskies And Cokes

» Group Echo:
United Kingdom intellic
Europe Metix
Poland dfiance
Poland GOD/asYlum

» Group Foxtrot:
Hungary underscore
Germany #Lucky-Bitches
United Kingdom sFx DuaLity
Europe pstarZ
United Kingdom megalomaniacs
Poland 4FuN Yellow

» Group Golf:
Europe taskforceX: revision 2
Croatia elite
Germany Insane-Teamwork
Poland coltZ
Israel Elementals

» Group Hotel:
Czech Republic Bloody Fuckin Users
Europe fLuency eSports
Europe o'vero?
Europe SyKotic
Poland save me god
Germany No Bullshit

The first match will be on Wednesday 31 May at 21:00 CET. There will be 1 match on ETTV, which one will be decided shortly.

Good luck and Have fun to all participating clans!

Website | IRC

Warsow 0.1 Released

image: 53_big
Whilst strictly quite far afield from MP40's and Panzerfausts, the latest game release has something in common with ET, Its FREE!

QuoteWarsow is a standalone free game for Windows and Linux, it's based on the Qfusion 3D engine (a modification of Quake 2 GPL engine). As you may have heard, we're basing Warsow's development around the motto "by gamers for gamers."

The base gameplay is focused around the art of movement, meaning that without trickjumps you won't get that far in this game. That doesn't mean we don't care about gameplay stuff, we have a power-up system that's near completion for TDM, and we're still working on good powerups for ctf.

For the movement we've basicly looked at four games, Quakeworld (legendary for it's speed), Quake3 CPMA, Jet Set Radio and Speedball

You can download this game here:

Windows -

Linux -

Find out more at: Warsow.net & #Warsow

#Warsow.ctf for pickups

Challenge Cup 2 - the essence

image: challenge_cup2Challenge Cup 2 preparations are coming to an end. In recent days we have set a final maplist and introduced necessary config alterations – in order to let the teams present their actual teamplay. Here is the official mappool:

- Adlernest
- Battery
- Braundorf_b4
- Frostbite
- Supply depot 2
- xxx

Some can ask what xxx means. Of course it’s not a name of the map. It is a secret map that won’t be revealed yet. We are going to present it before the group phase kick-off or just after the end of qualifications.

The second important matter is the config. Obviously, it is based on the ClanBase and Warleagues ones, but we introduced some modifications.

- mines amount has been reduced from 5 to 3! It should make the game more attractive and less predictable than it was before.
- soldier will only be able to use mortar (panzerfaust, flamethrower and mg have been disabled). We would like to minimize respawn camping and killing 3-4 players at the same time and, as a result, give players more action and direct wars showing their skills.
- respawn times have been reduced by 4 seconds. Thanks to this alteration it will be impossible to predict enemy’s spawn time which will make spawn camping less effective. It will speed up the game as well.

The cup is almost here, but what would be the new config if not immensely tested? So there comes a showmatch! Two great teams – Poland Polewka and Europe Northern Darkness (Goliath) will fight one another and test Challenge Cup 2 config. The atmosphere seems to be hot, so don’t wait and book upcoming Wednesday at 21:00 CET. See both teams in action! The match will be shoutcasted by Poland #Pr3dS.Radio.

Remember: visit us at #challenge-cup and follow showmatch ETTV servers!

The buster is a punk!

image: logo_punkbuster

The problem appears to have been resolved, punkbuster appear to have solved the lagging issues incurred by this update...or removed it all together


The saviour, the incorruptable, the...Lagger?

Reports coming from down under (who have been playing with the new punkbuster update whilst we were asleep) are suggesting that evenbalance's latest update is actually a burden on the player.

The main feature of this release was not new cheats caught, but a new PunkBuster Screenshot methodology:

QuoteNew screenshot code introduced: beginning with this version of the PB Client, PB will randomly take screenshots about once per minute on average and send each screenshot signature to the PB server; several screenshots will be queued and future PB Server editions will be able to request any of the last few screenshots that were taken by the client; the PB Server will also track information pertaining to how often windows reports the game minimized or otherwise inactive, admins will be able to configure PB to kick players who do not keep the game as the active application while playing; admins will also be able to kick players who do not return requested screenshots or where the returned screenshot does not match the previously supplied signature

Its a beautiful idea, its simplicity is great, however its technology is not. Reports coming in from our aussie friends suggest that once a minute you're given a huge lag and frame drop as the screenshot is taken and sent. Your average ET player is left stranded halfway through a gun fight, and the cheated are defeated by the very method to capture the cheaters!

One suggestion is to lower the amount of screenshots being taken, from 1 a minute to a higher figure, possibly one every 10 minutes, however is this lag issue would still remain.

#ET-Cup #11 announced

image: et-cup-xi493p

The 11th edition of the ET-Cup is coming up and we're about to open the signups soon, but first we need to give some info to YOU so you know what you can expect!

In the upcoming season we'll make a normal cup, not a 1-Day cup, not an invite only cup, but just a normal ET Cup which we all hopefully like. We'll try to get some ETTV to cover some nice matches and to get demo's online so you can watch your idols. We also hope that some EC clans will signup and some clans of the new generation which want to make it in the next EC.

But first, of course you need to know something about what we will make for you:

- 6on6 ET-Cup
- 48 Teams
- 8 Groups
- 6 Teams a group
- All clans are welcome!
- 2 Matches a week, forced on Wednesday and Sunday.

The signups are already opened on our site and will be closed if there are 48 clans which signed up. In this case, you have to be fast with signing up your team.

Match 1: Braundorf_b4 and Sd2
Match 2: Frostbite and sw_grush_te
Match 3: Battery and Radar
Match 4: Adlernest and sw_grush_te
Match 5: Sd2 and Battery

These maps are forming the maplist. The maps are forced for the group phase, but can be picked by the clans in the playoffs. If it's 2-2 after 2 maps, you have to play a decider map with elimination - There always have to be a winner.

The first match will be played on Wednesday 31 May, so upcoming Wednesday - Try to keep this day free so you won't have a problem with your first match, the match can only be rescheduled 1 day after or 1 day before the forced day.

If you have any questions related to this cup, message an op in #ET-Cup and we'll help you out.

Website: www.ET-Cup.net
IRC Channel: #ET-Cup on Quakenet

Updated ETpro bugfix mapscripts

Mortis has released bugfix mapscripts for fueldump, braundorf_b4 and HoG_b4 to add to his collection. The bugfixes deal with a variety of map bugs and exploits through the game:

Details on each bugfix are found at my site Here

The bugfixes are for the following maps:

- Supplydepot (spawn bug fix!)
- Supplydepot 2 (spawn bug fix!)
- Heart of Gold b9 (bugfix)
- Braundorf b4 (bugifxes)
- Et_beach (many fixes, features)
- Railgun (many bugfixes and/or features)
- Fueldump (bugfixes and features)
- SW_fueldump (features, new version soon)
- EL_Kef final (bugfix)
- Raiders (exploit fix)
- Caen (exploit fixes)
- Caen2 (exploit fixes)


Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrade Released!

image: wolf32d
The legendary game that gave birth to all things ID Software and fathered any game you've played that would have brought you to this website has been given a new lease of life!

You can now download the Super Upgrade pack for free. The project that was originally made as an Addon pack has been made publically available for download.

Developers Apogee briefly sold an addon pack for Wolfenstein 3D called "The Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades" pack. This addon pack contained over 800 new levels for Wolfenstein 3D, a random level generator, and a map editor.

You can download the Super Upgrade Here and just in case you dont have Wolf3D anymore, thats also freely available for download Here

Who needs RTCW 2 when you've got another 800 levels of Wolf3D to play?

Thanks DG

GamersNation Sponsors Singularity

#GamersNation - www.GamersNation.co.uk are proud to unveil the latest clan to be sponsored, Czech Republic Singularity

Singularity have been around since mid-2005, and currently boast a strong line-up who are also currently competing in some of the highest levels of cup and competitions, such as:

[*] WarLeagues VI Alpha
[*] Clanbase EuroCup

Their Current Lineup is:

Czech Republic Brs
Czech Republic Butch
Czech Republic Hellish
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic Marv
Czech Republic VD

We would like to wish Singularity the best of luck with that they compete in.

#GamersNation or www.GamersNation.co.uk may be little known to much of the ET Community, so maybe i should also introduce the Sponsor.

GamersNation is a Multigaming Community Website with dedicated staff and forums for a number of different games, including:

- ET - BF2 - COD2 - DOD:s - CS:s - FEAR - ET:QW -

We also have a number of public servers for each game we support ready to be used by the community. So be sure to check us out at either:



Taken from sweRTCW:

I thought I'd abuse my admin powers on sweRTCW to ask for help in the search for our beloved Sweden Capten.

He went missing approximately 2 weeks ago right after the Sweden Noll8 vs Europe Maybe EC match.

We are obviously concerned what could have happened to him concidering he is not the kind of person who just leaves his team without a word. Phonecalls to his house and cellphone has yielded no results. If anyone knows him IRL and has any idea where he is and what's happened to him.

We would be happy if you contacted any member of Sweden Noll8 in our Qnet channel #Noll8.

[FuN] ET Summer Cup 1v1 & 6v6

image: etsummercup

[FuN] ET Summer Cup 1v1 (26 entrants so far) & 6v6 (18 Teams so far)

1v1 FragFest start date Saturday 24th June - 6v6 Summer Cup Saturday 1st July 2006

We would love the support of you guys, be great to see all from all walks of life.

This FuN Cup is an open invite, you may enter with your clan or you may have a team of public players, you may even have a team that has a mixture all are welcome

All will come clear....

Just trying to put back a little FuN into the community after the FuN it has given us all. Plus many players dont get the chance to play against some of the great clans and players that are in the scene that may in fact even look up to you.

Take care and thanks for reading. sorry if this is not your cuppa tea..


Details at Summer Cup Thread - click here - #[FuN]
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