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The world's 13 best?

image: g0d There be many an ET player, or RTCW player for that matter, that vast swathes of us here hold deeply within the caverns of our hearts. To take the example of nellie, who only last week received mysterious phone calls reaching into the hundreds from what he believed to be a bored prank caller from the depths of northern England. So imagine his shock, when it emerged that the buzzing on the end of the line had been noneother than his secretly admiring fanboy, United States of America fata1ty, who had unfortunately been struggling with a broken phone cord.

As famous as our Wolfenstein players might like to think themselves, it seems none of them feature in Poland carmac's "The Top 13 Gamers of All-Time" compilation, which uses the medium of the GGL to convey his opinions about those gamers who er, ... are the best 13 in the world. But who could be first? Surely it's some famous name who even we at xfire would recognise. Maybe it's our aforementioned American prank-caller friend, or how about that Dutch chainsmoking Sander "Vo0" Kaasjager. Well, no, not exactly. The latter only managed a measly ninth place. So shame on him, being beaten also by the girlz of destruction.

Whatever your views on the matter, or your lustful desires for nellie's phone number, you can catch the entire list right now over at the GGL. Remember, games included don't just revolve around FPS-based games, nor games from this side of the millenia. Feel the pacman nostalgia coming back already? I thought so!

Read all about it.

BoB3 Continues

image: binarybiscuit970676swad03
Battle on the BeachHead 3 has reached the Quarter Final stage!

After a thrilling two weeks we're down to just 8 teams, all bidding for a place in the semi's in this single elimination tournament. Village will play host to what should be 4 truely beautiful fixtures. The Full schedule is as follows:

Tuesday 30th May[/u]
10:00pm (4AM CET) Affliction vs Jolly Roger
11:00pm (5AM CET) West Side Wolves vs Scourge

Wednesday 31st May[/u]
10:00pm (4AM CET) Exodus vs Arise
11:00pm (5AM CET) The Birdz vs United 5 - Shoutcast by iTG`TosspoT

All matches can be viewed on this WTV:

In other RTCW news, the most charasmatic man of the UK RTCW community has released snippets from the cancelled Shaolin Production Swadhistana.
The Snippets show Portugal Blacklotus in action for several of his clans, with all varieties of weapons and of course his trademark panzer. United Kingdom BinaryBiscuit was making this movie, and released one of the most exciting RTCW trailers to date which you can download here.

The Snippets have been hosted on Filecloud on my own account and are well worth the download for any would be movie maker, looking to learn the art of real editing:
- Clips from Barcodes & Darkness
- Clips from RzR
- Test Intro
- Panzer Shot with FX

Challenge Cup 2 showmatch - more info

image: challenge_cup2Wednesday, 21 CET. That time Poland Polewka will fight Finland cdap - stfu in Challenge Cup 2 showmatch. You have probably heard about that. However, some changes have been introduced, so this news will cover a number of issues.

Both teams will test cup config, which means:
- 3 mines, not 5,
- Respawn times reduced by 4 seconds,
- Panzerfaust is the only heavy weapon available. At first it was mortar, but after a lot of negative comments we decided to replace it with panzerfaust.

What is more, we planned that Poland Polewka’s competitor will be Europe Northern Darkness, but it turned out that they won’t be able to play. As a result, we talked to another Eurocup team, Finland cdap – stfu, so it still is a high-skilled team that will surely make some problems for the best Polish team.

As for shoutcasts, the match will be available in Radio iTG thanks to Germany FlyingDJ who will comment both teams actions. Polish Poland #Pr3dS.Radio will shoutcast the showmatch as well.

Last but not least, we’d like to publish the XXX map we mentioned in our recent news item. So, what’s the map that will be played in Challenge Cup 2? Nachteinbruch occurred to be the one that was assessed by us as a appropriate choice. It will be played as the 3rd map (besides adlernest and supplydepot2) in the showmatch, so don’t wait and download it if you don’t have it in your /etmain/ directory. You can try the following location:
- new-etmaps.de: http://www.new-etmaps3.de/maps/Nachteinbruch.rar

To sum up:

Poland Polewka vs Finland cdap - stfu
Time: Wednesday, 31 May, 21:00 CET
Maps: Adlernest, Supply Depot 2, Nachteinbruch

See you on ETTV, players. Visit us at #challenge-cup, too!

Warsow Exhibition Game

image: 53_big
Whilst Xfire is not and will not become a Warsow community site, feeling the current flavour of the month, and the fact we've had more than 5 journals about Warsow in the past few days, I felt this news was appropriate:

The craze that is sweeping the nation is taking to the airwaves!

This evening Painkiller and CPMA master fnatic\Vo0 will take on French RTCW legend and current Warsow hotshot Motej in an open exhibition for promotional purposes.

Since Warsow's most recent release this past weekend, the games popularity has sored, with players from a variety of gaming backgrounds trying their hand at this latest offering.

Tonight's exhibition game is a bid to build further awareness of the games potential, and will be made into an AVI with iTG's shoutcast and made available for public release tommorow. All in a build up to a hosted Clanbase cup run by several ESR admins, to be announced later this week.

Netherlands Vo0 vs France Mote
Time: 22:30 CET
Map: DM2
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT @ Server 1
Demos http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1095590

Coming up next

image: header

The football world cup is going to start, but we have a big amount of things for you coming up to get the Enemy Territory summer even hotter than never before. Our Free For All Cups are coming up to bring you awesome events and matches in 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6 to raise the temperature in your city.
With an improved config in all ESL ET leagues and all the information you need to get this thing running.

Its just some hours ago when Germany rize beat Team Helix, now its time again to start a hot summer season with our Free For All cups. As iTGs Germany FlyingDJ already shouted in your ears, with his questions in yesterdays show Luger Frag on Radio iTG, we are going to announce our cups officially and publish all the improves we have.

Check out all Informations on the ESL News

Public Service Announcement

image: wff-white-morris-150What fine rhetoric shall I throw at you today? ETTV Sunday, nah the days passed, Eurocup Monday? Nah not good enough - this is a BANK HOLIDAY BONANZA of ETTV goodness. (Think Cilit Bang on ecstasy)

First out the paddock are our front runners, the Italian stallion takes an early lead but can he make it by the Finnish line? Just off the pace our reliable German duo, neck 'n neck - closely followed by the boys in blue - maybe I should stfu? As usual Warleagues lags behind, slow out the blocks.

Back to normality -> (it's a bank holiday here)

Warleagues Alpha gets the action underway, a critical match pitting 1st vs. 2nd. Granted they've all yet to play a match. Will opening day nerves get the better of them? Tune in to find out.

Italy Vagrants vs. Finland cdap stfu?
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: Tba
ETTV: GamesTV & #GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: United Kingdom John

Onto the games that matter. Germany FlyingDJ and Netherlands stewie once again pair up to bring us Germany team riZe vs. Germany one4one. You can't emphasise the importance of this tie, with the loser unlikely to progress to the playoff stages. Both teams have played their opening two matches, one4one beating both singularity and underscore - whilst riZe beat singularity, only to surprisngly lose against current leaders cZar. riZe entered this tournament as second favourites, only a fool would underestimate 'em.

Germany riZe vs. Germany one4one
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Braundorf_b4 & Radar
ETTV: GamesTV & #GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Radio iTG FlyingDJ & stewie

Next up sharing the same time slot as above is a clash over in Group A, between the whipping boys of this EC. Neither team, to date, has picked up a win. Finland cdap have an outside chance of progressing through to the playoffs whilst Europe maybe an impossibility. Them folding is imminent?

Finland cdap stfu? vs. Europe maybe
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: Supplydepot2 & Frostbite
ETTV: GamesTV & #GamesTV.org

We end the night over at Warleagues towers. A Premier Division match pitting Finland sFx Evil and Europe Northern Darkness against oneanother. ND are currently sitting pretty at the top of the table, having won 4 of their 5 matches.

Finland sFx Evil vs. Europe Northern Darkness
Time: 22:00 CET
Maps: Tba
ETTV: GamesTV & #GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Radio iTG TosspoT



ESL Winter Playoffs: The Final!

image: 24431After a long and interesting season, we have finally approached the Great Final. Today Europe Team - Helix faces Germany riZe Gaming LTD, the formerly called beta. Both teams are still unbeaten in the running tournament and want to stay so. But, as we all know, only one team can win today!
After the show on GIGA, where Germany FlyingDJ pulled up another point in ETs history, we are going to finish our winter season with him right in this late spring with an awesome match of these topteams.

image: game572 Europe Team-Helix vs. riZe Gaming LTD Germany
Result: 1 - 3
Time: 20.oo cet
Maps: radar, supplydepot2
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=572
Shoutcast: iTGs FlyingDJ

Original posted by kafux at http://www.esl.eu/eu/et/1on1/ladder/news/24431/ .

Good luck and have fun flying out to both teams.

Our upcoming summerseason is already open, you can sign up your clan at these pages as iTGs Luger Frag:
- 6on6 Free For All Cup
- 3on3 Free For All Cup
(we will announce it in the next days officialy)

If you forgot how to use the esl, check out this article: FAQ for ESL startes :)
(For informations on a mappool, check out "Infos & Details" page on the upper left navigation greets to some shoutcasters:)

Luger Frag - Episode 2

After the first episode was a rather short one due to unforeseen circumstances, the second episode of Luger Frag is going to be all the more exciting. Since the result of the vote that we could see here earlier this week came out with a majority for Sunday, 18 CET, this is exactly the time at which the show is going to start. If you miss it though, there will be recordings available as usual.

The program for tonight's show is the following:

ETTVd - a new era of ETTV

This week saw the release of an amazing ETTV package. What are its features, how do broadcasters and viewers benefit? Germany arni and Germany skooli have given their comments on that and will tell you what to expect.

ET's most versatile players

We will have a look at the players who can handle more than the SMG. Some choices are obvious, others aren't. So it's going to be not only me who choses the MVP's (and those least versatile), but as well you - live during the show.

Map test - Heart Of Gold Beta 10

Already largely popular in the country Australia Down Under, Heart Of Gold has been called the new Gold Rush. Does the map live up to the promise of being an awesome map for competition? We will take a look and you can test it yourself. Get the map @ http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/HoG_b10.pk3

ET changes - what lies ahead?

With a lot of changes being proposed in recent weeks, what's really worth giving a second thought to? Mortar removed, mines reduced, spawn times changed? Wales Cypher, United Kingdom rAzbo and Netherlands stewie are going to join me for a nice round of chitchat.

ET and the ESL - the odd one out?

The ESL Winter Series comes to an end tonight. Time to take a look at the future tournaments the ESL has planned. Are they going to be a major player among CB and WL - or even better than those? Germany chosen has given me some insight on these issues.

Call-ins will be taken via Skype, you can get it at http://www.skype.com !

Be sure to join us in #lugerfrag for all the IPs and votes at 18:00 CET

URL to tune in: iTG Server 1

ETTV Sunday

Well after Nellie bugged me (just once) to start writing newsposts, I figured he had a good point and decided to write a post about the upcoming games for tonight. The night will start with the finals of the ESL Winter Tournament. Two strong clans will battle eachother over this prestigious prize. The first game will follow directly after the 2nd episode of Lugerfrag with, as always, your host: Germany FlyingDJ. After Lugerfrag Netherlands stewie will join Germany FDJ to make these finals extra special in the form of a dualcast.

Match: Europe Team-Helix vs Germany Rize Gaming LTD
Date: Sunday, May 28th
Maps: Supplydepot2, Radar
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: FlyingDJ and stewie
*NOTE: FlyingDJ will do a CS cast at 2100CET, if by then the game is not yet finished, stewie will take home the game on http://listen.radioitg.com/listen3.pls You will be informed of this change, during the game ofcourse.
image: game572

But that's not all we have for tonight. As you know the Eurocup 13th season is on its way, and tonight Belgium cZar Gaming are taking on Czech Republic Singularity, and this game is brought to you by the one and only United Kingdom TosspoT

Match: Czech Republic Singularity vs Belgium cZar Gaming
Date: Sunday, May 28th
Maps: braundorf_b4, Radar
Time: 20:45 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: TosspoT
image: game565

So there you have it, my first newspost under the wings of iTG. I tried to insert a .png image from GTV, but that failed miserably, and I nearly lost my entire post. So too bad for you :-)

A small KOTH update

image: blairThis isn't really that newsworthy, I'm just placing it on the mainpage so it gets hits and a "look at me" effect.

Contrary to some people's belief, the lack of an update on Wednesday did not mean the competition was dead. The helix vs elite game was a fantastic occasion, and we've been working hard to emulate that game in the future. Previously the week structure, if you remember, was along the lines of a 2-day challenge window, followed by a mini-cup system and then the KOTH match on a Sunday. In theory this sounded fine, but in reality, and having seen the opening game, I felt the need to spread things out, and make the games that bit more special, rather than being all bunched up and happening every week - something which detracted from the 'special' value.

As from now, clans will have 3 days following the KOTH game to submit their challenge. They then have a further 6 days to play their playoff games, at whatever time suits each clan best. Playoff games are still 1 map as before, the map being decided by me and cycled each time. This week the map is braundorf_b4. Although the playoff games naturally throw up some nice games, due to to the nature of the clans involved, it has been decided that they will all be played behind-doors, meaning they will not have ETTV, shoutcasters, or a full-length report. Following the conclusions of these playoff games, of which the scores will be reported, the playoff winner then has 5 days with which to organise the KOTH game with the current champion clan, in this case helix.

So an overview, this would be an example match cycle:

Sunday - KOTH game
Monday -> Wednesday - Challenges taken
Wednesday -> Tuesday - Playoff games played
Tueday -> Sunday - KOTH game played at anytime in this period

If you need it even simpler: We're playing this over 2 weeks rather than 1.

You might perhaps be wondering who is currently in the frame to play helix. At the moment we are awaiting a date for Belgium cZar to take on Europe northern darkness. Like I have said, the winner will go on to play helix, in a match that will both be announced in advance and given ETTV, shoutcasters, and probably some free dellekes thrown in too. So you see, the KOTH is alive and well, and hopefully in a format that is for the better over all.

love, foonr.
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