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uQ who?

image: uqgaming

After lots of rumors and speculation, its now official that Suc6 have picked up the gauntlet from parodia and are now the new uQ-gaming ET squad.

Roster Rundown:

Portugal SexyHot
Belgium lioco
Belgium Dodgeh
Sweden Blaze
Sweden Eddie
Belgium mesq
Switzerland kmt

With the last uQ team dominating in Eurocup, as well as many other previous successes, this team of fresh faces has an extreemly big set of shoes to step into.

uQ-gaming wish to give huge thanks to their old ET squad, and a huge welcome to their new one. Best of luck to everyone involved, and we look forward to some more great games ahead.


Sponsored by www.ultimatequest.co.uk and www.kralcomputing.co.uk

6on6 Fast Gaming Cup No.2 by #et.gather

image: smallbanner

After a successful first cup the second one is about to start. To do so we need again 16 teams to compete against each other.

First of all I would like to announce the winner of the first Fast-Gaming-Cup:

1st: Europe ferocious
2nd: Europe epikuR
3rd: Europe Revoltados

Europe ferocious came surprsingly from the nowhere and took the gold medal by beating Europe epikuR in the final and Europe Revoltados in the half-finals though that team had beaten the favourite team of this cup Europe stronger than hate.

If you think you that you can take away Europe ferocious' throne you should sign-up for this cup. There aren't major changes in this cup from the other first one. I've just implemented an option in the sign-up form for the next (3rd!) Cup where you can choose which mode you would like to play then (3on3, 5on5 or keeping 6on6). In the last poll et_ice was kicked out by the majority of teams and instead sw_goldrush_te was voted in.

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Semi Finals: sw_oasis_b3
Match for 3rd place: radar
Final: 2 Maps chosen by finalists from mappool (Decider:radar)

Sign-Ups open today and close on 18th February or earlier when 16 teams have signed up.

2nd Cup: 12th - 18th February
3rd Cup: 27th February - 4th March

Cup Start:
2nd Cup: 19th February
3rd Cup: 5th March

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Organizer: Israel sHt
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

Go on the website and sign your team up! I wish already every team good luck and alot of fun in this cup.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site: www.et-gather.be

European Union?

In the absense of United Kingdom foonr…

NationsCup ’06, sadly it’s been a muted affair so far. No major upsets, no last gasp caps no nothing. This Sunday however could change all that…

There's not one, not two but three cracking clashes as it's make or break time across the board. The winners will most likely go on to qualify whilst the losers are sent packing.

Kicking off the night’s action we’ll see Team Hungary and Sweden go head to head. Both are currently languishing outside the top two qualifying positions in Group B, a real possibility that neither will progress to the next round.

Team Hungary dropped their initial and only match against an impressive Netherlands team - who are currently being touted as potential champions come March. Whilst Sweden overpowered France 4 0 in the first week only to crash and burn against a resilient Dutch team in the second.

This match is a battle for second place, though that positions not a certainty. As the Czech Republic are currently won 3 from 3, though they’ve yet to face any of the big guns.

Quote[/i][/i]image: game186

Then we move onto the rearranged clash between Israel and the United Kingdom over in Group C. Information about that tie can be found here.

Finally, the climax of the evening comes as Belgium take on current holders and competition favourites Estonia. Belgium currently hold the top spot in Group A having taken easy wins over both Portugal and Croatia – fielding a strong team including the likes of zeto, Ganon and Shewie. Though they’ll face an unforgiving Estonian team – possibly the strongest to grace NC yet. This Estonian line-up genuinely a team of champions, fresh from recent escapades across the globe.

Can Belgium create the upset of the year?

Quote[/i][/i]image: game185

The maps for tonight will be et_ice and Supplydepot2.

Prepare for #GET-Cup #3 *Update*

image: get-banner2

In around 24 hours the 3rd Version of the GET-Cup starts.
You can still join the cup, the important thing is to checkin tomorrow from 13:50 till 14:50 cet so we can start with the matches around 15cet. The final will be at 19cet

You need information?

Who is playing?
Team Overview

Former Cup results?
Hall of Fame

Any questions?
contact me @ #get-liga

So join the cup, checkin, play your matches, win a voiceserver and join the Hall of Fame

#1 Poland polewka
#2 Europe Revoltados
#3 Europe Heartbreakers

ET Nations Ranking by esports.pl

As you see, we (me and esports.pl) made a ET NationsRanking. It includes scores in past 4 ET NationsCups. Points received in NationsCup V and VI are devide by 2 to make it more believable. The teams are awarded with points for participating in the ET Nations Cups too, so there are some suprises. Ranking doesn't include results in CB Nations IX. It looks like that:

1. Finland Finland 543
2. Estonia Estonia 465
3. Poland Poland 406
4. Belgium Belgium 298
5. United Kingdom United Kingdom 277
6. Germany Germany 251
7. Hungary Hungary 248
8. Sweden Sweden 221
9. Austria Austria 196
10. Spain Spain 180
11. Netherlands Netherlands 173
12. France France 141
13. Israel Israel 138
14. Slovenia Slovenia 132
15. Norway Norway 132
16. Switzerland Switzerland 106
17. Italy Italy 104
18. Russia Russia 77
19. Latvia Latvia 70
20. Portugal Portugal 65
21. Denmark Denmark 63
22. Czech Republic Czech Republic 53
23. Croatia Croatia 45
23. Bulgaria Bulgaria 45
25. Ireland Ireland 43
26. Canada Canada 32
27. Ukraine Ukraine 30
28. United States of America United States 28
29. Malta Malta 27
30. Iceland Iceland 24
30. Slovakia Slovakia 24
32. Greece Greece 15
33. Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 12

Ranking will be updated after a group phase in actual ET NationsCup.

NxM 6o6 Cup #1 ended!

The 1st edition of the NxM 6o6 Cup ended! All wars have been played now, while we had some forfeit matches, also in the finals, but for every war I have a score. This are the winners, 2nd placed teams and 3rd placed teams of every division:

- Division 1
1. Netherlands BeneD
Played their first match vs aGu and won with 4-0 - Second match vs BmA ended in a 4-0 victory too - Half final vs HP won 4-0 - Final vs trnty won 1-0.
2. Europe veXo
First match vs Mystic won 4-0 - Second match vs one 1-0 - Third match as trinity vs team-zenith won 1-0 - Final lost vs BeneD 0-1.
3. Netherlands Hyperion Gaming
First match vs intellic won 3-1 - Second match vs FF won 4-2 - Third match vs BeneD lost 0-4 - 3rd/4th match vs team-zenith won 1-0.

- Division 2
1. sFx Gaming Rainbox
First match vs skillZ won 4-2 - Second match vs uE won 4-0 - Half-Final vs WoW won 3-1 - Final vs rY won 1-0.
2. roYality eSports
First match vs GaB won 4-0 - Second match vs goq won 1-0 - Half-Final vs Defix won 4-2 - Final vs sFx lost 0-1, rY folded -
3. Warriors of Wolfenstein
First match won vs v3 - Second match won vs A+R 4-2 - Half-Final vs sFx lost 1-3 - 3rd/4th match vs Defix won 1-0.

Division 3[/b]]
1. esVka Team
First match won vs atx 1-0 - Second match won vs faith 4-2 - Half-Final won vs Prodigy 1-0 - Final won vs uR 4-0.
2. ultima Ratio
First match vs uN won 1-0 - Second match won vs </3 4-0 - Half-Final match won vs -+ 4-2 - Final lost vs esVka 0-4.
3. Prodigy
First match won vs reT 1-0 - Second match won vs OSK 1-0 - Half-Final match lost vs esVka 0-1 - 3rd/4th match vs -+ won 1-0.

Division 4[/b]]
1. eC4 Multigaming
First match vs 3F won 4-0 - Second match won vs FightClub 1-0 - Half-Final match won vs :h 4-2 - Final won vs WSF 4-2.
2. Wolfenstein Special Forces
First match won vs valerion 4-0 - Second match won vs ^4-0 - Half-Final won vs nAk 4-0 - Final lost vs eC4 2-4.
3. Pr3dators klan / :h
First match won vs A-Link 4-2 - Second match won vs arb 4-0 - Half-Final match lost vs eC4 2-4 - 3rd/4th match vs nAk won 4-0.

I want to thanks all participating clans for playing this cup, good luck to all in the future! I also want to thank all people who helped me with the cup.

You can still signup as reserve team for the 2nd cup, goto www.NxM.nl and signup!

Thanks for participating and supporting, NxM.

ET Idol - final round is starting!

image: etidol

After another 48 hours of voting, the voting booth has been closed once again and we now have all 6 finalists for the ET Idol contest:

Germany HorsT - Alles Nur Lucker (195 votes)
Netherlands equal - Kaas (186 votes)
Finland Sotapaa - Jingle Bells (122 votes)
Netherlands Overdrive - Like A Virgin (86 votes)
Germany Snoop - Nobody's Home (67 votes)
Finland Larg0 - Kuka Keksi (60 votes)

Finland Sotapaa and his christmas song was the most appreciated one, while Netherlands Overdrive was successful with his Madonna interpretation and Germany Snoop got credit for impersonating Avril Lavigne.

Thanks to all the others of the second group who have not made it to the finals, maybe you will next time!

Now, these are the final contestants, and you can vote for them until Sunday February 12th 22 CET. By then, we will know who of those 6 is going to take home his very own ET Idol shirt and who will just come in second.

Man, it's just like in gaming, people can't control their urge to cheat. Since I do not know whether the singer in question is responsible for the cheating, I am just going to remove those votes which resulted out of cheating at the end of the voting process (Yes, I am able to find out how many votes were not legal).
Anyway, this is just sad, but I half expected this to happen.

zenith-cast website

NationsCup Action: UK versus Israel

UPDATE: The match has been rearranged - it'll be played this Sunday (12/02/06)
image: groupc
They're two teams who gave us some of the more memorable lineup news on crossfire, and tomorrow (well, nearly today) Israel team Isreal and United Kingdom team UK take on each other in a game which could make-or-break their qualifying prospects.

Group C is the venue, and neither team can be said to be doing fantastically at current. Team UK's only previous game was against group favourites Finland Finland, to whom they stumbled to a 0-4 loss, including letting the Fins set a time around the 5 minute mark on Oasis. Clearly, in the time since a lot of head scratching will have been done, as the UK attempts to recover some of the great form which saw them emerge as suprise bronze medalists last season. Isreal too are without a clean record. Having beaten underdogs Latvia Latvia in the first round of games, this was followed by a forfeit loss against Finland Finland, leaving their group image much reduced from what it should, many might argue, be. With Finland having won both of their two games to leave them in a commanding position, 4 teams including Italy, Latvia and Iceland are all vying for the elusive second qualifying position along with said laggers.

I disturbed United Kingdom Mztik's 3v3 braundorf defence to pose the question, how much does ping difference affect games such as these?
QuoteMztik: Well the ping difference does matter, however it's a double edged sword, the israeli players are gonna find it harder to play with high ping of course, but luckily they ping best on UK servers so it's the best situation for both of us. The ping makes them harder for us to hit them, but it's also difficult for them to play so it will an interesting game =]
Unfortunately, all the Israelis had gone to bed at this point =(.

Match: United Kingdom United Kingdom vs Israel Israel
Date: Friday, 10th February 2006
Time: 21:00 CET
IRC: #nationscup.et
Maps: supplydepot2, et_ice
Quote[/i][/i]image: game184
Click for NationsCup love

ET Monthly ranking !

image: 1

Some people say that ET is dead, but other people are doing everything to keep it alive - those people have stolen idea from bigger esport sites and made a monthly ranking of best 10 Enemy Territory clans in Europe.

The system of ranking is simple, each month we choose judges, ten random people which say their own top 10 of Europe ranking. After that we are summing the points, 10 points for 1st place from private ranking, 9 for 2nd, 8 for 3rd etc. (it means that each clan can get 100 points max).

Because this is the first time, some seedings might be quite surprising, but everything should clear up in next editions.
Finally, the results:

nr/clan name/points
1. Estonia idle.ee 91
2. Finland uQ-Gaming 89
3. image: ukil one4one 59
4. Finland gods inc 48
5. Europe demiurge 36
6. Poland Logitech UVM 25
7. Europe trinity 24
8. Europe idkfa 23
9. Europe helix 21
10. Germany team beta 16

1. Spain DoneX
2. Latvia Clown
3. Germany swine
4. Estonia Night
5. Finland decem
6. Poland lab
7. United Kingdom andyF1
8. Malta ToX|c
9. Poland kot
10. Belgium dNzl

Next ranking should be published around 10th day of the next month. If you have any suggestion please contact me at [email protected] .

ET.NC Tonight

image: cuplogo_2263

Tonight two matches in the ET NC.

First of all i want to say that Italy Italy vs Iceland Iceland isn't going to be played tonight. Iceland used their wildcard and they will play this war on wednesday feb the 15th.

Tonight two wars in group B will be played. The top two will come in action tonight.

The first match is
Malta Team Malta vs Czech Republic Team Czech
Time : 21.00 CET
Maps : Supply depot & ET Ice
ETTV : 368 slots
Odds : 50% - 50%
Admin : United Kingdom Snz

Team Malta


Team Czech


The second game will be
Netherlands Team Netherland vs France Team France
Time : 21.00 CET
Maps : Supply depot & ET Ice
ETTV : 520 slots
Odds : 70% - 30%
Admin : Netherlands Bullvox & Belgium Nightraver (he will be bullvox sexy assistent).

Team Netherland


Team France


HF watching tonight.
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