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GET-cup #2

image: get-banner4

It's another Sunday full of ET-action.
One of tonight's hot-spots is GET-liga, with GET-liga ET cup #2 being held today.

40 teams are currently signed up, and signups are still open so sign up quickly if you still want to play. You have to "check in" on the Cuppage at 13:50cet so you can play in the Cup.
2 weeks ago we saw Germany vae taking the win by beating Denmark uNtried in the final.
Who will take the victory today?
Will it be Denmark uNtried, Netherlands xph, Europe sth, after they won the last #et-cup or will it again be Germany vae.

Maps for the Final
image: supplydepot
image: dubrovnik

The cup winner will win a 12 slot private server by goodserver.de

ETTV - ET-scene ETTV by goodserver.de

Cup page

Showing Tonight...

image: small_green GAMESTV.ORG

Sunday has always proven to be a busy night but even Tony Blair would have problems arranging ETTV for this lot. Needless to say; we delivered.

Estonia pwn-team vs Estonia idle.ee
Cup: ClanBase ET 3v3 OpenCup Premier Division Final
Time: 18:00 CET
Slots: 150
ETTV: Clicky!

Austria Austria vs Slovenia Slovenia
Cup: ClanBase ET NationsCup IX
Time: 19:30 CET
Slots: 190
ETTV: Clicky!

Sweden Sweden vs France France
Cup: ClanBase ET NationsCup IX
Time: 21:00 CET
Slots: 450
ETTV: Clicky!

Benelux inFlux Gaming vs Europe lithium
Cup: ClanBase ET 6v6 OpenCup Division 5 Final
Time: 21:00 CET
Slots: 25
ETTV: Clicky!

United States of America United States vs Czech Republic Czech Republic
Cup: ClanBase ET NationsCup IX
Time: 21:00 CET
Slots: 140
ETTV: Clicky!

England Nellie has also drummed up some sexy NationsCup IX coverage.

NationsCup roster system on verge of collapse?

When you're a Nations Cup captain you have to balance the need for a great roster, with the limitation of players from each clan. Its part of the job and its part of getting the best from what you've got.

The rules on this system are as follows:
QuotePlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 1 December 2005

QuoteA national team may never have more than 3 members of the same active ET clan playing at the same time.

Last season this rule came to light most notably with Hungary Hungary and T4Ce and with United Kingdom United Kingdom and SoF. The rule brought out all sorts of allegations, both teams were disqualified briefly and then had their decisions overturned. But trouble is brewing again in ClanBase land as the roster announcements that came in full technicolour here on xfire are for the majority, subject to players from Eurocup clans.

This Eurocup has been the kiss of death to ET Clans and after this weeks final, it may well be confirmed that 100% of EC Playoff clans will have died now this causes a problem as not 100% of the players will stop playing ET, and thus they will likely join new clans and roster regulations obeyed when the team was picked will be turned on their heads!

Lets take the UK for example:

Squirrel, syK, Mztik all played in together in 141, now though, the new roster of Trinity sees FaTaL, RazZ & Mztik on the same roster. Last season it was FaTaL playing one game for SoF prior to leaving them, that had the UK in breach of the rules. So If he were to leave trinity and be replaced by someone else from the UK roster. Then the team would be in dire straits yet again.

The UK are just the first to have some of their players resurface after the EC fallout, this problem could well strike on every other roster. The problem comes with the 1st December ruling for a cup that dosent start until almost 2 full months later.

Should Clanbase update their activity deadline to the first match day of Nations Cup? As the roster regulations during Eurocup were sketchy at best, or will the newly returning Wales AngryKid stay firm to the already existing rules?

NxM 6o6 Cup #2

image: xfirelogo

The second edition of the NxM 6o6 Cup is getting started. While the first cup is still busy with the semi-finals and finals, the signups are opened for the 2nd cup.

There are some changes in the 2nd cup:
- 32 Clans (Maximum and Mimimum)
- 2 Divisions
- 4 Clans a group
- 2 Clans going to the next round
- 3 Group matchweeks, 3 Playoff matchweeks

- Group rounds and Playoffs
- Allowed playerlist on the cup site instead of CB.

Signups are opened, to signup your clan, you have to go to the Signup page of the site. Mail all requested info to NxM if you want to participate, if u miss something, I will reply your mail with the missing information, but you won't be added yet.

- Rules will be online coming Saturday
- Signups wil close on Sunday 5 Feb at 24:00 CET, the best 32 clans will be chosen.
- Cup will start on Monday 13 Feb.

The admin list has been cleaned up for the 2nd cup, admins have to signup again by mailing me there nick, mail, country and experience.

You can find a link to the 2nd NxM Cup in the menu block on www.NxM.nl, link to the 2nd Cup without visiting NxM.nl is below.

I forgot to add that you have to mail me the GUIDs too, all clans who mailed me without guid have got a mail in there mailbox. Please reply it with the GUIDs of your members. If you don't reply it, your clan won't be able to participate!

All clans need a site to signup to the cup, all clans without site / where there site is in construction / whatever reason is may be, mail me the url before the signup deadline, otherwise u aren't able to participate. Also for this little problem you have a mail in your mailbox, please reply asap.

Everything I forgot will be added asap. For questions and suggestions, mail or pm me.

Related links:
- NxM 6o6 Cup #1
- NxM 6o6 Cup #2
- [email protected]
- #NxM.nl

16th MiniCup.Hu Update#2

image: mc200

In 2004 april there was the first time when we arraged this Cup Series.
In 2006 january we wanna arrange the 16th MiniCup.Hu
You can signup your teams from now till Tuesday, 31.01.2006, 12:00cet.
There are more than 25 clans, and you have only one week to sign up to cup!

- Braundorf_b4
- Fueldump Spring
- Seawall Battery
- Supplydepot2
- SW_Goldrush_TE
- Würzburg Radar

If the match is a draw after 2 maps you have to use elimination to find out the decider map.

Good luck have fun and sign up :-)

We wait only low or med skill clans to this Cup


xfire awards 3 - results!

image: awardslogo

That's right, the third xfire awards, provided by Poland Mrozu[PL] (who didn't do almost anything because of his wannabe real life issues) and Slovenia Ravenous (who deserves a cookie for counting the votes and writing down the shizzle on xfire).

This time "The player you hope will quit playing" award went to the hands of United Kingdom TosspoT and "The most overrated player" surprisingly became Finland mystic of uQ and gunslingers fame.
For the full list of results surf to this column.

Open Cup Premier Division Finals!

While it is cold in the Netherlands the portuguese are still getting warmed by their faithfull sun. How does this relate to gaming? Netherlands BeNed and Portugal SixthSense are playing eachother in the Clanbase Open Cip finals tonight where (hopefully) warm hands and tanned bodies meet.

BeNed 4 - 2 SixthSense

Congrats to Bened.

More info can be found at:

#ET-Cup Finale Tonight

We’ve reached the semi final stage of the “short fast” #ET-Cup. From 16 now 4 remain, who will make the final?

In the first semi-final Germany royalty have surpassed all the odds, taking out household names such as Germany pstarZ and Finland Euthanasia along the way to this semi final spot. Whilst Europe Dulce have had a relatively easy ride.

In the second semi final one of the favourites will leave empty handed, either Europe stronger than hate’s skilful mix of Europes finest or the old school mix of Netherlands Xtreme PhenomenonS – an equally impressive line-up.

ETTV is confirmed for sth vs xph

Europe stronger than hate 1 0 Netherlands Xtreme PhenomenonS

Date: Monday 23rd January
Time: 19:45 CET
Map: Braundorf_b4
ETTV: Gamestv.org & ET-Cup.net

stronger than hate

Estonia intact
Estonia reload
Poland doktor
Hungary future
Croatia FroZzeN
Netherlands frac

Xtreme PhenomenonS

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands M1lk
Netherlands Azz0r
Sweden LoTiX
Sweden Crajsor

Then later tonight at 21:00 CET the final will take place. As the winning two go head to head for that elusive #ET-Cup crown.

You can check the grid for the full rundown of all the results to date.

All the l3tt0r names fixed due to Croatia FroZzeN & Netherlands BuLL


Europe stronger than hate won the 5th #ET-Cup

ET-Cup - UltimateQuest Clan Servers

NationCup IX - ET Groups

image: cuplogo_2263

The qualifier matches are played for the NC and the groups are public.

The first match was
Iceland Iceland vs Chile Chile

The second qualifier match was between two none europe teams
Canada Canada vs Brazil Brazil

The third and almost the last match was
Czech Republic Czech vs Ukraine Ukraine

The final qualifier match was
Norway Norway vs Australia Australia

There are four groups with 7 teams in each group. The two best teams will go to the playoffs.

Group A
Canada Canada
Austria Austria
Belgium Belgium
Croatia Croatia
Estonia Estonia
Portugal Portugal
Slovenia Slovenia

The group with last season champions Estonia Estonia and Belgium Belgium that ended fourth after a close match against United Kingdom Team uK.

Group B
Czech Republic Czech
France France
Hungary Hungary
Malta Malta
Netherlands The Netherlands
Sweden Sweden
United States of America USA

In this group we got Hungary Team hungary that had a great NC last season. With Netherlands Team nl and Sweden Team Sweden in this group too it can be a close call in this group. And maybe an other team in this group can make a suprise.

Group C
Finland Finland
Iceland Iceland
Israel Israel
Italy Italy
Latvia Latvia
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Denmark Denmark

Finland Finland and United Kingdom Team uK are the favorites in this group. The other teams need to find a place in the top two by beating atleast one of the favorites.

Group D
Spain Spain
Germany Germany
Ireland Ireland
Norway Norway
Poland Poland
Russia Russia
Switzerland Switzerland

Who will win this group? I think this is the group that will be a close one on the end. With Germany Germany, Spain Spain, Poland Poland and maybe Switzerland Switzerland can do something in this group.

Statement from the Clanbase site.

Quote"It has taken a while but the groups are now online. The first matchweek has actually started today because we were running late one week already due to some technical problems. Therefor we ask all captains to schedule their matches as soon as possible. If you can't come to an agreement in time please contact a supervisor and we will look for a solution.

Do note that if you schedule your match for tomorrow or even today there might be lack of ETTV. To request coverage go to GamesTV.org to get broadcasters.

On behalf of the ClanBase Crew we wish everyone the best of luck and a pleasant season."

ET Idol contest starting!

image: etidol

Have you seen all those Idol shows on TV and thought: "I am way better"? Have you always dreamed of getting into showbiz? Or are you just lacking the required skill to become famous while playing ET and want to try something new?

If so, you are the perfect candidate for "ET Idol". That's right, there you get the chance to show your singing skills to the ET world.

What do you have to do?

If you want to participate as a candidate, all you have to do is record yourself while you are singing. You can use karaoke files, team up with someone else, sing a capella or just do something else that involves singing.
Once you have done so, you can do one of the following:
If you host the file yourself, just register @ ZENITH-CAST and submit the file as a new download, including the name of the song you're singing and your own name as well.
If you want the file to be hosted, just send it as an e-mail to Germany FlyingDJ, and the download will as well be added on the ZENITH-CAST page.

The downloads on the page will be updated every day, so that you as the listener (and the one whose vote matters in the end) can stay up to date about the current submissions.

The deadline for submitting songs is February 5th, 2006.

When the deadline has passed, you are all encouraged to download the songs, listen to them and vote in the polls that will be set up. It will be your voice for the best singer in the ET community - for your ET Idol.

Prizes have not yet been confirmed, but we are thinking about something sweet for those who take the first three spots.

The first prize will probably be your very own ET Idol shirt, including your nickname!

Long story short:

Submit songs @ ZENITH-CAST or send them to Germany FlyingDJ.
Listen to songs and vote @ ZENITH-CAST

Thanks to NekZ for making the first logo, thanks to lunachick for making this sweet new one.
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