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Don't cry for me, Argenti...er...IDKFA

image: idkfa

You've probably heard the whispers, or witnessed the event first hand. The reason?
Europe IDKFA.et is no more.

The team itself has heralded some impressive results in the Eurocup before tonight, winning games against the likes of wA, rA, s-E and other top class gaming outfits at the time. However, all good things (unfortunately) have to come to an end, and tonight is the night that Europe IDKFA disconnected from the server for the last time.

Netherlands m1lk asked me to pass on a few words: just a general 'thank you' and an apology that "we couldn't give everyone a nice last idkfa performance". Indeed, quitting after a game is hardly the way to go, but we should surely remember IDKFA for their many merits and positives, for which they have given us plenty.

image: smallcup 3 Days left-cup by #et.at
image: smallcup_silver ET-cup 3

IDKFA.et was:
Netherlands Sem
Sweden LoTiX
Netherlands Fratze
Estonia Interface
Sweden Ozzy
Netherlands Milk
Italy XyLoS
Sweden crajsor

To uncover some more details, I cornered Sweden LoTiX in a dark alleyway until he agreed to tell me more...

Same clan, different numbers

image: small_red Whatever your persuasion, ETTV for tonight caters for all, with Clanbase presenting matches from both its OC 3v3 and EC 6v6 competitions. Present on both occasions are the formidable Estonia Idle.

In the Opencup, Estonia Idle and Andorra TWK meet each other having overcome the challenges of Poland Logitech and Hungary pff.et in the quarter final stages.
The result is far from a foregone conclusion, with both team sure to be fighting hard to book their place in the final against Europe pwn-team, the self-titled "Fun 3v3 clan" who of course overcame Croatia Reality Squared and Estonia cs3r dust in the previous rounds.

Match: Estonia Idle.ee vs Andorra The Wolf Killers
Comp: ClanBase ET OpenCup 3v3
Time: 18:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 122

Moving on from the prelude, at 9 CET tonight Estonia Idle are again back in action, this time as 6, this time in the Eurocup, pitted against strong rivals Europe IDKFA. Both clans are in last-chance saloon, having dropped down to the loser's bracket, ironically, at the hands of the same opponents: Finland uQ.
The winner of this match-up goes on to face the loser of the all Finn encounter of Finland uQ vs Finland gods.inc in the winners bracket, so neither side are out of the creek yet. Expect no prisoners!

Match: Estonia Idle.ee vs Europe IDKFA
Comp: ClanBase ET EuroCup XII
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org / id 120
UPDATE: Idle win 4 - 0


Estonia Interface
Sweden ozzy
Netherlands m1lk
Netherlands frac
Italy Xylos

Estonia Night
Estonia Holz
Estonia Deadmeat
Netherlands Tekoa
Germany Urtier
Germany Senji

Germany FlyingDJ will also be shoutcasting on Zenith radio! \o/

Let's hope for some memorable action!
Andorra flags ( Andorra ) used upon request :<

Team Norway - The land of aurora borealis - (google it)

image: norway3fd

The land of Mette-Marit and Sven O. The land where "a whore" can become princess, and her father the nr1 newsobject. The land where the old and famouse berserkers lived, eating their Amanita before going into battle. Just like the old berserkers, the norwegians are now ready to eat whatever they found poisoning, to be sure to kick ass.. and maybe then, we will find our own Ari Behn.

Norway Norway will this season play Australia Australia in the qualifications for nations cup. Even though the aussies will have high ping, and allso not the perfect time of day for gaming (07.30 in the morning), we do not under estimate them. And since our beloved Subaru Rally driver, Petter Solberg, smashed a kangoroo with a perfect headshot during his last visit in Australia Australia, we are sure they want theire revenge now.

Norways roster during NC will be:
Norway Gjerry
Norway Sion
Norway Borcster
Norway Doc
Norway Anakin
Norway Promo
Norway Kaiz
Norway Nikk
Norway Schattenjager
Norway Stix

Norway Snuble (c)

Norway Abrrad

Thanx for all the love and support you guys give our little community. Visit us at #Et-norge

And to all nations participating: Good luck, may the best team win!

Baserace Cup

Maltamepa with our server sponsor Francepr3dators-klan clan, are thinking of setting up a 1 day Baserace cup. For now we don't have any date etc so please do not ask us.

What we first want to know are 2 simple things. The first one would be :
Are you willing to play such a cup, on such a (public) map, where most probably there will be no prizes, just for the fun of it?

And secondly :
If yes you are, what you think is the best x-vs-x ?
--> Is it 8v8 : Baserace is a big map, but not that big so needs just 2 extra players
--> Better 10v10 : Yeah this would be fun, a bit of a greater challenge for the in-game leader
--> The more the better therefore 12v12 : This can see some partnerships within clans, ie 2 clans fusing together for this cup - can be fun. Alot of chaos on your voice client, and more peope shouting.

Please give us your opinion :)

PS : If you think it's a sucky idea please do not hesitate to tell us, well after all if we get a good response, we can live without those who think it sucks ;)

For more info :
Talk to MaltaYancho or MaltaToxic on #mepa
and Francesteph on #pr3dators-klan.et

Team Portugal

image: teamprotugal6nm

The country is crossed by rivers rising in (not important :P) and flowing to the Atlantic; among them are the captain Portugalarci, the Portugalbridge, the PortugalIuR, and the PortugalFireblood rivers. The river valleys support agriculture, and GREAT VINEYARDS are maintained in the PortugalOtaku and PortugalSexyhot valleys. On the lower hillslopes there are olive groves; grains are grown and livestock are raised on the flatter uplands as well as on the plains near thePortugalkoto & PortugalQuaker coasts.

Hope we can go down the NC river smoothly and get a nice spot to drink some nice wine.


#anuardproductions (logo maker)

Team Chile - F3


Chile is unique for its very long (2,650 miles) and comparatively narrow (maximum 250 miles) shape and for its great variety of natural features. It extends from latitudes 18 to 56 grades south and contains one of the driest regions in the world and one of the wttest areas in South America. It is bound on the north by Peru, on the northeast by Bolivia, on its long eastern border (3,200miles) by Argentina and on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and blah blah blah.

Here is the LineUp

Team Chile

Chile Akira (segnen sie)
Chile FrozT (ignition team)
Chile hypn0x (unnamed team)
Chile laope (dak team) (manager)
Chile zerg (segnen sie)
Chile coke (dak team) (captain)
Chile nozz (unnamed team)
Chile oops (dak team)
Chile musashi (segnen sie)
United Kingdom TosspoT (Mascot)
Chile tba

#teamchile.et @qnet

Its not another Cup yet

[img|left]http://2wss.de/mappercontest.jpg[/img] You want more 6on6 Competitions, you want more action on ETTV - we want just another map to bring you more!

Swine and I talked a little bit about the actual mappool and came to the result, we need another great curstom map, next to sw grush, sw oasis, sd2 and braundorf.

It would be nice, to get a good response by the mapper community and to get your help, to post this around.

The xfire article
- About the new map
- Prices, contacts and dates
- Helpful links
- Additional informations

image: spacer More Links
- ET-Scene.de
- ESL Europe ET

Xfire Awards #3 !

The year is over, Israel Ariel Sharon is in coma and the ET awards by Belgium resku and company were a nice and successful input. However, Poland Mrozu and Slovenia Ravenous decided to continue the heritage Netherlands Shakes left with xfire awards.
Still remember Belgium syL winning the most overrated player award and Germany/Poland willstar being the most hated player in the community? We bring you this and much more action with monthly powerrankings of clans, players and other categories!
Call us copycats, but be careful as we're black and have thug friends and shit, yo.

Here are the categories

- The Best Team
- The Best Overall Player
- The Best Aimer
- The Best Field Ops
- The Best Medic
- The Best Rifle
- The Most Underrated Team
- The Most Underrated Player
- The Most Overrated Player
- Player You Hope Will Quit Playing
- Team You Hope Will Return
- Person Who Has Done The Most For ET

Remember, only mails are those that count and you have to write 3 names for each category.

So what do you have to do?
The rules of the game are simple, just mail this form to [email protected] and after 2 weeks we're going to count the mails and make the results public. The voting time is exactly 2 weeks, which means that the deadline is on Tuesday, 24.1. 2006.
Hurry up, the 2 weeks period is on you and not your clan!

Talk-ET cup - back for a 2nd round!

image: logo

Time then for an update regarding the status of this, the 2nd Talk-ET cup!

Starting on January 23rd, the cup is planned to be a 32 clan single-elimination for 6v6. We debated whether to use double elimination, but came to the conclusion it'd run better this way. Makes the competition more interesting we like to think :O>

The two finalists of the last cup, Finland AngelDust and Finland SKIT-EVIL qualify by default, with the remaining 30 spaces to be filled with clans who wish to sign up and play. Our resident self-proclaimed Northern genius Scotland vowel is in place to check the credibility of sign-ups, in order to keep drop-outs to an absolute minimum.

As for prizes:

* A 3 months free "lightning-fast" gameserver
* A 6 months free voice server

...provided by United Kingdom FPS Clanservers

As for map selection, the process has been a long, drawn out, but nevertheless necessary occurance. We've drawn up a set list of maps.
Here's the situation currently:



Of course, the more feedback we receive, the better for you! The intention is to select 2 maps from the 4 possibles.

Once the cup moves into semi-final and final stage, the teams themselves will decide from the map pool their maps of choice. Quarter final maps and earlier are selected by Talk-ET.

Signing up to the Talk ET website is simple. Just press "Register" on the top right of the screen next to where you would login. Put in your details and press submit. Next you'll get an E-Mail to activate your account and sign in. When you click on "Talk ET Cup" on the left hand panel you will be taken to the competition model. Then create a player account. Click on the "Go To.." menu and select "My Player Profile" then just select "ET" and press "Add Game". Then you can create and/or join a team.

Creating a team
To add your team to Talk ET cup you must create your team first. To do this goto the cup page here talket.com/index.php?n...mpetition, click on the "Go to..." drop down menu on the right and select "Control Panel" Put in the name of your team in the top box and press "Create." Next put in all your clan details you can so we know who you are, and press "update." Note: Join password should be something that no-one will be able to guess, and this will be needed for your players to join your team. Also, set your team as active so it will appear on the page and people can find it to join. You can invite players already signed upto the site from this page.

Joining a team
The team you want to join must be on the site first, see "Creating a team." Goto the cup page here talket.com/index.php?n...mpetition, click on the "Go to..." drop down menu on the right and select "Join a Team". In the "Team Name" drop down menu select the team you wish to join and put in the password to join that team (the person that created the team should know it.

All the cup rules can be found here.

Sign-ups are now open.

Web | IRC

Team Iceland is ready to rumble!

image: IcelandFlag

After a season or two out of the cup, we are back, and ready to try and win =)

Iceland is Europe's westernmost country, the second largest island in the North-Atlantic ocean, a little over 3 hours flight from London, Paris, Amsterdam or Copenhagen. The first settlers came to Iceland from Norway and Ireland in the 9th century. The Althingi , the world's oldest functioning legislative assembly, was established in the year 930 AD. Iceland has a strong economy, low unemployment and low inflation. Per capita income is among the highest in the world.

Heres the lineup.

Iceland Yuki(capitano)
Iceland Biggii
Iceland Venge
Iceland Gibri
Iceland Jester
Iceland Pazz
Iceland Pearl
Iceland Priest
Iceland RuFaLo
Iceland thrstn
Iceland Vargur

You can find us on irc.quakenet.org on channel #Team-iceland.et

Wish us gl, we need it
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