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JeeET - Anexis won the first JeeET tournament!!

image: ET-header-banner

21:09 Gold got taken, Truck is driving and sqzz is getting the last frag. Anexis has done it. Well played both and congratulations to Germany Anexis - Germany SPU9 is out now! See ya next time!

21:06 Anexis now attacking - Tank is repaired and still more than 10 minutes left on the clock. Night pushing forward to the last Axis spawn as Field op to take 3 of the Queen guys out with his support and 1 more with his Thompson. Seems like the Queens will lose their crown tonight!

20:50 What an" Objective returned" razz and miNd were just 5 centimetres away but sqzz was able to kill them once again and secured the gold. razz and Co. will be a bit upset because Anexis is changing their gamestyle every few seconds ranging from nice crossfire positions to annoying command post covert destroy actions.

20:44 Queens got the tank and Winghaven is switching to Panzerfaust - 1 shot 1 kill, he might have some more luck with his next shot...

20:38 With Xylos and sqzz doing a great job on east and the rest of the team looking for main the attacking side of Queens got destroyed. Let`s wait for Goldrush to begin!

20:33 miNd killed three (2 with a spawnkillnade and 1 with Garande) but there are just 4 minutes left on the clock. Time for the main plant!

20:29 The truck stopped at 8:56. Queens have to beat this time on Supply before they go for the second map Goldrush!.

20:21 Anexis is playing with mAus and due to an amazing flagcap they are currently fighting their ways to the command post. Tune in to be one of the 300 specs! As sidenote: the 3rd place game between tMoe and oxid is rescheduled to Tuesday 21.00 CET

image: game2871020:01 - the big final will be played in 15 minutes! Germany Anexis vs. Europe Queens.Tune in to ETTV
As some might have expected - Queens and Anexis have won everything so far. Now they will meet and it will be the clash of tonight`s evening - RMY will shoutcast the game and we already got more than 180 ETTv viewers. So hurry up and don`t miss it!

QuoteWell we have reached the final! Where unsurprisingly we will be facing off against queens. This is only the 2nd time or so that we will be competing with our full lineup fortunately the other time was against queens in a prac where we managed to "win". It will be a close game, but i have full faith in the team so 4-0 to anexis - United Kingdom R0SS

Quoteownage it is + thanks for the cup, been amazing so far - Finland miNd

19:38 - Anexis got their strength back. tMoe was not able to set a time on Supply and now Anexis is attacking like a hungry tiger - capping the flag within the first two minutes... Seems like they want to prepare for the upcoming final against Queens (Queens just beat oxid)

19:17 - Anexis improved their performance and held the whole time on Goldrush. The second map is just starting (Supply Depot)

18:59 - First round is over and Anexis managed to finally set a time of 13:34. Nobody knows if they just aimed for a 13:37 time...

18:53 - Anexis is attacking on Goldrush but tMoe was able to establish a really strong tank defence. Anexis just got the tank with 5:45 minutes left on the clock. Is there a surprise coming?

18:44 - tMoe had some player problems but the game should start within the next 5 minutes.

18:41 - Unfortunately the players around SIMOON and xAv missed the lower bracket - thus Germany Lost Soldiers got a default win. They are now waiting for the winner of Supski vs. glitz to battle it out for the 5th place!

image: game2870618:23 - As Poland Robert, one of the admins, just said this will be "the best match so far" in the cup: Poland To make odds even is about to face Europe anexis. While tmoe did beat GLITZ earlier anexis just beat supski. Now both are set up and ready to go for the second semi final match.

Statement by R0SS, player of anexis:
Well as many viewers can see, today we are playing without the almighty mAus! 1st opponent was supski, containing many "friends". They are an up and coming team but fortunately we were able to defeat them with relative ease. Next up is tmoe who have a strong mix on paper, looking at the countries though i can see some communication problems! We should take the match 4-0 but i think it will be a good game.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2870518:15 - First semi final is about to go live and it is German side Germany Teamoxid facing the legendary United Kingdom QUEENS. Both teams did win their last match clearly and are not up to fight for their spot in the grand final.

Statement by stRay, player of Teamoxid:
Well its just a mix, but Queens looks like a mix too so we will see. Nevertheless I think we don't have a chance to take goldrush against them but with a little bit of luck we can be able to win the 2nd map. If we do so I hope we are motivated and faithful enough to take the deciding map as well.

> Tune in to ETTV

18:05 - It's getting closer to the end: Semi finals will start soon with Germany Teamoxid facing United Kingdom Queens and Poland TMOE to face Europe anexis. Stay tuned for ETTV stuff

17:42 - Germany Teamoxid managed to defend nearly 15 minutes on Supply. Tune in to check if they can do it better against jeeZmix! tune in to ETTV.

17:35 - Europe anexis did take the first map against United Kingdom Supski. Don't miss the rest of the match and tune in to ETTV.

image: game2869817:31 - It is the German team Germany Lost soldiers that did make it to the next round beating Europe What. Now it is Europe Queens they have to perform good against.

Statement by lango, player of Lost Soldiers:
We don't have our line up together and have to use lagger as stand in. Cause of him I don't expect a win for us.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2869717:11 - Next match up is Germany Teamoxid versus Europe JeeZMIX. JeeZMIX just beat United Kingdom aToOn in round one while oxid is now going in their first match.

Statement by karzez, player of JeeZMIX:
I guess it will be a close 3-mapper with our opponent oxid taking it 4-2. We are a mix team but we will try to win a map that's for sure.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2869516:55 - First match on ETTV will be Europe anexis with their first match and United Kingdom Supski that
just beat Europe mix2pwn. Anexis will be the favorite in this match but maybe the mix team
with England ross did organize is not capable to handle the power Supski got from their
first round victory.

Statement by ONEMOVE|RMY, player of Supski:
After our first match versus mix2pown, we sure have gotten alot of confidence. However we are facing ANEXIS now which we are most likely going to loose. We will give them the best we've got and we're quietly hoping for a round/map win!

> Tune in to ETTV

16:37 - A thank you for participating goes to the following teams: United Kingdom QUEENS, Germany Lost Soldiers, Europe What, United Kingdom aToOn, Germany Teamoxid, Poland To make odds even, Estonia GLITZ, United Kingdom Supski, Europe anexis, Europe mix2pown and Europe JeeZMix.

16:26 - First matches are now underway. The cup did find 11 teams to participate while b2k was signed up but actually didn't manage to find enough members (not willing to add mercs).

15.30 - It 30 minutes to go until the cup starts. So far 7 teams have a complete line up to participate. It is now time to check in your team using the tournament website!

MLG Orlando

image: orlandobanner

This weekend is once more packed with image: 4302834StarCraft II action. Not only is the ESL IEM New York held this weekend, there is also another stop of the United States of America Major League Gaming Pro Circuit.

The show is about to start 23:00 CEST this friday.

JeeET: Spread the word!

image: ET-header-banner

The sign up for the first ET prize money tournament in ages has been announced five days ago. Looking at the sign ups only 7 teams did make it so far and only one of them has enough members in their account to actually play the cup this Sunday. That's why we need to ask for your help: Spread the word and tell your friends, visitors and opponents about the opportunity this Sunday.

Queens to be calcitrated out of EC?

image: cbecxxivTonight will bring us another great evening with some fast-paced Enemy Territory Clanbase Eurocup action. Starting at 22.00 CET we have Europe Queens vs. Estonia K1ck eSports. Queens will be sporting their 100th different line-up of 2011, in stark contrast to an Estonian biased lineup which has been a pillar of stability for quite some years now.

Starcraft Weekend: IEM New York!

image: rjdz7k

The Global Challenge at Comic Con in New York City will be the third event of the global league of the Intel Extreme Masters. Teams of Counter-Strike and League of Legends as well as StarCraft II players will clash in New York City, USA, from October 13th to 16th, for a total prize money of $93,000!

The image: 4302834 Starcraft II action gets underway later this afternoon at 18.00 CEST, as 16 of the best players from around the world compete in a $21,000 tournament and for the chance to earn an invite to the Season VI World Championship.

The image: 4302834 StarCraft II groups look as following:

JeeSports to launch ET section

image: ET-header-banner

Looking at the recent drama happening in ClanBase and quality of admins around in many one day cups it is time for a ground breaking change leading us to the roots and bringing a great thing for Enemy Territorys future: Next to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Starcraft 2 it is Enemy Territory to deserve its spot at Jeesports.

In a first tournament it is on the ET community: Proof that we are worth it and deserve prize money distributed by one of the very few organisations that actually pays you out nearly immediantly with regular prize money cups spread over the entire year. The concept behind all this is to hold a monthly cup series called JeeET Series with finals for 4 teams qualified. For players and teams this cup will feature a regular tournament in the best quality you can currently get including experienced admins and a great platform to celebrate the game every week.

The first set of JeeET Series will feature a prize pool of 120.00€ up for grabs in the final tournament distributed to the winning team.

Battle for Berlin Signups will close on Thursday!

image: head

Time is running out!

You've got just 4 days left to get your signups done for the Battle For Berlin tournament! Thursday will be the last day to signup for the tournament ahead of seedings and bracket placement on Sunday. Currently there are 12 teams signed up to the tournament with a number of high profile names missing!

The first match for Battle for Berlin will be on October 20th which the eagle eyed among you will notice is next Thursday! The opening game will be played out live on QuadV with myself casting, along with all Thursday night matches being casted.

October 13th Signups Close
October 16th Brackets Announced
October 20th WB R1
October 23rd LB R1
October 27th WB R2
October 30th LB R2
November 3rd WB R3
November 6th LB R3
November 10th WB Final
November 13th LB R4 & R5
November 15th Grand Fina

image: foot

glitz with full lineup!

After an unsuccessful come back after summer break we have finally completed our brand new lineup that has someone old, someone new, someone borrowed :p
I proudly present the hopefully most successful Estonia glitz lineup throughout our team's history!

Estonia (c)[/b]]Someone old :p
Estonia Someone old :d
Netherlands Someone old :o
Finland Someone old :|
Finland Someone old :>
United Kingdom someone new :)
Poland someone borrowed (from the hyperactive 3on3 squad) xD

We will try to participate in all of the upcoming cups (except ENL) and will also play activlely on the 6on6 CB Ladder where you can challenge us and we will play atleast one ladder offi per week. We are also playing in the 6on6 OpenCup and we are in Premier League, Group C and our main goal is to reach the semi-finals in Premier. Starting our ladder matches today against the almighty FinlandKRP -

CyberGamer With $750 Tournament

image: 2a4r9tc

Efforts to get activity back to our scene can not only be found here on Crossfire but also in the land down under, Australia! In a first attempt admin Australia biggz got a respactable number of 27 teams back to activity playing regular ladder matches. Now there has been a tournament established that even caused interest over here in Europe.

Maybe also known for recent cash prized tournaments within the CoD4 EU scene, it is the CyberGamer League that now put a total of $750 cash for Enemy Territory up for grabs. 12 teams battle in a Premier League as well as an Amateur League for the desirable jackpot.

PB support discontinued for RTCW, ET and ETQW

Long stalwart of competitive gaming Punkbuster has today discontinued support for ID Softwares RTCW & ET Series of games today. Theres no official statement or reason to be found just yet but PB Bans has stated there will only be streaming left for the time being.

Quote by pbbans.com
EvenBalance has dropped support for RTCW, Enemy Territory and ET Quake Wars. The Enemy Territory section on the EB website has been removed.

Streaming support will continue for the time being.

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