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Team WinFakt picks up Spart1e

image: 6537_logo

Its with great excitement we welcome a new player into the WinFakt family, most of you will already know of him, Quakelive player Sebastian 'Spart1e' Siira.

Sebastian joins us after a short lived stay at the now closed Next Evolution ESC after he originally left his team of 2 years fnatic.MSI. Sebastian has had great success in quakelive over the years and will be attending the upcoming Quakecon competition which takes place next week in Texas/Dallas

Heatwave Challenge Groups

image: heatwave

Heatwave Challenge groups have been drawn for both tournaments after all qualification games were played out. Please note that games must be played on the schedule at the bottom of the news post.

Division 1

Group A
Germany Anexis eSports[/b]]
United Kingdom R0SS (00004219)
Belgium mAus (00004696)
United Kingdom sqzz (00003278)
Netherlands Jay (00004695)
Italy XyLoS (00002597)
Germany FLoPJEHZ (00000254)

Netherlands gaming2perfection[/b]]
Netherlands 7ele (00000639)
Poland Frag'Stealer! (00001621)
Poland numeric (00000475)
Poland zMk (00000937)
Estonia frEeze (00000148)
Finland miNd (00001038)

Finland RAAB[/b]]
Finland lettu (00003898)
Finland walle (00000107)
Finland clouver (00010068)
Finland Heritage (00003306)
Finland maza (00000068)
Finland lei (00000678)
Finland erta (00015903)
Finland hazz (00000262)

Finland turbot[/b]]
Finland crttie (00001119)
Finland HardyRah (00000872)
Finland kapaa (00001628)
Finland oldensan (00001173)
Finland Swanidius (00000287)
Finland vokki (00000435)
Group B
United Kingdom Team Dignitas[/b]]
Estonia Night (00011415)
Finland Squall (00004132)
France Karnaj (00003293)
Estonia Anderson (00003345)
Netherlands ZaK (00003287)
Germany Urtier (00004409)

Europe Colt45[/b]]
United Kingdom Kamz (00001701)
United Kingdom Jinosta (00000084)
Sweden NuggaN (00003311)
United Kingdom M1xer (00000430)
Estonia raul (00000160)
Czech Republic jalo (00000207)
Estonia mant (00000551)

Poland devilry[/b]]
Poland errol (00004033)
Poland boski (00004188)
Poland Dolar (00003269)
Poland Voodoo (00001601)
Poland emma (00000538)
Poland S4rna (00005296)
Poland Robinson (00010808)

France GameFrog[/b]]
France maxuh (00000801)
France emorej (00007488)
Spain WeZoR (000002174)
Belgium xAv (00000922)
Poland palemki (00000826)
Spain RadifZ (000002334)
France StrAf (00000596)
Group C
United Kingdom Team WinFakt[/b]]
Belgium AL1 (00001217)
Belgium chizz6l(00000653)
Belgium chry (00002326)
Belgium Jere (00002543)
Belgium uNDEAd (00001215)
Belgium ecklav (00000240)
Netherlands Leonneke (00001037)
Germany Felix (00001650)

Ireland Ultraviolet - Gaming[/b]]
Canada brandoN (00001718)
Belgium PlAyer (00001958)
Sweden slajdan (00000004)
Germany Bl4d3 (00000191)
Czech Republic milAus (00000139)
France An7ho (00001736)

Poland tMoe[/b]]
Poland fanatic (00000824)
Poland hassaN (00000061)
Poland syriusZ (00000708)
Poland ska (00001246)
Poland czarodziej (00001611)
Poland grzesiek (00000548)
Poland dialer (00000607)
Poland Elviss (00001083)

Europe FiF.red #g2p[/b]]
Belgium Frauwe (00001050)
Poland Cisy (00000676)
Netherlands vANQ (00001607)
Estonia ZeD (00001714)
Belgium De57 (00017155)
Germany laNgo (00000971)
Group D
Denmark Nordic-eSport[/b]]
Germany Kresti (00000255)
Germany Stownage(00000257)
United Kingdom Griim (00002798)
Belgium Lazio (00002121)
United Kingdom raZz (00000649)
United Kingdom Tardler (00004751)

Netherlands Mouse-Control[/b]]
Netherlands saKen (00000203)
Netherlands joshua (00001423)
Netherlands Ati_ (00002925)
Netherlands NoHead (00000995)
Netherlands SQuid (00000881)
Netherlands LavOd (00001940)
Netherlands Spho (00002672)
Netherlands MOTiF (00000654)
Netherlands jo0f (00009354)

Finland GAYS[/b]]
Finland jewe (00000122)
Finland vanhaomena (00000564)
Finland stuka (00000982)
Finland sample (00000539)
Finland metsuri (00000591)
Finland olBaa (00001212)

Benelux P&P[/b]]
Belgium SuP3R (00000655)
Belgium Gifted (00000541)
Netherlands XPERIA (00000608)
Netherlands Mize (00000586)
Netherlands LuN4T1C (00002084)
Malta toxic (00003315)

Heatwave Challenge: Updates

image: heatwave

As some of you may have heard, Nevo manager Felix took the decision to shutdown Next Evolution. It will only be reopened by IMaG as Felix has decided enough is enough and has left the organisation after long period of inactivity from IMaG and unpaid bills to managers and teams.

TWL Re-Opens ET Ladder

image: 5QeEa

image: bdot The News

Kn1ghT, over at United States of America TeamWarfare League, today announced that they will be re-opening their Enemy Territory Stopwatch ladder. The ladder will serve as, hopefully, a precursor in generating enough interested teams to once again run a full-on Enemy Territory league at TWL. The first day following the announcement has seen eleven teams sign up, and it is hoped this growth will sustain itself into enough teams for a standard league set up.

The ladder will go live when signups hit the twenty-team marker.

An interview with urtier

During our (Team Dignitas) trip to SAGE, our Enemy Territory team was joined by an old friend and also former teammate, Tore 'urtier' Trimpop. After the event urtier has shown interest in making a comeback to Enemy Territory as he has been inactive for several years now.

He has now made plans to begin playing the game competitively once again which is why we decided to have a chat with him and bring you the full report.

Team Dignitas welcome two new ET players

image: ET-logoTeam Dignitas is happy to announce two new players who have joined our Enemy Territory lineup. Due to work commitments of both Sebastian 'drago' Ohrmann and Jaka 'JaKaZc' Kejzar the team had to find two replacements to play in the upcoming online season aswell as train for any upcoming events.

The first replacement comes as an old friend as Travaillé 'kARnAJ' Hugo, who helped the team claim the champions title at AEF 2010 last year, will be joining once again. He will once again take a medic role and we are confident that his playstyle will strengthen the lineup. The second addition is Jelle 'ZaK' Snelting, an upcoming talent who has impressed the rest of the team and will play as smg engineer.

Source: http://www.team-dignitas.net/articles/news/Enemy-Territory/245/Team-Dignitas-welcome-two-new-ET-players/

Heatwave Challenge Qualification Games Drawn

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The Heatwave Challenge sign ups are now closed after receiving 32 teams who wish to compete in the tournament. The process for qualifying has slightly changed as initially their would be 4 teams invited now there will simply be a qualification round between the 32 teams.

ESL Summer Leagues 2011 Playoffs

image: 160071iWe have just finished the ESL Summer Leagues 2011 Groupstage, and here we are, announcing the Playoffs. So far, we had 64 teams in 3on3, and 72 teams in 5on5. We would like to thank all the teams that participated in the Summer Leagues so far, and wish good luck to those that will participate in the Playoffs.
Also, we have a new schedule for this part of the Summer Leagues:
  • 24th of July - 31th of July - Winner Bracket Round 1
  • 1st of August - 7th of August - WB Round 2 & LB Round 1
  • 28th of August - 14th of August - Loser Bracket Round 2
  • 15th of August - 21th of August - Loser Bracket Round 3
  • 22th of August - 28th of August - WB Round 3 & LB Grand Final
  • 27th of August - 4th of September - Winner Bracket Grand Final

Heatwave Challenge Sign Up Reminder

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The Heatwave Challenge Sign Ups are closing in the next 48 hours, on 24th July. Here is a list of all the teams and players for each team that has already successfully signed up as well as a list of teams that will need to make changes to their sign up to be accepted.

PHX: Location Information & Pictures

image: basicimage

We made a visit to the LAN Center for the upcoming PHX-1 event, to get some pictures of inside and outside and an idea of the surrounding shops and so on for people hoping to attend. We also managed to get some details on anything in particular you may need for the PC's as well as what monitors they have there.

PHX-1 Updates
11/05/2011: Initial Announcement
11/06/2011: Latest Update
11/07/2011: Signups open
20/07/2011: Location Information & Pictures
11/08/2011: Signups Close*
18/08/2011: Payment Deadline*
10 & 11/09/2011: PHX-1 Takes place
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