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Anexis win SAGE (Twice!)

It was quite the weekend for the Anexis Mulitgaming Organisation who claimed gold in both SAGE competitions. In both cases their side flew through the winner bracket into the finals and took all the money they could get their hands on!

Enemy Territory

Germany Anexis (2000 Euro)
Europe Dignitas (1000 Euro)
United Kingdom NEVO (500 Euro)

Full Bracket - SAGE Teams

Call of Duty

Hungary Anexis
Europe Winfakt
Czech Republic eSuba

Full Bracket

Congratulations to everyone on what appears to have been a very successful weekend! I'm sure everyone would like to thank Seanza, Merlinator and their team on what will have been a life changing experience for them.

SAGE: Enemy Territoy Finals UPDATE !

image: sagessbanner
As we are progressing to the final stage of the SAGE LAN event, i wanted to take the opportunity to update you all regarding the Enemy Territory Grand Finals !

Granted, this is not my normal task, so forgive me for the content ;-).

Anyway, i had some important news :

We have decided to put the Enemy Territory Finals before the Call Of Duty Playoffs.

This means that the Grand Final for ET will be at 13:00 CET since several teams have earlier flights / trains to catch.

So again, the Grand Final for Enemy Territory won't be at 18:00 but at 13:00 CET instead !

I hope you all enjoy the final stage of the SAGE LAN and tune in at GamesTV.ORG.

The SAGE Crew

SAGE: Groups stage

image: sagessbanner

We've had a fairly standard start to the day and are beginning to catch up on some lost time during the Call of Duty 4 tournament. For all of you who are looking to see who won vs. who and who finished top of what group in ET so far, you can check that out at TEK 9.

We'll bring you up to date as much as we can here, but please keep an eye on our social media profiles.

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Follow Adroits on Twitter
Kaos TV stream

Ati_ - What Are You Doing There

image: Logo_SMALLYep, another movie. Don't worry, it's nothing like my last 'movie' that was basically frags + mp3. So what can you expect? You can expect frags of myself and my MouseControl teammates during the last couple of months and finally with some sync!

Other than that there is not much to mention, so just watch the movie and enjoy! I took a bit more time than my last copypaste movie and didn't rush it, so you better like it! ;)

See you at SAGE!

image: s_head

Mirror 1 - own3d.tv *STREAM* (No offense to own3d, but it's bad quality and only 30fps, so please download it)
Mirror 2 - MegaUpload
Mirror 3 - arni (Thanks to h3ll and arni!)
Mirror 4 - YCN (Thanks to Marcus!)

Note: It seems like VLC can't handle a certain part in the movie, but recovers after about 5 seconds. So I recommend to watch it with Windows Media Player. VLC tends to fuck up the colours anyway.

Frags & Editing: Netherlands Tim "Ati_" Wennekes
Guestfrags: Netherlands NoHead, Netherlands saKen, Netherlands JALLAAAAAA, Netherlands SQuid
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 11:37
Size: 374MB
File Type: Mp4
Video Codec: X264
Audio Codec: LameMP3
Resolution: 1280x720
Frames per second: 60
Release Date: 07-01-2011

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Sony Vegas Videos
Adobe Photoshop
UltraViolet MediaManager
UltraViolet MovieMod

Ellie Goulding - Lights (Bassnectar Remix)
Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect (Netsky Remix)
Hans Zimmer - Time

#et.nl on quakenet.

image: s_foot

ET Cast: SAGE Preview

image: banner_1

This is the third episode of ET Cast, covering all the top news since the last update over May and June.

In this update:
  • Scene News
  • Team News
  • Competition Updates
  • SAGE Event special feature, Preview and Interview
  • ET Cast Top10 June
  • Fragmovie of the Month

This episode covers as much as we could since the last update, mainly the upcoming SAGE event as well as competition news and team news.

Bet on SAGE with Paddy Power!

Paddy Power (http://www.paddypower.com/esports) have recently started offering odds on Esports, and this time it's the turn of Enemy Territory as you're able to bet on the winner of SAGE LAN! Anexis and Dignitas are both close together at the top of the market but there's value to be had all around, so click here to see the odds in full. If the uptake is good then Paddy Power will look to provide odds on more Enemy Territory events in future!

Paddy Power are also offering a free bet of up to £/€25 for new customers who register through the above link to bet on Esports. When you go to register, above "personal details" it should say "You are entitled to a €/£25 free bet." This means that you will get a free bet to the same stake as your first bet on PaddyPower credited to your account within 24 hours (sometimes instantly). To use the free bet, just add a selection to your betslip and it will come up in a dropdown menu. If you do not get this message when registering, then clear your cookies and revisit www.paddypower.com/esports before registering as this is a special offer to people who are signing up because of esports.

SAGE: Ruleset and maplist

It's getting closer to that time where we'll be meeting in Enschede once again! Those of you who were listening to the groups announcement show last Monday may already be aware of this information as the site was launched on the same night, but this news post is for those who aren't aware!

For the maps, there will be a slightly reformed process for picking the maps. This will apply to both group stage and playoffs during the tournament. You can find full information on that on section 7.0 of the rules.

GamesTV.org, down again (Update 3)

I've written a journal about this but since it looks like we're not gonna be back for a while im moving this here.

Sunday noon the server started to spam the syslog with sata exceptions before becoming unresponsive and eventually going down completely. The errors indicated a problem with either the sata controller or the harddisk itself.
We're currently waiting for a KVM to access the server and maybe try to get a snapshot of the serverstate before it went down; or at least figure out what exactly is wrong.

In the meantime Msh100 is taking care of getting new harddisks to the datacenter so we can raid our box and prevent this from happening again the future. However, depending on the damage, it's probably gonna take until tuesday or wednesday to resolve this. We sure hope to be back up and fully functional for the upcoming SAGE lan this weekend.

The worst case scenario would be an unreadable harddisk. In that case we would need to rebuild the site from a backup. We do nightly backups of the important stuff, but that does not include user uploaded images like avatars and team logos. Those backups are the last resort and we hoped that we'd never need them so rebuilding from them is a pain in the ass.

We've set up this fancy fallback page for now and we'll try to cover some matches manually

I'll keep this newspost updated but don't expect too much, progress is slow at the moment. In any case this is the most serious issue we've had to face, ever.

Update: We managed to get a snapshot and move it to another host. The current plan is to temporarily get it running on another box until our own server is fixed. So we might be online tonight (27.6), pretty much fully functional. In the meantime our server will hopefully get fixed with raid and we'll move back over before the lan to resume normal operation. Looks like we got lucky

Update 2: While I'm writing this we're getting a new case that can hold more hdds and two new hdds. A quick integrity check of the emergency backup revealed that everything should be in order so we can resume the exact state of the server when it went down. Like the crash never happened.

Update 3: We're back for good. On our own server already, with raid! Not a single byte of data was lost and everything is running smoothly.
Thanks to YCNs United Kingdom msh100 and his immense effort this could be handled relatively quickly.

BRINK DLC now in July

image: brink_logo

As you might remember last newspost with details about SplashDamage latest hit's DLC which promised to brink 2 new maps, few skins and weapon upgrades, now more information about it has surfaced.

This DLC many fans expect will bring a new breath of air into lungs of BRINK, which with Steam player numbers being in decline every day (500 brinkers worldwide online at time of this post) is in desperate need for.

First of all it initially was due to release in June, however as we can see it's almost end of month and this promising DLC is still not on our PC's. Why? Because they have to submit it for approval with console makers Microsoft and Sony. It of course doesn't mean in any way that BRINK is primary a console game.

So the new release date is set to "early July".

As for second piece of information:
QuoteThe game's first DLC, Agents of Change, will be FREE for two weeks on Xbox LIVE, PSN, and Steam!

There you go, be ready to grab this fantastic DLC for FREE in 2 weeks following it's release. This is the SplashDamage we know, caring about it's fans and supporters after successful delivery of BRINK to the world.

No pricing about info has been released if you miss this fantastic 2 week opportunity.

And finally, still no info on SDK and/or promod.

For full press release and new screenshots click here.

Team Fortress 2 is now free

image: meetthemedicposter

A couple of weeks ago, Valve Cooperation released several games on their Steam network, which are all free to play; you download the game, via steam, and play the game.
During this week, several announcements has been released about Team Fortress 2 and the "Uber-update". It all ended today, with the release of a brand new patch, with several new items/weapons to obtain, a brand new mini-movie in the "Meet the..." series and most of all the fact that Team Fortress 2 is now free to play, just like Enemy Territory.

For those who do not know the game, it is a class-based first person shooter with several and different types of game modes, ranging from CTF (Capture the Flag) to Payload (a sort of goldrush-type of game play)

- The Uber-update
- Meet the Medic
- Team Fortress (official website)
- Team Fortress Wiki
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