Buddies (74)
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Followers (148)
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Recent Articles (2)
Decision making, what seperates the skilled from the unskilled.
4 Jul 2010, 18:46
Decision making in Enemy Territory, what separates the skilled from the unskilled. Essentially a summary of my recent thoughts regarding Enemy Territory. Why are some players so flipping awesome? Why are some so god damn terrible? Detailed within we'll delve into some of the logic behind successful Enemy Territory players, how to improve yourself as an individual, in a team and what makes a player truly great.
This is a moderately long read, so please grab a drink and enjoy.
This is a moderately long read, so please grab a drink and enjoy.
Recent Journals (4)
- ET sounds delayed 29 Jan 2011
- Does anyone actually like 5on5? 3 Jan 2011
- Read it and weep. 29 Dec 2010
- ET sound issues 12 Dec 2010
Recent Topics (1)
- 3on3 cheaters avoid like the plague 20 Aug 2007
Recent Comments (8)