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Brink: Pax East 2011

image: gif_brink_pax

Brink Community Event at PAX East 2011.

As Developer SplashDamage Ltd. published, it was possible to play a new BRINK level at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo in Boston). This new level containes a security tower, where the Resistance tries to free a prisoner over at Securities area. The mission was situated in the head area of the Securities and was already mentioned in some previews.

Recent Comments (8)

  1. so, what's... 16 May 2011
  2. measurable by other... 16 May 2011
  3. http://www.splashdam 2 Apr 2011
  4. right, i wrote a... 20 Jan 2011
  5. the quake engine is... 13 Jan 2011
  6. UPDATE: 11.01.2011 11 Jan 2011
  7. these vids... 11 Jan 2011
  8. have you read about... 8 Jan 2011