Team Lineup:

Belgium Davy
Belgium Mitox
Sweden moMa
France Ozwald
Denmark Frijec

Notable Achievements:

5th Playz Lan
5th Outpost Lan

Team News:

It has been a turbulent few weeks for Tek-9 but they have finally settled their EuroCup lineup, but at what cost? In the process they have lost their Belgian core, with only Davy and Mitox remaining, and have placed their hopes in foreign talent to help them achieve their goals. Greeny, Woobai, Seifer and Ecu have all left the team for various reasons and what was once considered the most stable team in CoD is now looking decidedly shaky. Ozwald and moMa from Check Six bring with them valuable experience but their latest addition, Frijec, leads us to the question, will this team be even nearly prepared to take on Dignitas in their first game only 7 days from now? This is undoubtably a talented lineup but if you believe the rumours this team has not been getting nearly enough practice in.

Recent Form:

After another average display at the Outpost Lan, Tek-9 were a no-show in Rotterdam for the Crossfire Lan due to lineup issues and their is very little recent form to go on. It seems pointless to disect their performance at Outpost as only two of that lineup remain but one thing that could be relevant from the old lineup is their route to the EuroCup Lan Finals. Here they overcame great odds to secure a high seed despite their members going through an exam period and Davy and Mitox will want to rekindle this spirit if there is to be any hope of success in Denmark next week. They will probably be relieved not to be facing Speedlink again, having a bad history of losing to them both in this EuroCup and the Netgamez 2006a Lan, but Dignitas will be no walk in the park either so they will have to really step it up if they don't want to be the first team to drop to the Lower Bracket.

Team Comment:

We only completed our EC line-up last Thursday and there is a long story behind that. It all started when we beat h2k on dawnville to take the first ticket to Aahrus. Basically after tek9 lan we had a month of inactivity cause it was summer. We were supposed to start playing around the 1st of September but that didn’t happen because some people still lacked the motivation that was needed. So we took some steps which we thought were necessary and we dropped Woobai for moMa. A bit later eCu decided he was going to quit “gaming” in general so we brought in OZWALD. Thinking we were finally ready to start playing full-time we had to replace GreenY. Enter fRiJec. As you can probably tell, this is not the ideal way to prepare for the biggest COD2 event thus far. We just started this Thursday and even though this team is a mix of nationalities, somehow it works for us. We still got a few days left to prepare 2/3 more maps and we’ll just go there to enjoy ourselves and do our very best. The fact that it will be broadcasted on national television will only make this even more special then it already is. I recommend that you check CB page Sunday night and maybe you’ll see a team called tek9.Steelpad taking home €1750.
-Kenneth "Mitox" Verboven [Tek-9 Player]