It's Speedlink or Dignitas for my money, but deciding who from those two is no small feat. There's more money here than there was at the Crossfire Lan and because of that there's so much at stake for these two. It's a rivalry you just can't get bored of, and for that, if I'm honest, I don't care who wins out of the two of them, either way it guarantees we'll see more from the other next time. But, because not giving a prediction is boring, I will go with Speedlink, I think the power of the "juuunnngs" call, plus the time from CPC to prepare for Trainee will send them over the edge.
- Stuart "TosspoT" Saw [ director]

Really does seem to be all about a Speedlink versus Dignitas final. Speedlink will be looking for revenge after losing the Crossfire Lan to Dignitas, but one has to wonder if L-King has completely gelled into their playstyle yet. On the other hand Dignitas have made a bold move by replacing BeNN, a member from their winning lineup, with qwertY and moving away from an all UK lineup. Whether this is the right choice remains to be seen. I do think Speedlink will pull itself together and edge this one. That said, this is the EuroCup, and the other teams will be training hard (except tek-9, they will probably have exams).
- Allan "allan" Degnan [syKotic player]