Team Lineup:

Germany Trigger
Germany Fuchstutte
Germany L-KinG
Germany Phy1
Germany Nightwalker

Notable Achievements:

1st EuroCup XII
1st Netgamez 2006A
1st Outpost Lan
2nd Crossfire Lan

Team News:

Speedlink have been keeping their heads down lately and trying to work out what went wrong at the Crossfire Lan. Things seemed to be going fine, they had just sorted their lineup issues with the astute pick-up of L-KinG and the team seemed to be on fine form as they took first place at the Outpost Lan. Then they travelled to Rotterdam and ended up coming home with their tails between their legs. Was it Dignitas raising their game to another level or was it what a lot of people have suspected for a long time, Speedlink becoming complacent. It's hard to rate your own progress when you're on top of all the rankings but they will have been jolted awake by the sight of Dignitas overrunning them in the Crossfire finals and will be looking for revenge in Aarhus this weekend.

Recent Form:

A great display at the Outpost Lan for Speedlink was followed by a disappointing performance at the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge which saw them overcome WHO to make it to the finals but then getting confined to second place after losing to Dignitas on the deciding map, burgundy. While it is probably too early to be ringing alarm bells just yet, the fact remains that Speedlink look decidedly beatable on way too many maps at the moment. At the end of EuroCup XII, Speedlink were the kings of Dawnville but since beating the old Check Six teams in the finals of that cup they have since lost to both Dignitas and Check Six on the map and even went into overtime with H2k on it. Burgundy, another map they have had trouble on has been eliminated from the map pool however so that's one worry off their heads. Overall, you've got to rate Speedlink as the favourites going into this event but if things were to turn out badly for them, expect the vultures to be circling!

Team Comment:

As this is the most important CoD2 Event this year, we prepared as good as we could. It wasnt easy because CB this time nearly fucked up everything if u think about the oganisation. We got told 2 weeks in front of the event which maps are in the pool and wasted over a week on burgundy before, now it's not in. Still i think we managed to get some good new stuff on the maps we need it on. As every team we got our weak maps and our good ones, now I would say its pretty even and we got the bad maps from us up to a level on which i would say "allright, we can take em on this map aswell". At the end I guess it will be really tense and lucky cos we still dont know which map we play against any opponent. As everytime we will do our best to win this tournament and every player from the team would tell u the same. After the really hard fight at crossfire LAN with dignitas which ended with better luck to dignitas, we are up to show everyone out there this won't happen again. Still i think it will be tight matches and whoever have the luckier parts ingame will win it, especially if its SL vs dignitas.

Overall I'm looking forward to this event, but just because its always fun to meet your players and have fun with them and the other teams aswell. CB releasing for me the worst EC LAN-Finals i have ever heard from. From the date and place announcement,
the late rules releases, over to breaking the own rules more than twice just cant be the way to go. I dont wanna go into details, other guys done it allready, but lets just hope the tournament will look halfway organised in Aarhus, then its worth it all i would say. Let's have fun all, and check the CB site after the LAN, maybe u see a team called Speedlink winning 3000 € ;).

-Michael "Trigger" Sowa [Speedlink Player]