Team Lineup:

Ireland crow
Sweden zEm
Sweden Mint
Finland Sacrim
Finland Plaekki

Notable Achievements:

2nd Netgamez 2006A
2nd EuroCup XII
4th Playz Lan

As this is my own team I have instead decided to give you a little insight into how this team was formed and how we have been preparing for the event...

"To fully explain this situation I think it's best just to tell the whole story of our team from the moment our support from Check Six collapsed. Our motivation for the game was at an all-time low at that stage and I personally decided to leave the game as I had had enough and had some serious issues to resolve with the Check Six management, but that's another story.

A few weeks later though we were chatting and decided that it would be a shame to see our EuroCup spot, that we had worked so hard for, go to waste so five of us, myself included, committed to attending the EuroCup Lan as a team. Of those 5, only I remain and this is for a number of reasons.

Sko's motivation for the game was gone and the fact that the event was in Denmark and not the Netherlands made it impossible for him to attend. Knaller and Kasparov were in similar circumstances with exams and were unable to attend. I was only told this at the Crossfire Lan event and contacted Wabbit immediately to let him know the situation. It also turned out that Ozwald, while telling me he would come with Check Six, had been trying to get into Dignitas for a while and when they turned him down he moved on to Tek-9.

This left me with two weeks to come up with a lineup and initially I though about giving up and offering the space to another team but I felt that the Check Six CoD2 team had earned this spot so there should be a team there to represent them. I could have taken 4 random friends to come and just had a party in Denmark but we owed ClanBase the right to have a competitive team at their Lan Finals so I carefully selected a team I felt could represent us and work well together.

We have been practicing hard and have really fit together as a team and I want it to be clear that for this event at least, we are every bit as serious as Dignitas or Speedlink for example. We will go to Denmark to win and although we will be at a disadvantage as a new team, going off the last few weeks play, I feel we have a really good chance to do well here."