We come arround 12.00 already knowing that our opponent would be dignitas, they clearly beat SRP once again.

Maybe the big surprise was k1ck winning vs cZar by 30secs on supply (decider)

Dignitas were already warm and we didn't even play a single match, so WARM-UP GUYS!!


And then it came, THE FUCKING FINAL!



Goldrush is the first map! XyLoS picked number 4, which directly meant that Goldrush was picked as the first map. Later on Dignitas picked the number attached to Rader. So Goldrush and Radar it is!

Majority of spectators are going for TLR. Will they be proven right?

And the match is under way! TLR attacking, XyLoS rifling the gate. Jakazc takes out Matias. Dignitas to push out. Match is paused by Dignitas as Reload goes 999. XyLoS and Clown going for the tank, and they take it as Dignitas had 4 deaths at once. TLR makes it impossible for Dignitas to built the barrier. Winghaven takes out Jauhis and is about to put the tank in position, but he gets crushed. TLR have the CP and are in the perfect position to win this round. TosspoT: "Dignitas now have some time to build op their Crossfire, and they need it. THEY NEED IT!" David and Maus push forward, TLR taking a lot of ground, very quickly. Matias takes down Senji. 10:20 seconds left. Jakazc takes out David. TLR are being clustered down at the boxes. Reload holds off TLR. Dignitas inside the bank, defending closely. 5 TLR players together to take the objective. Kot takes one but is shot down by the other 5. Truck is past the barrier. TLR will get the truck away. TosspoT: "At this moment in time, for Dignitas, every second counts!" Clown is pushing the truck forward, but is moving very very slowly. Truck is almost around the corner. TLR have the truck! Dignitas set 11 minutes yesterday. Now TLR set 8 minutes, meaning Dignitas will have to drop their time with 3 minutes!
Away we go. Reload and Jakazc from the side, Jauhis misses the revive and a Support Fire clears everything! TLR deflect the first Dignitas attack. XyLoS with a triple rifle nade! Reload gibs XyLoS. Matias down, three Dignitas players at the back. Reload is the only one left. 6:20 on the board. Jakazc and Reload fix the tank together. Now Dignitas will have to rush towards the banner. Kot takes out the first engineer! But he can't stop Clown. He builds the barrier! Dynamite planted at the barrier. TLR nowhere near the dynamite. Dynamite takes out XyLoS while defusing. Barrier constructed again! What a mistake. And now a defuse by Clown. What is Dignitas doing? 2 minutes left. Barrier down, tank past it. Tank damaged! Last chance for Dignitas. Winghaven takes down Urtier. TLR takes out all of Dignitas. TLR takes map 1. They lost Goldrush yesterday, and take it in the Grand Final. What a performance!

Radar! Dignitas plant at side. Kot takes down XyLoS. Jauhis takes down mAus. TLR collapse under the pressure! They lost Main AND side. Jakazc repairs CP! mAus retakes the bunker. Dignitas pick up the flag. East parts picked up and dropped again. XyLoS 1 on 1 versus Reload with luger. And he takes him down! Jakazc picks up parts from the side. David returns the parts just before Dignitas arrives. East parts secured, 7:35 on the clock. Dignitas making their way forward. Kot going for West Parts, but XyLoS takes it back. TLR holding on well. 4 minutes left! TLR are in favor for the title. Parts picked up but dropped right after. TLR save themselves again. Winghaven saves the day as both Kot, Senji and Jauhis picked up the parts. 1:30 left. Dignitas pushing through. 3 frags by mAus, even a 4th. And you can already say that it's over! Are TLR going to hold Dignitas? Winghaven with a double support fire. Jakazc clears two with support fire. And it's over! TLR are the champions. 3-0, GG!

We were the champions, we didn't lose any match, like CPC2, was like a Spain dr3am.

Then the ceremony!

Matias won the ... I don't know really how is called, like ppl didn't think he would show up, he did and pwned xD and XyLoS the MVP (expected after his brilliant tournament also with mAus)

Dignitas 2nd place: http://ankitty.an.funpic.de/cdc/gallery/891_9111.JPG

and the TLR 1st place, the winner, once again:

http://ankitty.an.funpic.de/cdc/gallery/891_9114.JPG (LOL PIC)

Well, that was over for us, matias, clown, david and mAus left to their own countries and the only thing I can say it's THANKS.
