I needed to take the plane @ 15.15CET so I really had a lot of time, in the plane I had some turbulences, first was funny, then wasn't so funny and finally I thought I'd die xD. Btw, KLM is so fucking nice, they gave me a free sandwich, coke, cofee and a cookie :D.

when I landed I phoned david and he told me that he had a car accident, fortunately dAv1d and mAus were ok (I didn't care at all about legs, just hands / arms), so I needed to pickup a train (2h) to get to Enchede!

when I got the Cinestar I met there all my teammates! even Matias showed up! After steal some pizza and coca from dunno and fuzz I met the rest of the guys out there, like vynl, vila, bull, etc....

The start wasn't so nice (because david's car accident and because I was kinda lost when david couldn't pick me up) but when we got to the hotel all changed, we saw we had a pool so we all dressed up and we really fun.

http://ankitty.an.funpic.de/cdc/gallery/890_9030.JPG (nice try david xD)
http://ankitty.an.funpic.de/cdc/gallery/890_9031.JPG (mAus and XyLoS' friend)

After that we went to bed because we needed to be ready to play the group-stage matches!