After getting lie from the hotel guys saying we had a supermarket at 10mins walking. We walked like 40mins to find out the fucking supermarket but finally we had a nice meal!

Clown was whinning at us because we delayed so much (sorry meigth), was time to play vs n1ce, which we won without many troubles, more pics! (xylos clown) (xylos' friend, matias) (me maus david) (xylos clown) (me matias) (lol @ matias face)

We got trough play-off first of group as we expected and then after random brackets we needed to play vs GMPO, was the first real match to see if we could reach the victory again, we were really motivated to play and win, we played radar and goldrush. I had a big surprise because we won with a clear 4-0 and I didn't expect to win like that.

Copy paste:

TLR have stepped up from Group A surviving a strong n1ce and are now facing GMPO in the first Winner Bracket Match. GMPO ended second in the biggest group, Group D. They lost to VAE which was quite disappointing.

Radar first map, GMPO has the east parts with 8 minutes left. Now going for west parts. GMPO close to west part. HumM3L covers fireBall while taking the parts. XyLoS saves the day with a riflenade. Takes out 3 men at spawn. 2:40 left Zerender pushes through and caps the parts. mAus couldn't stop him.
TLR pushes out. They have 9 minutes on the clock. TLR going directly for the spawn. Side is down. TLR takes side after a double teamkill by XyLoS and a double panzerfrag by Winghaven. XyLoS picks up west parts after 2 drops. Winghaven captures the remaining east parts.

TosspoT: " GMPO will be asking themselves; what did we do wrong? Absolutely everything!"

Goldrush starting now. GMPO defending the tank now. Tank repaired but noone alive left. GMPO take out tank again. XyLoS finishes Clown's job on the tank. TLR going for it. GMPO build the barrier. TosspoT: "GMPO are back in business." Clown repairs tank twice. TLR pushing on. Winghaven misses a panzerfaust, but takes the objective. XyLoS picks up and walks to the truck in freedom. Absolutely no resistance. GMPO must beat a time of 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
TosspoT for the 5th time: "The QPAD barbecue is outside."
GMPO are pushing forward and repair the tank faster than TLR did. Barrier is up right after the tank was capped. 2 minutes left GMPO still haven't blown the barrier. XyLoS defuses the last GMPO chance. Good game.

And then vs vae, which was kinda similar to GMPO.

After that we relaxed some time watching the wsw players: (h1o)

we were really happy to win all the matches we've played, but then it came, the winner bracket final vs d. which it reminds me a lot the semifinal TLR vs d. @ CPC2.

and then.....


EMO PICCCC !!!!!!!

Copy / Paste:

The words wow just really dont describe this match. Number 1 and Number 2 seed went head to head with one another and they were so evenly matched until the death that it was compelling viewing with skill of the highest order.

Dignitas won Goldrush but it was incredibly strange. They sluggishly completed the objectives with no great urgency. TLR with mAus and Xlyos were brilliant in defence at all stages, however dignitas were able to set an 11 minute time. Surely TLR could beat that? Well to do that you've got to actually get the tank, something that proved difficult for TLR! It took them 7 minutes to get the tank and surely at that point the game was lost? Not on your nellie! Dignitas fell apart the tank went to the bank with a ferrari engine inside it and we had just 2 minutes left TLR were all over dignitas. mAus had the gold under the bridge ready to move it into the truck only for senji the last man of dignitas to destroy him and his teammate with a double luger frag. Entertaining? You bet!

Dignitas attacked supply depot first and the general theme of the map was going to be quite the same. Dignitas attacked, TLR collapsed and someone in TLR would pull something magnificent out of the bag here it was Xylos and Matias reviving and defusing 3 dignitas dyno's on the first stage. Dignitas moved on pretty quickly through the command post and the main entrance but were held trying to get the truck in position. With 8 minutes played, Dignitas got both the truck in position and to the shock of everyone the crane controls built at the same time. They set a time of nine and a half minutes and the game was afoot. TLR attacked fluently and they were always ahead of their opponents time until the they moved the truck out of the depot and got stuck on the road out, tension builds with just a minute left however TLR save their blushes with a move away.

Onto Bremen - TLR attack and push Dignitas a long way quickly. Picking up the main entrance and planting it at the same time. They push away and with some good attacks and some horrible dignitas defences they are away with Matias and the objective. The Dignitas house of cards fell losing the command post as the objective went and the truck was TLR property shortly after. They put time on the clock once the truck was just stopped out of the garage but dAvid cleared the truck and ran it home. 6.02 to beat for Dignitas. The wind was very much in TLR's sails at this point but Dignitas soon took it out of them by taking the first stage mighty fast. However when it came to the command post and the documents it would be a different story. TLR's crossfire was brilliant and other than one Command Post attack and one document grab the game was over, and it was.

TLR won the match however 4-2 should say all you need to know if you missed it! It was close on all of the maps and tommorow Dignitas will be back and hungry for success

pics: (my pc <3 I had all along cdc3!:D) (mAus trying to do the same :D) XyLoS! xylos friend (XyLoS @ Fantasy tennis LoL!) (Group pic again) (And again) DAVID! MAV! poKeR lOl

and Well, we were already in the Grand final! time to sleep! ( )