First of all you should think about where you want to save the screenshots.
In Quake Wars the default userpath for your config and all other things like screenshots, demos and statistic files is:

WindowsDriveLetter:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\my documents\id Software\base

Since this is the main System Drive you maybe don’t want to save a big amount of screenshots there. You can easily change that by adding an additional command to your game start shortcut. This would allow you to save all this stuff to another Hard Disk which is better for your system and of course you would probably have more disk space.

So what to do:

The easiest way to do this would be to create a shortcut of your etqw.exe file and add the following parameters to the start command:

+set fs_userpath “MovieDriveLetter:\quakeWars\”

Now everything that’s been created by Quake Wars will be saved to this path. You can now start with setting up your config.