This chapter is more or less an overview from what I experienced while doing my current project.

You would always make sure that you do not force any AA or AF in your graphic card driver. Let Quake Wars use its very own technique.

Also be sure to have the frame rate locked to 30 FPS, otherwise the weapons of your model may disappear while moving around. (Thx to darkangel for that workaround)

The rendered TGA files can then be found in the folder which you defined as the fs_userpath /base/demos/demoName/.
If you go open those files in any Photo software, don’t scream if you can only see the HUD in the TGA. Quake Wars screenshots do have an alpha layer; activate this layer to see the whole screenshot.

Some people reported way too blurry TGA files when using AA values of 16. I cannot confirm that, but If you should experience that also just stick with 8x AA.

Since Quake Wars can render “off screen” you can easily set your r_mode (resolution) to values like 5 (1024x768) or 4 (800x600) and Quake Wars will still render your screenshots in the resolution you set the com_avidemowidth / height values to.

Sad but true, you are not able to use Camtrace 3D properly with Quake Wars yet.
Because as soon as you get into the renderNetdemo mode, you will not be able to move your freecam around. This issue is known to Splashdamage and as soon as they fix these problems (and some of the other too) Smireboule is going to release Version 1.0 of Camtrace 3D. So yes, I can confirm that a port for Quake Wars is being done as you read that article. Please do not apply for beta testing! We already got some guys for this!

Version 1.0 will be another revolution to Movie Making. It has a lot new features, and a lot work has been put into the Graphic User Interface. But the big fish is most likely the new time-control feature. So you will be able to tell the camera to visit a specific point at a specific time. So timing will be no matter of “luck” anymore!

Except those issues you shouldn’t run into much trouble while rendering the demos.