While replaying a demo, you can set Time Marks with the following commands:
placeDemoCutStartMarker and placeDemoCutEndMarker

Now, after setting the markers you can cut that demo with the following command:

cutNetDemo <demoName> <newDemoName>

The demo will now load (it’s more or less a mess of shaking screen and demo_scale 100), never mind the shaking screen and crappy graphics, this is “normal”. Just wait till the game puts you back to the main menu.

Now there is one little thingy with that command: Its bugged!
When you are back in the main menu, open up the console and look for something like:

Failed to open ‘’

If this is the case, you will have to issue the cutNetDemo command again. This time it should work. Now you can just watch the cutted demo and render it.


This is more or less the command you may know as cl_avidemo from ET, Q3 and RtcW.

renderNetDemo <demoName> <FPS> <StartTime in msec> <EndTime in msec>

So for the following versions, you will have to stick to 30 FPS, since demos are streamed with those 30 FPS, and you are not able to unlock those 30 FPS yet. And a little hint:

1 second are 1000 milliseconds!

Once you issued that command, the demo will launch and the engine starts to take screenshots from that demo. Width and height will be taken from your com_avidemoheight and com_avidemowidth cvars.

Again, if you experience any flickering graphics or weird shaking graphics, just ignore them.

Recording in Quake Wars takes VERY long, compared to ET recording, so be sure to be in windowed mode, to be able to chat or watch a movie while recording.