Ok, now I have spent 2 hours in writing this crap. If you read it: Thanks, if you did not: Do it.

If I conclude all these informations and end up with a result, it would take 10 pages. So I try to keep it short.

The 3 games who are actually supported here at Crossfire have all a big history and some even have a big future. I think we should watch the E-Sports in general:

"Electronic Sports is a term met with derision by many but what is it these people object to? Is the the idea of a game being treated as a pursuit of merit? Or that something they deem a children's activity in inappropriate for adults to compete in?" (smh.com.au)

Thanks for reading this article and keep ET alive. ET-Ace to the rescue (I hope).
Do not mind the mistakes I made, my English is not perfect.

Yours sincerly miTTi