The Electronic Sports League never cared a lot about ET. Some reasons could be that ET was for free and the amount of cheaters. Nowadays we have the ESL Major Series for ET. We should be fucking glad. I mean a huge prizepurse and a big amount of Spectators on ESLTV. In my opinion this could be a changing point in ET's history. When being supported by the ESL, Enemy Territory has the chance to show its great gameplay.
At the same time ET-Ace is nearly finished. The Worldcup 3v3 will be played with Anti3, a programme preventing the cheaters.

The ESL has the money and the opporunity to draw the attention to ET.

On the other side no ET Team really cared about the ESL. The ET ladders are dead or only supported by lowskilled and unknown teams.

Let's the how it goes. Thanks ESL for supporting ET once again.