"Oh yeah, that game... Does it still exist?" Most of you on this site will think something like that. Well it does... Unfortunately only with a small number of players.

ET:QW has 61 sign-ups. Ok... the makron is impressed..........NOT! Many of these want to be in the EC. But I think there is no chance of getting 16 equal teams who can compete in interesting games.
I could start off telling you a huge story about my opinion of ET:QW. But I try to be as short as possible.

Well, when I got my Beta 1 key I was very happy and after some hours of playing I was fully impressed by the most parts of the game. So I gathered some of my old ET mates and started off a competetive ET:QW Team. To be honest it was not that hard to get motivated and dedicated guys. We kept on training and training. Beta 1 was a blast for me at least. We have gotten better and better. We kept sitting in front of Sewer trying to develope the best working tactic. We played ET:QW nearly every day, but only a few times a match... It was very hard to get a suiting opponent.
Most of the times we searched for 1 or even 2 hours to get anyskill.
We often had to play versus teams like dignitas or kompaniet etc.pp..
Of course we had no chance, no wonder... They have got experienced and highly skilled players, additionally they all played closed beta. "Ok, ok," we said, "we just do not have a chance, but soon we will have".
We were wrong.

We never were near to dignitas or kompaniet. It has always been a clear victory for those. Lack of skill or lack of tactics.. When we played the BetaCup 2nd division we rolled over the enemys in the early stages. Without loosing any single round we finished our group as first. We got quickly to the playoffs. At that point some of our players quitted, so we quickly recruited new faces. We were confidient they would be integrated into our team soon. I could not play the final on Game-TV Stream, because I needed to go on holidays YES RLY!!

We played with our new lineup including one backup player... The guys on Game-TV said" eZ bash for #gaming, They got so experienced players." Well we had schwarz as opponent in the finals. It was a desaster. When I watched the replay I was ashamed of how we played. The shoutcasters were laughing about us...

The motivation left and so did all our players. Some continued playing ET:QW like Shanuh but most quitted.

So thats my story, shortly told.

To conclude: Fuck closed beta.