Enemy Territory has a great past in the clanbase. It has been supported for a very long time already and the Opencup/Eurocup season has been everytime the major online event.

As you all know the sign-ups for the current season have been closed yesterday.

ET has 248 Sign-ups for the upcoming EC/OC. An immense number!
So if you would say every team has about 8 players (including the backup spots) we would have 248 x 8 = 1984 players. These 1984 are all playing the game competively (more or less) and aiming to achieve the best possible rank for their skill.
Another thing you can actually detect when watching through those sign-ups is the number of Eurocup-Wants, Eurocup-Onlys and those who do not want to participate in the royal league.

Eurocup-Wants: 138
Eurocup-Onlys: 23
No Eurocup: 97

Is the ET community made of Wannabees or do those players really think they are worth playing in the Eurocup.
In my opinion it is a lot of work for the Eurocup Admins to pick the 16 best teams out of those 161 Teams. At this point: Thanks for doing it Admins :).

All in all the amount of teams in such an old game has in my opinion nothing to do with "dieing". ET is still alive