[img|right]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:BgHWsW2xXkXgRM:www.bluearan.co.uk/sales/behringer/images/XM8500_2.jpg[/img] Germany FlyingDJ has burst onto the ET scene, entertaining the masses with his shoutcasting, and providing a valuable alternative from the universally loved Radio iTG. His casts are in English and easily match native speakers in terms of deliverance and quality, an enormous feat and one he deserves to be credited with.
As Tuesday approaches, I attempted to gleam what goes on in a shoutcaster's mind just days before the big event:

United Kingdom foonr: Firstly, what does the prospect of casting not just a final, but a Eurocup final mean to you, it being one of ET's greatest prizes?

Germany FlyingDJ: Well, it is a great opportunity for me, it will be the most important game for me so far, and I will of course do my best to entertain the listeners. I hope it will be as exciting as you expect a final to be.

United Kingdom foonr: And going back several months, did you ever expect to have achieved what you have have done at the moment?

Germany FlyingDJ: I was uncertain of how those casts would work, not being a native speaker and totally unexperienced. But it went quite well, and most of the players, admins and listeners have given me tremendous support so far. Luckily, insults like those of the 141 team have not occured very often.

United Kingdom foonr: Do comments like those affect you much or not, and do you reckon if someone says they dislike your style you feel inclined to change, rather than stand your ground?

Germany FlyingDJ: If there is reasonable criticism, and I encourage every listener to utter criticism, I take it seriously and try to change certain things. I did that very often in the beginning, because I just had not done enough casts to know how it should be. I think I have now found my style, and obviously people like it. I have been and still am being compared with Toss a lot, but I try to do what I think is right rather than just adopting someone else's style. Regarding insults, I am aware that there will always be people who envy what you do or for some other reason don't like you, so I try to ignore those.

United Kingdom foonr: Talking of being envious, would you ever want to swap places as a shoutcaster with one of those skilled players you see in finals likes these (not that you arent uber skilled ;d)

Germany FlyingDJ: For all the games I have played competitively, I have never had the ambitition to be on top, and I am pretty happy at the moment with the shoutcasting. I think the community and the coverage is the main part of a game like ET.

United Kingdom foonr: You've been following this ongoing Eurocup, any personal memories, or events that stand out for you?

Germany FlyingDJ: Drc's first game after xpaz had left the active uQ roster was just amazing. anubis single-handedly defusing those dynamites in the game vs. gods was extremely exciting as well. Not to forget the amazing idle defense on supply, where they held the truck with 5 minutes left. 11 frag killing spree by sHy vs. insanity!. And all this confusion before the game 141 vs. gods of course.

United Kingdom foonr: You've just listed all these great events; do you see ET with a long lifespan left, or are you already looking ahead at what you will be shoutcasting in the future (if thats what you wish to do ofc :>)

Germany FlyingDJ: If there was an alternative to ET, I would say that activity will decline after the NationsCup. But there is no alternative, and so the impression "ET is dead" only arises because so many old-school players have or are going to quit. As for my shoutcasting, my main motivation for casting has been that I loved the game, but I am currently considering alternatives - I have played CS, StarCraft and Quake myself, so maybe you'll see me casting those games in the future - who knows ;-)

United Kingdom foonr: And finally, you'll be shoutcasting the finals, I know he didn't wish to predict the result, but do you have any thoughts as to what might happen?
Can Idle really pull of the impossible?

Germany FlyingDJ: If anyone deserves this victory, it is uQ. But the idle team of today is stronger than the one in the first play-off encounter of those two teams. Nevertheless, Finland for the win!

United Kingdom foonr: We shall see! Good luck for the cast and may the best team win ofc ;)

Germany FlyingDJ: Thanks for the interview, hope we will see a great game on Tuesday.

Next page = Community predictions