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Estonia idle.ee [img|right]http://home.arcor.de/2fastsprungi/clanbase/idle.ee.jpg[/img]

Estonia idle.ee 0 - 4 United Kingdom uQ-Gaming
Estonia idle.ee 4 - 0 Spain wArning!
Estonia idle.ee 4 - 0 image: ukil one4one
Estonia idle.ee 4 - 0 Europe IDKFA
Estonia idle.ee 4 - 0 image: fihu gods.inc

Idle have had a somewhat more turbulent journey to the finals. Having been dumped into the loser's bracket by Finland uQ in the first round of the playoffs, Idle have had to battle their way past strong challenges in the form of Spain wArning!, image: ukil 141, Europe IDKFA and image: fihu gods.inc just to reach this stage. Now, they face the prospect of one slip up and they're out. Don't think there is any less pressure on this side than last season with Estonia u96d winning the competition last year; if anything there is even more to prove as the current roster atempt to prove to everyone that they are ever bit as good as their compatriots. Only Estonia Night survives from that victorious team of old, and he must motivate his players ever again if the team is to be successful in the Eurocup XII.

Idle seem the least likely clan to split, despite any questions of the sort being promptly replied to along the lines of, "we'll see". With uQ already having announced their end, it is up to Idle to prevent the statistic of all Eurocup playoff clans folding. If the Estonians have won two maps by Tuesday, they will surely see the Eurocup as there for the taking. It's the agressiveness of Idle versus the rock solid defense of uQ, and the results are likely to be fireworks.

Germany Swine again caught up with another player for a short chat, this time the Idle clanleader Estonia Night:

Germany swine: It's the same situation like one year ago...again idle (u96d) from the loserbracket and uQ-Gaming (parodia) from the winnerbracket. what do you except for the final?

Estonia Night: I want to make the game as interesting as it was last season, so it's fun to watch

Germany swine: How do you prepare for the finale? Any "special tactics" or just

Estonia Night: Mostly praccing still, nothing special.

Germany swine: Some people say idle.ee is a mixxed team, nearly everyone says that the old u96d Lineup was much better but this idle.ee team lost only 2 maps in this eurocup. So maybe you are a little bit underrated in this case and do you think this team is stronger then the u96d team last year?

Estonia Night: It kinda is or was mixed team, now we're doing pretty ok already, atleast in my opinion. Hard to say which team is stronger. u96d played together more than this team, but this team is more stable. We started with 6 players and same 6 will finish the journey!

Germany swine: We read these days on xfire that uQ wont take another ET Squad. What's the future for you, your team and the ET part at idle.ee after the ec/nc?

Estonia Night: I think you all have to wait and see. We're not sure about anything yet..

Germany swine: What do you think? Is ET dead or still alive?

Estonia Night: It all depends on upcoming weeks, but I think that it could be survived! Only thing we need - some new cup(s) with decent prizes that would make teams wanna play still/again

Germany swine: 6. Ok, fast round, answer my questions with one word. Nationscup? ET: Quakewars? RTCW 2?

Estonia Night: NC: cool, ET:qw: nothx, RTCW2: woo!


With the recent addition of feruS, idle now have the following at their disposal:

Estonia Holz
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia elps
Estonia DeadMeat
Sweden feruS
Netherlands teKoa
Estonia Night

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